Pontevedra province - Provincia di Pontevedra

Pontevedra province
The Cíes Islands in the Atlantic Islands National Park
Pontevedra Province - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Pontevedra Province - Coat of Arms
Pontevedra Province - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Pontevedra is a province of the GaliciaSpanish.

To know

The province is part of the "Rías Baixas" region (Rías Bajas in Castilian), deep inlets that affect the west coast of the Galicia where short rivers flow. The major tourist centers are located within the rías, characterized by calmer waters than those of the ocean and a milder climate. Just off the coast are tiny islets and archipelagos. The most coveted are the Cíes Islands and that of Ons, within the boundaries of a natural park and with limited accommodation options, so it will be necessary to book well in advance.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 A Look (The guard) - Traditional Galician village, A Look stands on a small gulf, squeezed between sea and mountains, just north of the estuary of the Miño river which marks the natural border with the Portugal.
  • 2 Baiona (Bayona) - Located on a gulf at the mouth of the Vigo estuary, Baiona it is famous because on 28 February 1493 La Pinta, the first of the three caravels of Christopher Columbus to return to Europe, landed at its port.
  • 3 Cambados - Located on the cove (ría) of Arousa, Cambados it is famous for the production of Albariño wine and in 2017 it was elected as the European city of wine.
  • 4 Catoira - Located on the left bank of the Ulla River, at the end of the Ría de Arosa, Catoira is a village of 3,000 inhabitants amidst landscapes of woods and marshes guarded by the ruins of 9th century fortifications.
  • 5 Combarro - Village around Pontevedra, famous for its graceful traditional architecture, including the horreos, granaries in the shape of huts resting on pillars to prevent the entry of humidity and animals, especially rodents.
  • 6 O Grove (El Grove) - On a small peninsula of the Arousa estuary, O Grove is a town of 10,000 inhabitants still devoted to fishing, especially the mussel culture. Tourism is highly developed as evidenced by the numerous hotels and hotels, including luxury hotels on its coasts and on the islet of La Toja (Isla de La Toja).
  • 7 Pontevedra - With a long seafaring tradition behind it, Pontevedra is internationally renowned for its urbanism and its pedestrianization and above all for its historic center, the most interesting in Galicia after that of Santiago de Compostela.
  • 8 Sabucedo (San Lorenzo de Sabucedo) - Village of the hinterland among green landscapes, Sabucedo is famous for the Rapa das bestas, a tradition that consists in bringing together horses left in a semi-wild state in the surrounding countryside annually in July to cut their mane and provide the necessary care.
  • 9 Sanxenxo (Sangenjo) - The main tourist center in the summer of the province of Pontevedra and Galicia thanks to the beach In Lanzada, more than 4 kilometers long and to the numerous night clubs available to its vacationers.
  • 10 Tui - Located on the left bank of the Miño River, almost opposite the Portuguese city of Valença do Minho, Tui boasts an imposing Romanesque-style cathedral fortress that dominates the town from the top of a hill.
  • 11 Vigo - Major center of the province of Pontevedra by population, Vigo is an industrial city and one of the ports where you can embark for the Cies islands.

Other destinations

  • Galicia Atlantic Islands National Park (Parque nacional de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia) - A protected natural area that includes the archipelagos of Cíes and Ons and the islands of Sálvora and Cortegada.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

A small spa is 1 Cuntis where there are springs of sulphurous waters of 64 ° C, almost all exploited by private establishments and hotels with the exception of those of Fogo de Deus which are public.

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pontevedra province
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pontevedra province
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