Pyongan - Pyongan

The triumphal arch of Pyongyang

Pyongan (평안도) is a region of the North Korea.

To know

Pyongan is one of the eight historical provinces of Korea, formed during the Joseon dynasty in the 15th century. The name derives from the two main cities of the region at the time, Pyon Gyang and An ju.

Geographical notes

It skirts the Bay of Korea in the Yellow Sea, from the North Korean capital south to the border with China North. The eastern border largely runs along the Rangrim mountain range.

When to go

In winter, the river freezes and the local people who live on both sides, cross the border for commercial purposes, but also to desert. Indeed, the North Korean military regularly patrols the border and foreigners caught on the "wrong side" can expect to be arrested and charged with spying.

Territories and tourist destinations

This territory is divided into the following provinces:

  • North Pyongan
  • South Pyongan
  • Pyonyang (the capital area)
  • Sinŭiju

Urban centers

  • Anju
  • Chongju (or Jongju) - Favored by the hilly position, it is famous for the cultivation of rice and fruit.
  • Kaech'ŏn - It stands between the Ch'ŏngch'ŏn River and the Taedong River with two concentration camps located nearby.
  • Kusong
  • Namp'o - Port city known for Waudo Pleasure Ground, a bathing area frequented especially in summer and spring.
  • Pyongsong - Capital of South Pyongan.
  • Pyongyang - National capital with widespread Stalinist architecture.
  • Sinŭiju - Border town with China, connected to the latter by a railway line.
  • Sunchŏn - In 1951 it was the scene of the homonymous battle.
  • Tokchon - Once a thriving industrial city.

Other destinations

How to get

On the train

If you arrive by train from China, Sinŭiju it is probably the first city you meet.

How to get around

What see

You can see the city of Sinŭiju across the river where the city of Dandong (China), and is connected to it by the Sino-Korean friendship bridge (Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge).

What to do

It is possible to get about a hundred meters closer to Sinŭiju by boat from Dandong. Several operators offer a boat ride along the Yalu River surrounding the Friendship Bridge for ¥ 20-50.

At the table


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