Puumala - Puumala

Rainwater as seen from the Puumalasalmi bridge

Puumala[1] is a municipality In Southern Savonia.



Puumala is located at the crossroads of the southern and northern waterways of Lake Saimaa. Nearby cities Imatra (60 km), Mikkeli (72 km) as well as Savonlinna (76 km) are about an hour's drive away.

By road

Puumala is located along the main road 62 (Mikkeli-Imatra).

By train

Those traveling by train must change to a bus or, for example, a taxi in Mikkeli or Imatra to continue their journey to Puumala.

By bus

There is a regular bus service to Puumala from Mikkeli, Savonlinna and Imatra.Bus timetables

By boat

The most convenient way to get to Puumala on the shores of Lake Saimaa is by boat. Puumala's port services are varied and there are many guest boat berths.

  • Kirkonkylä guest marina
  • Koskenselä Holiday Village guest pier
  • Sahalahti guest marina
  • Okkola guest pier
  • Kietävälä stream guest pier
  • Mannilanniemi guest pier
  • Liehtalanniemi museum space

For more information on Puumala's port services, visit Puumala port services


By road

Outside the village center, the most convenient way to get around is with your own car.


In the village center you can move on foot from place to place.


Puumala Church
Church belfry
  • Rock paintingsP Geography 3 b.png.
  • Loketon cavityPistokiekka, 52200 Puumala.
  • Puumala ChurchP Geography 3 b.pngKirkkotie, 52200 Puumala, 358 15 775 3300, e-mail: . The first church in Puumala fell during the Great War (1714–1721). Another church built by August Sorsa was again damaged in the Gustav War. The current wooden church was built on the plans of Gustav Viksten and Taavetti Rahikainen. Puumala Wooden Church is one of the largest wooden churches in Finland. Free.
  • Puumalansalmi bridge52200 Puumala. The Puumalansalmi bridge is the 4th longest road bridge in Finland and was inaugurated in 1995. The bridge tower lift takes the visitor to the observation deck at a height of almost 30 meters. There is also a panoramic café on the bridge, from where you can admire the beautiful lake landscape from a height of up to 37 meters.
  • Gemstones52230 Hurissalo. Nature attraction in Saarijärvi, Hurissalo. Guidance from main road 62.
  • Sawmill MuseumP Geography 3 b.pngLietvedentie 830, 52200 Puumala, "358 15 468 6178 hours =" open by subscription. The Sawmill Museum in Sahanlahti introduces visitors to the daily lives of people who have lived and worked at the Miettula sawmill. free.
  • Latch Line Bunker, Machine Gun Ditch Number # 4P Geography 3 b.pngPappilantie, 52200 Puumala. Puumala is a military historical tourist destination that dates back to the Second World War.
The machine gun dugout is located in the center of Puumala. The dugout is the property of the Ministry of Finance, but it is maintained by the municipality of Puumala. The concrete bunker was built in 1941 in the so-called during the truce into the Salpalinja.

The latch line was built in 1940–44 as a defense line in Eastern Finland, and it was the largest construction work in the country's history until then. In addition to the Puumala machine gun dugout, about 700 similar concrete dugouts were built. accommodation dugouts, machine gun colonies, artillery stations, and about 350 kilometers of battle and contact graves.

The walls of the dugout are made of reinforced concrete and are 160–210 cm thick. There is room in the dugout for half a team, ie 20 men. The dugout also has its own well, drainage and air conditioning, meaning it would have been possible to defend itself for quite some time without outside maintenance.

The dugout is armed with a Maxim machine gun on its stand. Also on display is a mask connector through which the shooter received fresh air from outside the dugout, as well as a water pipe connector for cooling the water-cooled machine gun. In addition, an anti-tank gun station is planned near the dugout. The 45 mm anti-tank cannon on display is pulled into a shelter in the outer corridor of the dugout.

  • Liehtalanniemi museum spaceP Geography 3 b.pngYlössaarentie 205, Niinisaari, Puumala, 358 15 888 9288. Liehtalanniemi Museum is located in Niinisaari, about 14 km from the center of Puumala in the direction of Imatra. The place has been inhabited since 1899, and the farm’s buildings date from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Liehtalanniemi was restored as a museum and a 22-hectare nature reserve was established in connection with it in 1984. The museum is managed and owned by the municipality of Puumala.

Liehtalanniemi is a unique example of the lifestyle of the turn of the 20th century on a small, remote farm. The farm has survived as a traditional entity, which includes a group of old gray buildings, field patches, old birch forests and pastures with their traditional structures.

Liehtala's buildings and structures are typical of a poor small-scale fishing fishery in South Savonia at the turn of the 20th century. In addition to the main building, the courtyard includes the farm's original barn, barn, smoke sauna, and a clothes and food barn. The museum has rebuilt the potato pit there, the "Koppeli" or net shelter, two hooks, a attic well and a point house. The current main building has been added and converted from a living room completed in the mid-1940s to look like an original mating house.

