Porto de Galinhas - Porto de Galinhas

Porto de Galinhas is a seaside resort in the brazilian local community Ipojuca and is one of the most important tourist destinations in Brazil. The beach is about 60 kilometers south of Recife.

Porto de Galinhas beach
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Map of Porto de Galinhas

Porto de Galinhas is located on an 18 km long white sand beach that stretches from the Praia de Muro Alto in the north, about the Praia de Cupe, Praia de Porto Galinhas and Praia de Maracaipe until Pontal de Maracaipe extends. The readers of the Brazilian travel magazine Viagem e Turismo ("Travel and Tourism") have chosen Porto de Galinhas as the most beautiful booth in Brazil for several years (viagemeturismo.abril.com.br). The average water temperature is 26 degrees Celsius.

After the discovery of Brazil and the colonization by the Portuguese in the 16th century, Porto de Galinhas was an important port for the export of Brazilian timber to Europe. In the 17th century, Porto de Galinhas gained importance as a port for the export of cane sugar. Porto de Galinhas literally means "port of the chickens". After the slave trade was banned in the 18th century, “chicken” was the code word for slaves. "There are new chickens in town" meant that a ship full of slaves had arrived.

getting there

By plane

The nearest airport is the newly built one Recife International Airport (Guararapes / Gilberto Freire). Recife is served daily from Lisbon TAP Portugal, twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays) from Frankfurt with Condor and on Sundays from Miami or Paris with TAM Linhas Aéreas as well as from almost all major cities in Brazil.

From Recife International Airport (Guararapes / Gilberto Freire) you can take a rental car (R $ 60.00 per day), a minibus with air conditioning (R $ 150.00 for up to 12 people), a taxi (R $ 105 , 00) or by bus (Onibus) from Cruzeiro (R $ 7.60 or R $ 11.00 with air conditioning - half price on Sundays). The Cruzeiro company buses from Recife to Porto de Galinhas stop at the airport right in front of the exit. Line 191 has no air conditioning and line 195 has air conditioning (both lines usually run every hour, about half an hour apart).

By bus

Buses from Cruzeiro (Tel. 0800 81 2662 or 81 21019000) run from Recife, Avenida Dantas Barreto (in the city center) between 4:45 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. every 30 minutes (line 191/195, see above). The buses do not depart from the Rodoviário de Passageiros Terminal (TIP) (Bus Station). There is a metro connection from TIP to Avenida Dantas Barreto. The drive from Recife to Porto de Galinhas takes around 2 hours 30 minutes. The bus stop in Porto de Galinhas is the petrol station on Rua de Esperança.

There are also private minibuses that offer shuttles to Recife and the airport in the area of ​​the petrol station. The price is a matter of negotiation, is sometimes above or below the price of the public bus (depending on how busy and how good the condition of the minibus is) - however, the minibus is much faster than the Cruzeiro bus because it takes the newly built express road and doesn't stop in so many places.

With the car

Porto de Galinhas is 60 km from Recife, 330 km from Natal, 800 km from Salvador, 2,300 km from Rio de Janeiro and 2,800 km from Sao Paulo.

  • From Recife airport turn right on Marechal Mascarenhas de Morais Av. and after 4 km reaches the two-lane Federal road BR101. Either you stay on the later toll motorway (just follow the signs to Galinhas) or drive around it on the old country road. On this one must pay attention to the signs "Praias" (beaches). You can turn off on the two-lane road after 2 or 1 km. If you take the first junction, you drive 7 km on a single-lane road and then turn left into the State road PE-60 a. If you follow the second junction, you drive 2 km on a single lane road, then turn left towards Cabo de Santo Agostinho and after 1 km right onto the state road PE-60. After 18 km you will reach the junction for State road PE-38 Direction Porto de Galinhas, after 9 km you will reach the Nossa Senhora do Ó district and continue straight on for 1 km State road PE-09 to Porto de Galinhas.
  • Of Recife one drives on the Federal road BR101 to Cabo de Santo Agostinho and further as above (approx. 75 km).
  • From direction south one drives from Alagoas on the Federal road BR101 and reaches about 100 km after the border of the state of Cabo de Santo Agostinho. There you turn right and continue as indicated above.
  • Of Maceio it is better to drive on the AL101 / AL465 along the coast of Alagoas. After the border with the state of Pernambuco, the state road is called PE-60. After 64 km turn right towards Porto de Galinhas and follow the state roads PE-38 and PE-09 as above.


