Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng National Park - Phong-Nha-Kẻ-Bàng-Nationalpark

Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng
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It is located 450 kilometers southeast of Hanoi, 45 km northwest of Đồng Hới and 300 km northwest of Đà Nẵng and forms the core of the last closed forest area in central Vietnam. The national park is right on the border with Laos and belongs to the Annamite mountain range, which has become known for its bizarre limestone cliffs and caves as well as for its immense biodiversity. The park area, together with the Hin Namno biodiversity reserve on the Laotian side, is one of the two largest limestone areas in the world and includes several hundred caves, including long corridors with stalactites and stalagmites. British and Vietnamese scientists have explored twenty kilometers of it. There are many underground rivers and waterfalls.

The tourism sector, which is developing dynamically but not in an environmentally friendly way, is both a threat and an opportunity for the park. Currently, around 200,000 tourists a year come, mainly from inland, who visit the park's famous limestone caves from a boat. The local population has a share in this, for example through boat rentals and the hotel and restaurant industry. In particular, the park management and the regulatory authorities are required to provide and maintain the tourist infrastructure.


The national park was included in the list of UNESCO in 2003 World Heritage Sites Vietnam added.


The Phong Nha Kẻ Bang National Park (Vietnamese: Vườn quốc gia Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng) is part of the districts of Bố Trạch and Minh Hoa in the province Quảng Bình of north central Vietnam, about 500 kilometers south of the Vietnamese capital Hanoi, where the country is a narrow bridge between the South China Sea and Laos forms. It extends over an area of ​​around 86,000 hectares and is located directly on the border with Laos. The karst formation of the Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park has developed since the Paleozoic (around 400 million years ago) and is the oldest significant karst region in Asia. As a result of tectonic processes, the karst landscape of the park is specifically composed and shows numerous and very remarkable geomorphological features. The wide area shows impressive features, including numerous grottos and underground rivers over 65 kilometers in length. In April 2009, British researchers discovered twenty new caves in this national park with a total length of 56 kilometers, including what they say is the largest in the world. The Sơn Đoòng cave is bigger than that Deer Cave in Malaysia (in the Gunung Mulu National Park).

Flora and fauna

Phong Nha-Ke Bang cave3.jpg

With 381 described vertebrate species, including 59 amphibian species, Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng Bang is home to a great diversity of species. The park is considered a floristic center of high biological diversity in Indochina; There are more than 1,320 described plant species here. 112 species of mammals alone live in the park, including at least nine species of monkeys such as macaques, langurs and gibbons. New animal species are regularly discovered in the Annamites. These include the Saola antelope, the giant muntjac, the Annamite striped rabbit and the endangered gray-nosed monkey.


  • The most common tree species in this park are Hopea special, Sumbaviopsis Sumbaviopsis albicans, Garcinia Garcinia fragraeoides, Burretionendron Burretionendron hsienmu, Chukrasia Chukrasia tabularis, Photinia Photinia aroboreum and Dysospyros Dysospyros saletti. Evergreen trees dominate the park, especially Dipterocarpus Dipterocarpus kerri, Anogeissus Anogeissus acuminate, Pometia Pometia pinnata and Lagerstroemia Lagerstroemia calyculata.
  • In this park area are the ruling families: Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae and Rosaceae, and Gymnosperms like Podocarpus Podocarpus imbricatus, Podocarpus neriifolius, and Nageia Nageia fleuryi.
  • At least three rare orchid species are described, Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum malipoense, Paphiopedilum dianthum, Paphiopedilum concolor.
  • Endemic species in this national park are: Burretiodendron hsienmu, Cryptocarya Cryptocarya lenticellata, Deutrizanthus Deutrizanthus tonkinensis, Eberhardtia Eberhardtia tonkinensis, Heritiera Heritiera macrophylla, Hopea sp., Illicium Illicium parviflorum, Litsea Litsea baviensis, Madhuca Madhuca pasquieri, Michelia Michelia faveolata, Pelthophorum Pelthophorum tonkinensis, Semecarpus, Semecarpus annamensis, Sindora Sindora tonkinensis.


Cyrtodactylus phongnhakebangensis

The area is about 800 km². The project was founded in 1999 by the Cologne Zoo together with the Hanoi National University. The Cologne Zoo is committed to forest protection there and trains rangers. The recording of biodiversity is the basis of species protection. Numerous species have been discovered over the past decade. Together with the Frankfurt Zoological Society, a sanctuary for ten primate species, including the Hatinh langur and the red-legged robed monkey, is being funded. On November 3, 2005, Germany agreed to support the national park with 12.6 million euros. The main aim of this is to preserve the biodiversity of the area.

  • Several mammalian species are classified as endangered, including Capricornis sumatraensis, Megamuntiacus vuquangensis and likely endangered species are: Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis), Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and Helarctos malayanus. Also live in this area Manis javanica and tho van (Nesolagus timminsii). Of the small mammals in the park, 18 are on Vietnam's Red List of Endangered Species and 6 are on the Red List. Ten bat species are on the Red List of Endangered Species].
  • 72 species of birds live in the park, the most common species are: Arborophila charltonii, Picus rabieri, Anorrhinus austeni, Stachyris herberti and Jabouilleia danjoui.
  • In 2005, German and Vietnamese scientists discovered a new species of gecko endemic to the park (Cyrtodactylus phongnhakebangensis) discovered. Another endemic Gekko, Gekko scienciadventura, received its scientific name in 2004 in honor of the ZDF program “Adventure Knowledge”. As early as 1999, an international team of researchers discovered the three-horned pit viper, which is also endemic in the national park.
  • 72 species of fish are described, four of which are on the Red List, including Chela quangbinhensis.


getting there


The tourism service center is located in the municipality Sơn Trạch, in the Quảng TrạchDistrict. The park is open to visitors by train (Saigon-Hanoi route), bus (National Road 1A) or plane (Đồng Hới Airport) reachable. The park is on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The north-south train stops in Đồng Hới. The Vietnam Airlines serves the Hanoi international airport. This airline will be in 2009 with the Ho Chi Minh City International Airport connect. Tour guides from the tourism center are available in English, French and Chinese.

Fees / permits


Tourist Attractions

  • Phong Nha and Tien Son caves. Price: VND 40,000 VND (entry per cave).
  • Nuoc Mooc Spring Eco Trail. Price: VND 50,000 VND.
  • Thien Duong Cave (Paradise Cave). Price: VND 120,000.





Hotels and hostels

The town Đồng Hới, about 1 hour's travel time away, offers a whole range of hotels and guest houses and at least one beach resort. Of the city Phong Nha not far from the park offers some budget guest houses from around VND 150,000.

  • Trang An Hotel. Double room with private bathroom, A / C and refrigerator. Free WiFi.Price: VND 350,000.

There are two idyllic native options in the park:

  • 1  Chay Lap. Clean and quiet homestay with authentic local cuisine. Showers are not in the room. Organization of bicycles and kayaks.
  • Phong Nha Farmstay, Cu Nam Village in Bo Trach. Tel.: 84 94 4759864. Local cozy and quiet accommodation. Staff speaks english.Price: USD 8-35.


If you are thinking about camping, you should inform yourself beforehand with the park administration and obtain a permit. Unregistered visitors staying in the park are not very welcome.




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