Gołdap poviat - Powiat gołdapski

County coat of arms

Gołdap poviat - a district in the north-east Poland, in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, located on Masuria, Near Suwałki Region. The city is the seat of the authorities of the Gołdap poviat Goldap.

The area of ​​the poviat is 722 km2which makes it slightly smaller than the German Hamburg.

An administrative division

The poviat consists of:

  • urban-rural communes: Gołdap
  • rural communes: Banie Mazurskie, Dubeninki
  • town: Gołdap


Monuments and attractions

Railway viaduct in Stańczyki

The main monuments of the Gołdap poviat are:

  • Pyramid in Rapa
  • Railway viaducts in Stańczyki
  • Palace in Galwiecie
  • Church and cemetery in Żytkiejmy
  • Manor complex in Rogajny
  • Oswald Kahnert memorial boulder in Jurkiszki
  • Former evangelical church in Dubeninki
  • Bridges over the Jarka in Botkunach
  • Ruins of the church and orthodox church in Banie Mazurskie
  • Co-cathedral, barracks and Victory Square in Gołdap

The most important tourist attractions of the district are:

  • Graduation towers in Gołdap
    Romincka Forest Landscape Park
  • Piłackie Wzgórza nature reserve
  • Wzgórza Szewskie and Szewska Góra
  • Natura 2000 area Tatarska Góra and Lake Tatarskie
  • Black Lake
  • Museum of Inuit and Indians in the ecological center in Ściborki
  • Museum of the Gołdap Region in Gołdap
  • Sports and Recreation Center "Piękna Góra" in Gołdap
  • Safari Zoo in Koników
  • Graduation towers, Spa Park and pump room in Gołdap

Nature conservation

In order to protect the beautiful and rich nature of the district, many different forms of nature protection were created in the Gołdap Region. There is 1 landscape park in the poviat (PK Puszczy Romincka), several nature reserves and ecological sites. In addition, in the Gołdap district, you can find over 15 natural monuments.


Bike trails

The Eastern Green Velo Bicycle Trail, nearly 2,000 km long, runs through the district. Over 80 km of bicycle route runs through the Gołdap district, of which 34.6 km long it meets the requirements of the Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy on technical conditions to be met by public roads and their location. On the length of 45.4 km, bicycle traffic takes place according to general rules. In the district, this trail runs next to several important tourist points (e.g. near the pyramid in Rapa).


There is a relatively well-developed network of accommodation places in the poviat. The largest number of accommodation points is in Gołdap and close to the main attractions of the poviat.


It is worth a try