On the beach of Porto de Galinhas

The place Porto de Galinhas is relatively small. It consists only of the main square Pracinha and few streets. The main road Rua de Esperanca leads from the outskirts to the beach, it becomes from the streets Rua dos Navegantes, Rua das Pisicinas Naturais and Rua Beijupirá crossed. Most of the hotels can be found north or south of the village ((towards Muro Alto or Maraicaipe).

The beaches are within walking distance. A popular trip is in buggies from Muro Alto to Ponte de Maracaipe ("Ponta a Ponta") and costs R $ 120.00 for 3 hours and R $ 140.00 for 6 hours. The phone number of the Buggy Owners and Drivers Association is 81 3552 1930.

You can also go to other beaches in the vicinity of Porto de Galinhas, for example Serrambi, Praia dos Carneiros (Tamandaré) or Praia de Calhetas (Cabo de Santo Agostinho).

Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Piscinas Naturais. The Piscinas Naturais are the main attraction of Porto de Galinhas. When the water recedes at low tide, the water and fish remain in natural pools large enough for 20 or 30 people to swim in them. Small sailing boats (jagandas) bring people to these natural pools, the trip costs R $ 50.00 per person. The boatmen (Jangadeiross) have a license from the city government and feed the fish. The fish don't care about the swimmers, but when fed they come in shoals, which can scare some. The most famous of these natural pools is Mapa do Brazil, swimming is prohibited here.
  • 2  Seahorse. Tel.: 55 (0)81 3552 2990, 55(0)81 8811 6118. In Pontal de Maracaipe come Seahorse in front. A trip on a jangada (fishing boat) costs R $ 15.00 per person. The skipper dives and shows seahorses in a glass. The Projeto hippocampus is located on Rua da Esperanca, 700.Open: Visits: Tue - Sat 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Price: Admission: R $ 4.00.


  • 1  Muro Alto. The northernmost beach in Porto de Galinhas. The name is derived from the cliffs that form a 3 meter high wall on the 2 km long stretch of beach. You can get to the beach from the police station on state road PE 09 by car or on foot from Cupe Beach. After the Hotel Nannai Beach, you can only continue on foot or with a buggy. Jet ski beach. This is where the Marupiara Suítes Muro Alto, Hotel Nannai Beach Resort, Hotel Summerville Beach Resort, Hotel Marulhos Muro Alto and Beach Class Resort Muro Alto are located.
  • 2  Cuipe. Cuipe is also north of Porto de Galinhas. The beach can be reached by car from the police station on state road PE 09. 1 km after the junction for Muro Alto, a sandy road leads to the beach of Cuipe. This stretch of beach has no reefs. As a result, the waves are very strong and there are currents that can be dangerous for swimmers. But this beach is very popular with surfers. Most of the hotels and pousadas are located here.
  • 3  Porto de Galinhas. The most famous beach in northeastern Brazil. It has been voted the most beautiful beach in Brazil several times by the readers of Viagem e Turismo (Travel and Tourism) magazine. It consists of a 4 km long beach with white sand, palm trees and clear water. In just 5 minutes you can take a boat to the Piscinas Naturais to reach. On this stretch of beach there are several bars, many restaurants and the hotels Pontal de Ocaporã, Village, Portal Atlântico, Enotel Resort & Spa Porto de Galinhas and Hotel Armação de Porto. Here you can get one Jangada Rent a (small fishing boat with sails) and visit the Piscinas Naturais or take a buggy to the other beaches.
  • 4  Maracaipe. The surfing paradise of Porto de Galinhas. The waves can be very strong so swimming can be dangerous. Access is via a road that runs along the beach to Villa de Todos os Santos. The Brazilian surf championship Circuito Brasileiro de Surfe takes place here. There are a few bars, restaurants and small hotels here. The beach, especially around the Pontal der Maracaipe, is not allowed to be used with buggies because of the TAMAR project to protect the sea turtles.


  • Drive by catamaran to Ilha de Santa Aleixo and Praia de Carneiro. Tel.: (0)81 3552 2180, (0)81 8811 7393. Drive by catamaran to Ilha de Santa Aleixo and Praia de Carneiro. Catamara Cavalho Marinho, Tel., Offers two boat trips. The Catamara Cavalho Marinho I (50 passengers) goes to Ilha de Santa Aleixo and Praia de Carneiro, fare R $ 120.00 including transfer from Porto de Galhinas to the departure point and lunch, children R $ 80.00. The journey takes about 6 hours. The Catamara Cavalho Marinho II (70 passengers) goes from Pier de Guadalupe to Praia de Carneiro and Praia de Guadalupe, fare R $ 80.00, lunch R $ 25.00, children R $ 55.00. The journey takes about 5 hours.
  • Boat tours
  • Kite surfing. At the Pontal do Maracaipe.
  • Riding in Maracaipe. The ride begins at the Fazenda Chalés de Maracaípe and leads along the coast and past mangrove forests, the remains of the Mata Atlantica forest and coconut plantations.



