Phnom Sampeou - Phnom Sampeou

The Phnom Sampeou is a single mountain in the plain west of Battambang in Cambodia. From the top you have a good view of the wide plain around Battambang, which is the 'rice bowl of Cambodia'.

Stupa on the Phnom Sampeou


There is a legend about the origin of the mountain. The King of Siam once wanted to kidnap a king's daughter from southern Cambodia. On the way to Thailand he passed this place with his ship and the kidnapped woman. When the king's daughter stabbed the water with her hairpin, it disappeared and the ship froze to the Phnom Sampeou.

getting there

The mountain is about 12 kilometers from the provincial capital Battambang on the National Route 10 leading to Pailin. You can take a moped (KHR 10,000), tuk tuk or car ($ 15) to get there. The 154 meter high mountain can be seen from afar. It is recommended to take the excursion with the Wat Ek and the Phnom Banan connect to. There is a $ 2 fee for all three locations combined. The ticket is then valid for all destinations.

Tourist Attractions

Door at the pagoda on the Phnom Sampeou

All attractions are on the mountain. But not only these are worth the effort. A grandiose view makes up for the effort. For the visit you have to overcome 130 meters in altitude. Since there are two possibilities for ascent, a small circuit is ideal.

From the base, by the parking lots and restaurants, a path runs clockwise up the mountain. Halfway there is a junction. Keep to the left here. Once on the hill, you will find a small pagoda, past it you come to two paths, each of which leads to small caves. In the cave Laan Kijol, which can be reached via the left path, there is a reclining Buddha statue. The other cave, Laan Gah Slah, has an opening at the top. There was also a Khmer Rouge execution site on this mountain. For a few riels, children up there are guides to the caves.

A small path leads from the caves to the top of the mountain. After a few meters you will come back to the original path. If you follow this, you will reach a new Buddha statue after a while. The last stretch to the mountain top begins on the right hand side. On top is the beautifully renovated pagoda Wat Brahn something deeper that Wat Konping. From the pagodas you can relax for a while and enjoy the great view of the fields of Battambang province.


At the foot of the mountain you can buy some groceries and souvenirs.


There are a number of simple restaurants at the foot of the mountain. One is prepared for tourists and an English menu with a range of dishes is available.


There are no overnight accommodations on the mountain. The nearest accommodation is in 12 kilometers away Battambang. If you want to travel to Thailand, you will find the next room in Pailin.

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