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This article lists the sites registered with World Heritage To Cyprus.


Cyprus accepts the convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage . The first protected site was inscribed in 1980.

Cyprus has 3 sites registered with World Heritage, all cultural.

The country has also submitted 12 sites to the Tentative List, 6 cultural, 5 natural and 1 mixed.


The following sites are listed as World Heritage.

1 Choirokoitia Cultural(ii), (iii), (iv)The Neolithic site of Choirokoitia, occupied from the 7th to the 4th millennium BC. AD, is one of the most important prehistoric sites in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. The remains found during excavations have made it possible to learn more about the evolution of human society in this region which is so important in this regard. The site has only been partially excavated, and therefore constitutes an exceptional archaeological reserve for future research.Khirokitia4.jpg
2 Painted churches of the Troodos region Cultural(ii), (iii), (iv)The Troodos region is home to one of the highest concentrations of churches and monasteries in the entire former Byzantine Empire. The ten monuments chosen to be inscribed on the World Heritage List, from small rural churches whose rustic architecture contrasts with the refinement of the decor to monasteries like Saint-Jean Lampadistis, are all richly decorated with murals that offer a panorama of the history of Byzantine painting in Cyprus.Asinou - Kirche Außen 2.jpg
3 Paphos Cultural(iii), (vi)Inhabited since Neolithic times, the site of Paphos was a place of worship of the pre-Hellenic fertility deities, then of Aphrodite herself, born according to legend in Paphos. The temple of the goddess, of Mycenaean construction, dates back to the 12th century BC. The remains of villas, palaces, theaters, fortresses and tombs give the site an exceptional architectural and historical interest. The mosaics of Nea Paphos are among the most beautiful in the world.Paphos Odeon.jpg
Criteria legend
(i)Represent a masterpiece of human creative genius.
(ii)To testify to a considerable exchange of influences during a given period or in a specific cultural area, on the development of architecture or technology, monumental arts, city planning or the creation of landscapes.
(iii)To bring a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or a living or disappeared civilization.
(iv)To be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates one or more significant periods in human history.
(v)Be a prominent example of traditional human settlement, traditional use of land or sea.
(vi)To be directly or materially associated with events or living traditions, ideas, beliefs or artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance.
(vii)Represent natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance.
(viii)To be eminently representative examples of the great stages in the history of the Earth.
(ix)To be eminently representative examples of ecological and biological processes underway in the evolution and development of ecosystems.
(x)Contain the most representative natural habitats and the most important for conservation in situ of biological diversity.
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