  • Barcaxeira
  • Beijupirá, R. Beijupirá. Tel.: (0)8181 3552 2354, (0)8181 3552 2758, Email: . Good but expensive. Main courses R $ 35.00 to 49.00, R $ 58.00 for 2 people, crabs R $ 56.00, R $ 75.00 for 2 people, lobster R $ 120.00, dessert R $ 10.00 to R $ 18.00.
  • Carne-de-Sol da Cunha
  • Peixe na Telha, Rua das Piscinas Naturais. Fish restaurant, located directly on the beach, specialty Camarao na Moranga (shrimp in pumpkin).
  • Tio Dadá


There are numerous bars and restaurants, but not on the beach.



  • 1  Aconchego do Porto, PE - 09 - km 06 - Loteamento Porto do Sol, Porto de Galinhas 55590-000.
  • 2  Porto de Galinhas Praia Hotel, Rodovia PE 09-Km 06, Porto de Galinhas, 55590-000.
  • 3  Pousada Porto Verde, Loteamento Recanto Porto de Galinhas, Praca 1, Lote J, Porto de Galinhas.


  • 4  Armacao, Loteamento Merepe II, Quadra G1, Lot 7 e 9, Porto de Galinhas, 55590-000. Spacious hotel complex on the stand section of Cupe, approx. 2 km from the town center, a taxi ride to the town center costs R $ 10.00.
  • 5  Marulhos Suites Resort, Gleba 6B, Praia de Muro Alto, Porto de Galinhas.
  • Marupiara, Rodovia PE 9 - Km 5.5, Porto de Galinhas, 55590-000.
  • 6  Pontal de Ocaporã, Sitio Costa Tropicana Lote1 Bloque2 Merete Praia, Porto de Galinhas, 55590-000. Tel.: 55 (0)81 3552-5000.
  • 7  Pousada Ecoporto, Avenida Beira Mar, s / n, Merepe 2 - Km 6.5, Porto de Galinhas.
  • 8  Pousada Marambaia do Porto, Alameda Beira Mar, Porto de Galinhas, 55590.
  • 9  Village Porto de Galinhas, Rodovia PE09, km 5.5 s / n, Ipojuca, Porto de Galinhas, 55592-000.



Practical advice

Porto de Galinhas is now a tourist place. The price level in Porto de Galinhas is much higher than in Recife. There are many wandering traders on the beaches who are subject to strict regulations. A fee for armchairs can be charged on the beaches if you do not reach a certain minimum consumption. Cantadores (singing guitar players) can often be found on the beach

  • 1  Tourist Information Center of Informações Turísticas (ACAPG), R. Esperança 181. Tel.: (0)81 3552 1728, (0)81 9609 7232. Open: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Post (Correios), R. Esperança. Tel.: (0)81 3552 1902.


  • The lonely beach of Enseadinha with coral reefs, calm water and mangroves is located south of the Pontal de Maracaipe. You can only walk to Enseadinha beach from the Pontal de Maracaipe at low tide.
  • The beach of Serrambi is 4 km from the Pontal de Maracaipe and can be reached on foot via the secluded beach of Enseadinha. The beach can be reached by car from the PE-60 state road. It is suitable for swimming, surfing and diving. Here you will find the Hotel Ventaclub Praia Serrambi and several small hotels.
  • The beach of Toquinho is a sandy beach on a peninsula with strong waves on the sea-facing side and calm waters of the Serrambi River. Similar to Muro Alto, there is a reef in front of the beach. There is a nice coconut plantation here. Here you can go by boat or kayak on the Serrambi River, cross over to Ilha de Santo Aleixo by boat, dive or visit the mouth of the Serrambi River.
  • Travel agencies in Porto de Galinhas offer excursions to the Praia dos Carneiros (Pick-up from the hotel, approx. 1 hour drive, crossing by catamaran, 3 to 4 hours stay on the beach, R $ 50.00), after Cabo de Santo Augustino, Igarassu and to the Ilha de Itamaracá with a visit to the oldest church in Brazil Santos Cosmo e Damián, the Center for the Protection and Conservation of Manatees, Caruaru and Nova Jerusalém with a visit to a craft exhibition and the largest open-air theater in the world, to the beaches ofJoao Pessoa and Paraíba as Maragogi and Alagoas at.
  • Probably the most beautiful beach area is that of Praia dos Carneiros in Tamandaré.
  • To the Primavera waterfalls (75 km)


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