Średzki County (Greater Poland Voivodeship) - Powiat średzki (województwo wielkopolskie)

Średzki poviat
POL Średzki County Wlkp COA.svg
POL Greater Poland Voivodeship Średzki County map.svg
RegionGreater Poland Voivodeship
Surface623.18 km²
Populationapproximately 55,000
Area code61
Postal Code63-000

Średzki poviat it is located in the central part of the Greater Poland Voivodeship, south-east of the city of Poznań. It covers five municipalities: Dominowo, Screams, New Town on the Warta River, Zaniemyśl and the town and commune of Środa Wlkp. Średzki poviat borders the following poviats: Poznań, Września, Jarocin and Śrem. The city is the seat of the poviat authorities Środa Wielkopolska - only 33 km away from the capital of the Greater Poland Voivodeship - Poznań - only 33 km.



The Średzki poviat has an agricultural and industrial character. A regulated river flows in its southern part Guard. The poviat's area is flat and its forest cover is 16%. The region is dominated by the landscape typical of Wielkopolska - vast lowlands filled with a checkerboard of fields and meadows, adorned with lines of roadside willows or alders by rivers and streams, small hills, sometimes covered with forests. The land of Środa is geographically located in the area Gniezno Lake District, subregion of the Greater Poland Lakeland. The northern part is Września plain diversified in the south-west by the long channel of the Zaniemysko-Kórnik lakes. It occupies the southern part of the Środa Region The Śrem Basinwhich is crossed in the middle by the wide Warta river valley, flowing here on the east-west line. The highest point is Góra Górzno - 124.2 m, located in the north-eastern part of the poviat, while the lowest point is the Warta valley (63.5 m) at the western end, at the height of Solec. The landscape is diversified by small rivers and streams - Głuszynka, Moskawa, Miłosławka or Średzka Struga. There are four lakes and a retention reservoir in the county.




The good location of the poviat, extensive infrastructure, a well-developed network of road and rail roads as well as the wealth of monuments make the Średzki poviat an attractive place for economic investments, as well as a region full of charm and interesting places worth visiting and getting to know well.


There are communication routes running through the poviat connecting the Baltic Sea Coast with Silesia - the national road no.11 and a railway line from the north to the south of Poland. There is a motorway 9 km from Środa Wielkopolska A-2 connecting east and west.

By plane

By rail

There are railway stations in the poviat in the following towns:Środa Wielkopolska, Chocicza, Sulęcinek, Solec.

By car

By bus


The poviat consists of the following communes:


Interesting places




  • Bistro Pod Żurawiem - the inn is located on the national road No. 11 near the village Miąskowoon the road Środa WielkopolskaJarocin. The restaurant offers a wide selection of home-made dinners and drinks. There are also two rooms available for communions, meetings and special events. There is a car park in front of the premises - open 7 days a week, from 7:00 to 24:00.

CONTACT - Murzynówko 1, 63-023 Sulęcinek; phone: +48 61 286 20 37; website: [1].

This website uses content from the website: [2] published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0