Qaṣr el-Baramūnī - Qaṣr el-Baramūnī

Qaṣr el-Baramūnī ·قصر البرموني
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Qasr el-Baramuni (also Qasr el-Baramudi, Arabic:قصر البرموني‎, Qaṣr el-Baramūnī) is an archaeological site about 4 kilometers south of the city Chārga in the egyptian Sink el-Chārga. Archaeologists should be primarily interested in this ancient Roman settlement.


The remains of the Roman settlement Qaṣr el-Baramūnī are 3.5 kilometers south-southwest of the city el-Chārga in the desert, about 250 meters west of cultivated fields. There are sand dunes a short distance away. The ancient settlement is located on a 3 meter high hill and is therefore somewhat protected from the drifting sand.

So far there has been no scientific research. There are speculations that the former was here in Roman times and in late antiquity (30 BC to around 600 AD) Parammon could have been. But this is not certain.[1]

getting there

You leave el-Chārga on the trunk road to Bārīs and branches about at 1 25 ° 25 ′ 7 ″ N.30 ° 32 '33 "E. turn west onto a slope and follow it in a south-westerly direction until you come to about 2 25 ° 24 '59 "N.30 ° 32 '23 "E reaches the end of the slope. From now on we continue on foot, first through the gardens and fields, then through sandy terrain. A pickup or similar is sufficient for the journey, a 4 × 4 vehicle is not necessary.

Tourist Attractions

Even from a distance, the roughly square Roman one 1 fortress(25 ° 24 '53 "N.30 ° 32 '7 "E) visible, which was built from adobe bricks. It is about 13 meters long from north to south, 14 meters wide and about eight meters.

Immediately south of the fortress is a flat one 2 Building(25 ° 24 '53 "N.30 ° 32 '7 "E)which is composed of round segments and has adobe pillars on the roof. The ceiling is designed as a barrel vault. The building may be a dovecote or a columbarium (urn hall).

In the area, mainly in the west, but also in the north and south, there are remains of adobe buildings that are almost completely silted up.

Kitchen and accommodation

Inside the fortress
Pigeon house

Accommodation and restaurants are available in the nearby town el-Chārga.


Visiting this site can be done with Qaṣr en-Nasīma as well as with Qaṣr el-Ghuweiṭa and Qaṣr ez-Zaiyān connect.


  • Wagner, Guy: Nouveaux toponymes égyptiens des Oasis transcrits en grec, grécisés ou arabisés. In:L’Egyptology en 1979: Axes prioritaires de recherches. Paris: Center nat. de la recherche scientifique, 1982, Colloques internationaux du Center national de la recherche scientifique; 595, ISBN 978-2-222-02929-8 , Pp. 293-295.
  • Wagner, Guy: Les oasis d'Égypte: à l’époque grecque, romaine et byzantine d'après les documents grecs. Caire: Inst. Français d’archéologie orientale, 1987, Bibliothèque d'étude; 100, ISBN 978-2-7247-0050-3 , P. 175.

Individual evidence

  1. Wagner, G.; DARMC; Talbert, R.; Gillies, Sean; Elliott, Tom; Becker, Jeffrey: * Parammon? : a Pleiades place resource. In:Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places. 2019. Accessed January 12, 2019.
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