Liehtalanniemi is a living museum space: during the summer there are animals in the area and environmental care work is carried out using traditional methods: grazing, mowing, etc. Liehtalanniemi will continue to be preserved as a high-quality nature and cultural conservation site.

Puumala still remembers Liehtala's last permanent resident, the original hermit Jalmari Reponen, who lived on the farm alone in 1948–1976. Repos is still told in the locality, even if a book has been written about him, Aaro Okkola's "Liehtalan Jallu", which was published in 1989.

In the vicinity of the museum there is a guided nature trail in the conservation area. In addition, the beach in the museum area offers accommodation for boats, a beach and tent sites. Also nearby are e.g. winery and restaurant, blacksmith's workshop & gallery and porcelain studio.

You can also stay in the museum area on a boat, on the beach or in a tent.


  • Pistohiekan LavaP Geography 3 b.pngPistokiekka, 52200 Puumala, 358 50 570 2001. Puumala's most famous dance floor.
  • S / s WennoP Geography 3 b.png52200 Puumala, 358 50 547 8028, e-mail: . according to agreement. The only surviving iron-hulled vessel in Saimaa's large tar steam fleet. During the summer, S / s Wenno makes cruises in Saimaa on request.


In Puumala you will find souvenirs and souvenirs for many tastes, e.g. handicrafts, fish, berry juices and jams, and currant wines.


  • Alko OyP Geography 3 b.pngKeskustie 19, 52200 Puumala, 358 15 4681 925, e-mail: . Mon-Thu 9: 00-18: 00, Fri 9: 00-20: 00, Sat 9: 00-16: 00.
  • K-Market ApajaP Geography 3 b.pngKeskustie 19, 52200 Puumala, 358 15 468 1140, e-mail: . Mon-Fri 8: 00-20: 00, Sat 8: 00-18: 00, Sun 10: 00-18: 00.
  • Sale HurissaloP Geography 3 b.pngHurissalontie 188, 52230 Hurissalo. Mon-Sat 8: 00-18: 00, Sun 11: 00-15: 00.
  • Sale PuumalaP Geography 3 b.pngKeskustie 4, 52200 Puumala. Mon-Fri 7.00-21.00, Sat 7.00-18.00, Sun 12.00-18.00.
  • Siwa PuumalaP Geography 3 b.pngKeskustie 12, 52200 Puumala. Mon-Sat 8: 00-21: 00, Sun 10: 00-21: 00.

Gifts, souvenirs

Service stations

  • Futura sales point PuumalaP Geography 3 b.pngSatamatie 4 A, 52200 Puumala, 358 15 468 1131, e-mail: . Mon-Fri 7.30-17.00, Sat 8.00-15.00.
  • Teboil PuumalaP Geography 3 b.pngNiementie 2, 52200 Puumala, 358 15722 5500. Mon-Fri 6.00-18.00, Sat 8.00-15.00, Sun 9.00-15.00.


  • Restaurant VirtaP Geography 3 b.pngHärkösentie 4, 52200 Puumala, 358 15 668 7711. Mon-Fri 10: 00-22: 00, Sat 10: 00-02: 00, Sun 10: 00-22: 00.
  • Food and entertainment restaurant HoviP Geography 3 b.pngKeskustie 12, 52200 Puumala, 358 15 468 1180, e-mail: .



  • View cafePuumalansalmi bridge, 52200 Puumala, 358 50 562 0706. open during the summer season.
  • SatamaCaféP Geography 3 b.pngSatamatie 2, 52200 Puumala, 358 15 468 1362, e-mail: .

Bars & pubs

  • Food and entertainment restaurant HoviP Geography 3 b.pngKeskustie 12, 52200 Puumala, 358 15 468 1180, e-mail: .
  • Restaurant VirtaP Geography 3 b.pngHärkösentie 4, 52200 Puumala "directions =, 358 15 668 7711.



Stay safe

The nearest police station is located in the neighboring municipality of Puumala Juva.

Emergency number 112

Stay healthy

Puumala health center

Niementie 26, 52200 Puumala


Doctor 's or nurse' s office and laboratory 358 15 211 411.


  • Southern Savonia First Counsel 358 15 211 411
The first piece of advice is intended as a first point of contact in situations where advice and guidance on health and social issues is needed. You can call Etelä-Savo First Counsel without hesitation at any time of the day.
  • The actual emergency department at the emergency department of Mikkeli Central Hospital.

Take contact

Puumala tourist information

Keskustie 14, PO Box 20, 52201 Puumala
Tel. 358 (0) 50 562 0706
[email protected]

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