Puerto Francisco de Orellana - Puerto Francisco de Orellana

Puerto Francisco de Orellana
Bird's eye view
Coat of arms and flag
Puerto Francisco de Orellana - Coat of arms
Puerto Francisco de Orellana - Flag
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Map of Ecuador
Puerto Francisco de Orellana
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Puerto Francisco de Orellana is a city inAmazonian Ecuador.

To know

More commonly called El Coca, Puerto Francisco de Orellana, it is, like Agrio lake, about sixty kilometers further north, a river port that experienced an economic boom after the discovery of oil fields in its territory.

How Agrio lake even El Coca is not in itself an attractive place and its tourist interest lies in the various lodges blocks of the surrounding jungle. These can be reached by motor boat going up the canals and tributaries of the Rio Napo whose banks are fringed with dense vegetation. THE lodges more interesting are those inside the Yasuni National Park, one of the most beautiful natural areas in the region, others are scattered around the Rio Napo.

For everyone, El Coca is just a transit point. Quite a few travelers who cannot afford to pay for the stay in one of the expensive ones lodges of the surroundings, landed at the local airport direct to Tena, reachable by bus and no longer by boat since a comfortable carriage road was opened. Others arrive with the intention of embarking on a pre-booked river cruise. Still others are directed to the territories of the Huaorani tribe that can be reached via a carriage road that passes over the bridge but also these will have to resort to the services of a local guide.

The only travelers who have not booked anything are young sleeping bag travelers with a strong sense of adventure and who have come to El Coca with the intention of reaching Iquitos and maybe from there continue up to Manaus, requesting a passage on one of the cargo ships transiting the Rio Napo. They face considerable inconvenience, as well as risking staying in El Coca for several days if not a week before getting a ride.

How to orient yourself

The center of Puerto Francisco de Orellana is very small. Its limits are formed by the Rio Napo to the south and the suburban bus terminus to the north.

The riverside, El Malecón it is the place for strolling, surrounded by hotels, bars and restaurants serving ceviche.

How to get

By plane

By car

Coca is 300 km from Quito and 60 km south of Agrio lake.

How to get around

What see

Events and parties

What to do

Excursion with the motorboat of La Selva Eco Lodge
  • 1 Pañacocha Lagoon. The excursion to the pirahna lake is usually organized by the various lodges but also by El Coca agencies. It is a magnificent lake surrounded by dense vegetation but without infrastructure.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices

  • Yuturi Lodge. Addressed to those who don't want to spend a lot, Yuturi Lodge is in a remote location on the bank of the Yuturi River: it takes 5 hours to get there by boat from El Coca. It is a structure of simple bamboo huts in close proximity to each other, which may not appeal to those who care for privacy. On the other hand, each bungalow has its own private bathroom. Tours are organized in the middle of the jungle with an overnight stay in a tent.
  • La Misión Hotel, 12 de Septiembre, Coca. Located on the Malecón, La Misión is the best hotel in Puerto Francisco de Orellana. The rooms have air conditioning.

High prices

Napo Wildlife Center
  • 1 Napo Wildlife Center. Located inside the Yasuni park, the Napo Wildlife Center is one of the most beautiful places to reside. It is a structure of 10 bungalows, all quite spacious and overlooking an idyllic lake.
  • Yarina Eco Lodge. At the outer edge of the Yasuni park.
  • 2 Sacha Lodge. Renowned hotel complex on the shores of Lake El Pilche.
  • Sani Lodge, 593 2-452-1762.
  • La Selva Jungle Lodge, 593 2-254-5425. Spectacularly located on the Garzacocha Lagoon, La Selva Jungle Lodge was one of the first to open its doors in the region and is still highly regarded.


How to keep in touch


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