Chasseral hike - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Randonnée du Chasseral — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Jura Crest Trail
Trans Swiss Trail
Sinnbild Wanderer.svg

(Biel - Chasseral - View of the Alps - Neuchâtel)
The summit of the Chasseral
The summit of the Chasseral

47 ° 7 ′ 59 ″ N 7 ° 3 ′ 37 ″ E

This route goes through the Chasseral and the View of the Alps, the largest ridges of the Jura by taking the national hiking trails: Chemin des Crêtes du Jura and Trans Swiss Trail.


The Chasseral is the third highest peak in the Swiss Jura (1 607 m). The Alps are visible from the latter and from the Col de la Vue-des-Alpes (1 283 m).


From Biel, walk in the Gorges du Taubenloch then climb steadily on the Chemin des Crêtes du Jura from Frinvillier to reach the Chasseral restaurant. The next day, descend to Le Pâquier then climb to the Col de la Vue-des-Alpes. Night at the hotel. During the last day, retrace your steps for 3 kilometers and turn right onto the Trans Swiss Trail towards Chézard-Saint-Martin. Continue to descend to Neuchâtel.

To go

By car: highway A5Swiss.svg from Geneva, Lausanne or Solothurn, A1Swiss.svg from Zurich, A16Swiss.svg or fast road Hauptstrasse Nummer 20.svg from the Jura.

By train: Biel and Neuchâtel are served by the Intercités Geneva / Lausanne - Basel lines.


To see

Cities of Biel and Neuchâtel.


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



the Swiss jura is a beautiful region formed by lakes and hills.

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Complete list of other articles in the region: Swiss jura