Piedmontese Po Valley - Pianura padana piemontese

Piedmontese Po Valley
Novara from the countryside

The Piedmontese Po Valley is a sub-region belonging to Piedmont.

To know

The peculiar element of this territory is undoubtedly the paddy field: vast expanses of water as far as the eye can see that extend into the plain. The famous "checkered sea" which for centuries has guaranteed the subsistence of local populations and today produces a precious rice appreciated all over the world. This silent agricultural landscape is interrupted only by the country farmhouses, where the mondine once worked there, or by small villages or towns, perched around a castle or a ricetto.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Novarese - It is the easternmost part of Piedmont and is deeply influenced by its neighbor Lombardy, so much so that the Lombard dialect is spoken there. The territory is crossed by numerous streams and canals at the service of agriculture and industry, which are considerably developed. The typical product of this area is Gorgonzola Dop, exported all over the world.
      Vercellese - Flat land, with a purely agricultural vocation, it is the largest rice producer in Italy. The landscape is made up of rice fields and moors, locally called baragge. The main city is Vercelli that stands out on the surrounding plain.

Urban centers

  • Novara - The city preserves interesting artistic and architectural treasures such as the bold dome of the Basilica of San Gaudenzio, the very symbol of the city, and the early Christian baptistery of the cathedral, one of the oldest religious buildings in Piedmont.
  • Vercelli - An extremely important agricultural and commercial center, it offers tourists an enviable historic center camped by the Abbey of Sant'Andrea, the Cathedral and the splendid Torre dell'Angelo.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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