Plettenberg - Plettenberg

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Plettenberg is a city in Sauerland in North Rhine-Westphalia.


The city of Plettenberg is located in the west of the Sauerland, the so-called Brandenburg Sauerland between the Lennegebirge in the north and the Ebbegebirge in the south. Due to its geographical situation at the confluence of the Else in the Lenne on the one hand and the two flowing waters of the Grünerbach and Oesterbach, it was also given the name "Four Valleys City". The place consists of the five districts city center, Eiringhausen, Holthausen / upper Elsetal, Oestertal and Ohle.

As early as 1072, a forerunner of Plettenberg was first mentioned in a document from the Grafschaft monastery under the name "Heslipho". The granting of city rights in 1397 is considered the actual founding act of the city.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

By boat


Map of Plettenberg

Tourist Attractions

  • Possibly Christ Church (City center) built around 1230. The building is considered a model for many Westphalian hall churches of the Brandenburg type. The west tower was built around 1100 and was part of the previous building.
  • old ev. Village church in the district Ohle, built around 1050 to 1100 as a house chapel. The steeple was only built in 1750, the building belongs to the rare Westphalian type of the choir tower church.
  • Schwarzenberg castle ruins built around 1301 and only preserved as a ruin today.
  • Brüninghausen Castle. First mentioned in 1311, the castle is privately owned.
  • Grimminghausen Castle, actually a mansion. It is located on a hill and is part of the Ebbegebirge Nature Park
  • District Court, An der Lohmühle - A building from the Wilhelmine era.


  • 1  AquaMagis. Tel.: 49 (0)2391 60550. Fun pool, indoor pool area, extreme slides, looping water slide.
  • Weidenhof cinemas, Auf der Weide 31 - The only cinema in town has four halls.




  • Cocktail bar city life
  • VierTäler Lounge
  • Woodworm



The Plettenberg Hospital can be found in Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Str. 17th

Practical advice


  • Sauerland small train - The museum train runs on certain days between the Plettenberg district of Köbbinghauser Hammer and Herscheid-Hüinghausen.
  • Oester dam - At the reservoir on the edge of the local area there is also a campsite. Diving continues here (up to approx. 25-30 m), the necessary diving permit is available from the TSC Plettenberg.
  • Altena Castle in Altena
  • Atta cave - One of the largest stalactite caves in Germany in the neighboring city Attendorn


Web links

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