Panama Province - Provincia di Panama

Panama Province
Bahia de Panama.jpg
Panama Province - Location

Panama Province is one of the provinces ofhomonymous stateCentral American.

To know

The province of Panama is the most visited in the country not only for the presence of the capital but also for the islands scattered in the bay and for the beaches of the mainland all touched by the Pan-American. The main attraction of the province is the Zona del Canale.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Other destinations

  • Archipiélago de Las Perlas (or Islas de las Perlas) - Group of 39 islands (and 100 islets) located in the heart of the Gulf of Panama.
  • Isla Taboga (or Isla de Taboga) - Volcanic island on the Gulf of Panama, also known as Isla de las Flores thanks to its exuberant tropical vegetation that blooms almost all year round.
  • Gatún lake - The largest artificial lake in the world located on the Chagres River, from which the water necessary for the functioning of the Panama Canal lock system is drawn.
  • Altos de Campana National Park - Biological Reserve which was first elected a national park in 1966. Located on the west side of the Panama Canal.
  • Soberanía National Park (Parque Nacional Soberanía) - Located on the banks of the canal 25 km from the capital.
  • Playa Corona - Playa Corona is the first of a long series of beaches that meet on the Pan-American carretera, a continuation of those in the territory of Coclé province (El Farrallón). The other beaches respond to the names of Playa Río Mar, Playa El Palmar, Playa Serena, Playa Malibú, Playa Coronado.
  • Punta Chame - Corregimiento of the district of Chame on the carretera Pan-American.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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