Easter Island - Påskön

Easter Island
Weapon & Flag
Easter Island - Weapons
Easter Island - Flag
Main town
Official website

Easter Island[1] (Spanish: Pascua Island, Polynesian: Rapa Nui) is one of the world's most isolated islands. Early settlers called the island "Te Pito O Te Henua" (Navel of the World). Politically belongs to the island Chile, but is located far out in the Pacific Ocean, almost halfway to Tahiti. Easter Island is best known for its large stone statues, which were erected several hundred years ago.



Other destinations

Facts about Easter Island

The name of Easter Island (from the English Easter Island) has no religious significance, but comes from the fact that the island was "discovered" by a Dutch explorer, Jakob Roggeveen, on Easter Sunday 1722.


Easter Island was annexed by Chile in 1888.




Due to the Chilean rule is Spanish the most common language. As it is a popular tourist destination, many residents speak as well English and or French.

Rapa Nui, a Polynesian language, is spoken by the indigenous people (also known as Rapa Nui) on the island, and many employees in souvenir shops and restaurants greet more often with a "lorana" than with "buenos días". This also applies to "maururu", "thank you".

To get to Easter Island

Relocation on Easter Island

To see

To do

Food and drinks
