Coastal plain of Guyana - Pianura costiera della Guyana

Coastal plain of Guyana
Local boats on the Berbice River

Coastal plain of Guyana is a region of the Guyana.

To know

This region comprises the majority of the population.

Geographical notes

The territory pertaining to the coastal plain of Guyana extends along the entire coast between Venezuela is Suriname.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Bartica - River port.
  • Charity - Small town on the Pomeroon River, a navigable river up to Venezuela.
  • Georgetown - Capital of the country.
  • Mabaruma - Located not far from the coast and the border with Venezuela.
  • New Amsterdam - Coastal city about 100 km from the capital.
  • Parika - Port city at the mouth of the Essequibo River, located on its eastern bank.

Other destinations

  • Essequibo Islands - Essequibo Islands-Western Demerara is an administrative division of Guyana cut in two by the Essequibo river and that in its mouth there are several islands including Hog, Wakenaam and Leguan. Not all islands are inhabited but they are still all accessible from Parika. The whole area is protected by the WWF and has been designated as an important natural area.

How to get

Being the capital here it is likely that every visitor will enter this region first. Those who come from the Brazil, who will first stop in the city of Linden.

How to get around

The region is served by a series of roads and rivers.

By car

There are paved roads ranging from Charity on the border with Suriname to Corriverton, although the Essequibo River must be crossed by ferry or speedboat.

On boat

The only way to get around north of Charity is in the water.

What see

What to do

At the table


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