Tokushima prefecture - Prefectura de Tokushima

Japan tokushima map small.png

The Tokushima prefecture (徳 岛 県 Tokushima -ken) is on the eastern side of the Japan.


Tokushima was formerly known as the province of Awa (阿波).




Other destinations

To get

By plane

The nearest international airport is at Kansai.

By train

The JR Kōtoku Line (高 徳 线), the line connects to Tokushima with Takamatsu.

By bus

Direct buses from Kobe (2 hours)

By ferry

Ferries leave several times a day between Wakayama and the city of Tokushima (2 hours) and there is one boat per day for Kitakyushu (14.5h) and Tokyo (17.5h).

How to get around

By train

The JR Tokushima Line (徳 岛 线)


Tokushima's best scenery is located at the western end. The best known are the treacherous ravines of Oboke and Koboke.


Tokushima's biggest annual event is the Awa Odori dance, held every year in August in the city of Tokushima.

To buy

To eat

  • Naruto kintoki - Some of the best sweet potatoes in the world.

To drink





I respect

See also

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