Intangible Cultural Heritage in Syria - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Patrimoine culturel immatériel en Syrie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

This article lists the practices listed in UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in Syria.


Syria has a practice repeated on the "representative list of intangible cultural heritage From UNESCO.

No practice is repeated on the "register of best practices for safeguarding culture ».

No additional practice is repeated on the "emergency backup list ».


Falconry, a living human heritage

Syria shares this practice with theGermany, the'Saudi Arabia, the'Austria, the Belgium, the United Arab Emirates, the'Spain, the France, the Hungary, the'Italy, the Kazakhstan, the Morocco, the Mongolia, the Pakistan, the Portugal, the Qatar, the South Korea and the Czechia.

* social practices, rituals and festive eventsFalconry is the traditional activity of conserving and training falcons and other raptors to catch game in their natural environment. Originally used as a means of obtaining food, falconry is identified today with the spirit of camaraderie and sharing more than with subsistence. It is mainly found along migration routes and corridors and is practiced by amateurs and professionals of all ages, men and women. Falconers develop a strong relationship and spiritual bond with their birds; strong involvement is needed to breed, train, train and fly falcons. Falconry is passed down as a cultural tradition through means as varied as mentoring, learning within the family, or more formal training in clubs. In hot countries, falconers take their children to the desert and teach them how to control the bird and build a trusting relationship with it. While falconers come from very diverse origins, they share common values, traditions and practices, including bird training methods and how to care for them, the equipment used and the emotional bond between the falconer and the bird. Falconry is the bedrock of a wider cultural heritage, which includes traditional costumes, food, songs, music, poetry and dances, all customs nurtured by the communities and clubs that practice it.Falconry capture.jpg
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