Cycle routes in Wallonia - Radrouten in Wallonien

Cycle routes in Wallonia

New: the Inter-RAVeL

Wallonia has a very good network of cycle paths and, thanks to its varied low mountain range, is also ideal for cycling.

The different networks

  • The Réseau Autonome de Voies Lentes (RAVeL), the "independent network of slow paths", is a network of paths for hikers, cyclists and horse riders. Former towpaths or railway lines are mostly used. The network is irregular and often incomplete on the 5 main routes Vennbahn. The trend seems to be to use RAVeL exclusively as a quality term. RAVeL routes are always paved, traffic-free, clearly marked and have an emergency service. The total length of the routes is given as "more than 1,365 km". RAVeL paths were mostly pre-RAVeLs before, which still have a poor quality path and have unreliable signage. Pré-RAVeL routes should, however, be cut free and cycling.
  • Another network runs under the name Randovelo. These are "cycle paths" that mostly run on public roads. These routes are not signposted and therefore lead a shadowy existence.
  • The rural area in the German-speaking area, but also in Hainaut, is also opened up by a network of junction paths, using local roads and farm roads in particular.
  • The route along the Meuse is marketed and signposted as "La Meuse à Vélo" (previously "RAVeL 1", "RAVeL 2" or "RAVeL Meuse")
  • a new network of 10 Walloon routes has already been signposted, which further increases the confusion of cyclists. The Vennquerbahn (RAVeL Ligne 45) has number 8 in this network and the extended Vennbahn number 9.
AbbreviationName of the bike routeGermanlength
W0Véloroute des CapitalesCapital city route225 km
W1Entre Dendre et Hauts-PaysBetween the Dendre and the highlands71 km
W2La Veloroute de la BièreThe beer cycle route177 km
W3La Véloroute des CarnavalsThe carnival route111 km
W4Canaux, fleuves et rivièresCanals, rivers and banks188 km
W5D'une vallée à l'autreFrom one valley to the next91 km
W6Au fil de l'eauIn the stream of water164 km
W7Sur la route des ArdennesOn the way of the Ardennes206 km
W8Entre Fagnes et FamenneBetween the Venn and Famenne240 km
W9La Véloroute grandeur NatureGreat nature bike route157 km
RAVeL5 signpost

Interesting RAVeL cycle paths

Locomotive and cycle route Ligne 38 in the center of Aubel
  • RAVeL 5 Ligne 38 - 38 km this route leads from Liege above Herve to Hombourg (at Aachen). It is getting more and more rural and the roads that are very good at the beginning are getting worse. The signposting as a bridle path provides manure.
  • Vennbahn (Line 47.48) - From Aachen above Saint-Vith to Troisvierges. 125 km long parade route that connects Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. It is not only well developed, but also offers the landscape of the High Fens.
  • RAVeL Ligne 45 - is one of the branches of the Vennbahn, but can also go well alone. 21 km of good asphalt connect Trois-Points and Waimes. The highlights of the route are the locations Stavelot and Malmedy as well as two tunnels that are open all year round. According to the new cycle path numbering, the route continues as number 8 to Losheim (D). This continuation is also paved and is also called line 45A. In Germany, another 18 km to Jünkerath follow as part of the Kylltal cycle path. Two reservoirs and a green landscape far away from major traffic routes ensure great cycling pleasure.
  • RAVeL Ligne 109 - approx. 45 km route from Thuin starting towards the southwest Beaumont and Saint-Remy. Initially accompanied by a historic tram that only runs on the weekend, the tour ends at Etang de Virelles after a short stretch on Ligne 156.
  • RAVeL Ligne 150 - connects the Meuse north of Dinant with the Sambre, which flows into the Meuse in Namur. The mountainous route is well developed with fine asphalt and offers beautiful scenery in the narrow valley of the Molignée with a few sights such as the Abbey of Maredret. 3 tunnels, one of which is 283 m long (Denée tunnel) must be passed through. Shortly before the end, when you cycle towards Sambre, there is still a swimming lake waiting for you. Total length at least 36 km. 8 km are accompanied by bicycle trolleys.
  • RAVeL Ligne 150 - on the right of the Meuse approx. 24 km from Houyet to Rochefort-Jemelle (train station). The route is quite idyllic along the Lesse (brook), but loses a bit at the western end. One tunnel is not impressive.
  • RAVeL Ligne 163 - although not far from the Vennbahn, there is no direct connection to it. The route offers 27 km of fine asphalt from Bastogne almost to Gouvy, where there is still an active railway line. Two more routes branch off to Houffalize (quite deep in the eastern Urt valley) and Wiltz (LUX), so that around 55 km of scenic route through the Ardennes await the cyclist. The almost 20 km long route Wiltz - Bastogne (piste cyclable de la Wiltz) impresses with 4 tunnels. Bastogne-Wiltz.pdf

River routes

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