Cuenca province - Provincia de Cuenca

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Location of the province of Cuenca in Spain.

The Cuenca province is a region of the interior of Spain.


The province offers a wide tourist, cultural and historical-artistic offer as well as natural spaces.

Natural spaces

Karst table or table in the Enchanted City, Cuenca
  • Sickles of Beteta and Tragavivos. Karst structural geomorphological elements typical of the evolution of slopes such as landslides, waterfalls, travertines, meanders, upwellings and cavities. The result is a set of great scenic beauty.
  • Source of the Cuervo river. a place of great natural beauty, especially recommended in winter and spring, when the rains make it increase its flow.
  • El Hosquillo Experimental Game Park. This space was created in 1964 as an Experimental Hunting Park, its main function being to act as a hunting farm to repopulate hunting areas with species such as deer, mountain goats, roe deer and wild boar. Very important Environmental Education activities are also carried out.
  • Cañada del Hoyo lagoons. declared a Natural Monument. They consist of seven lagoons, although almost unknown, they are touristically attractive due to their different colors, depths, sizes, stories and legends.
  • Alleys of Las Majadas. natural environment in Las Majadas, in which the erosion of Cretaceous limestone rocks produced curious shapes such as passages, arches, monoliths or bridges, configuring a landscape similar to that of the Enchanted City, although of smaller dimensions and surface than this.
  • Sickles of the river Mira. are a series of sickle-shaped canyons that the river Moya's Eyes / Mira, a tributary of the Cabriel River, has been creating in an area of ​​limestone rock in the municipality of Mira.
  • Palancares and Tierra Muerta Natural Monument. it is one of the most important karst complexes in Spain. Formed by numerous streams, which constitute its most representative value, as well as sinkholes, chasms, sinkholes and lapiaces. Within the area of ​​the Monument is located the paleontological site of "Las Hoyas" of enormous scientific importance due to the contribution of very valuable information on the Lower Cretaceous ecosystems and on the evolution of flora and fauna.
  • The Enchanted City. Declared a Natural Site of National Interest in 1929, it is the most important tourist place in the province. Here are 'stones' with shapes that surprise the visitor.
  • Muela Pinilla y del Puntal Natural Monument. It includes a valuable representation of different formations of karst origin such as those known as "Enchanted City" of considerable extension, known in the environment as "El Tormagal", due to the abundance of tormos.
  • Serrezuela de Valsalobre Natural Monument. owes its declaration as a protected space to the geological formations resulting from a karst modeling, which due to their typology, development and extension are highly representative of the area where they are located. ruiniformes and the diversity and profusion of chasms, galleries and room with a great variety of speleothems.
  • El Ventano del Diablo in the Júcar River Canyon. one of the best views of the province of Cuenca.
  • Uña Lagoon. beautiful ecosystem of flora and fauna artificially created as a water reservoir and fish farm.
  • Hoces del Cabriel natural reserve. natural reserve that protects the right bank of the Cabriel river and its gorges, bordering the province of Valencia.
  • Torcas de Lagunaseca Natural Monument. The set of karst formations of high geomorphological interest stands out, consisting of various closed depressions of the terrain such as torcas, sinkholes, uvalas and poljes, and by other minor elements such as lapiaces.
  • Valverde de Júcar Beach in the Alarcón Reservoir.

Towns and historical heritage

Belmonte Castle.
Roman theater of Segóbriga.
  • Cuenca city: capital of the province, it is a main destination as it is considered a World Heritage Site. The famous Hanging houses on the Huécar river gorge, the Cathedral, the San Pablo bridge or its many churches. At Easter, the famous Conquense Easter processions.
  • Belmonte: town with a medieval castle declared a historic monument in 1931, best known for serving as the setting for jousting in the Hollywood blockbuster El Cid as well as in many other shootings, becoming the castle that has had the most appearances in the cinema in all of Spain. A must-see is its 15th century collegiate church, inside which resides the first known historical choir in Spain, as well as an Iberian organ rebuilt in 1992 of excellent sound quality. The town is partially built within a wall whose access gates are still intact.
  • Alarcón: this town has an interesting Historic-Artistic Complex, having its maximum exponent in its castle.
  • Castle of Enguídanos. Castle fortress of Arab origin that was built between the 10th and 11th centuries, with a rectangular layout and three cubes in the corners
  • Segóbriga Archaeological Park: located in the town of Saélices (Cuenca), it constitutes one of the most significant archaeological sites on the Iberian Peninsula. Its origins date back to the Iron Age, although its most splendid moment belongs to the Roman era, highlighting its theater and amphitheater from the Flavian period.
  • Archaeological site of the Roman city of Ercávica: located in the municipality of Cañaveruelas and is an eloquent and significant example of the Romanization process in the interior of Hispania.
  • Archaeological site of the Roman city of Valeria: the ruins of the Roman city of Valeria located around the Hoz del Screaming River in the municipality of The Valeras.
  • Route of the Faces: works carved in sandstone rock, with sizes between one and three and a half meters high. The route is made up of sixteen gigantic sculptures that make up a route between the pine forests of the town of Good day. A series of mysterious and fantastic faces watch undaunted the walker who enters the paths of the pine forest.
  • Valverde de Júcar Beach in the Alarcón Reservoir.


The neighboring provinces complement the visit with an interesting cultural proposal.

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