Randonnée du Mont-Terri - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Randonnée du Mont-Terri — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Via Jura
Sinnbild Wanderer.svg

(Porrentruy - Saint-Ursanne)
The Saint-Pierre gate in the village of St-Ursanne
The Saint-Pierre gate in the village of St-Ursanne

47 ° 23 ′ 28 ″ N 7 ° 9 ′ 40 ″ E

This route, of medium difficulty, goes from Porrentruy To Saint-Ursanne.


This hike is a stage of the Via Jura trail. From Porrentruy to St-Ursanne, passage over Mont-Terri, an old oppidum popularly named Julius Caesar's Camp.


Porrentruy - Courgenay - Courtemautruy - Mont-Terri - Outremont - Col de la Croix - Saint-Ursanne

On leaving the station, turn left and join rue du Jura. After the roundabout, continue on the Courgenay road that you will leave 500 meters further on by taking on the left. Follow the street and then reach a second roundabout. Cross it in the direction of Courgenay, then, 100 m further on, take the street passing under the motorway, on the left. Go around the hill and go straight on. You will not be long in reaching the village of Courgenay. At the end of the street, join the main road. After the town center, after the church, turn right onto the Courtemautruy road, but only follow it on 100 m and continue straight on at the first intersection. Follow this street for 300 m then fork to the right. On leaving the village, take the path on the left. Continue for more than 500 m, then join a small road to arrive at Courtemautruy. When you get to the main road, turn left and follow it on 60 m. Then take a right onto a tarmac path. Take a path opposite at the first bend. 400 m afterwards, the path rejoins the road. Continue and take the path opposite. Continue on this path and leave it on the right after approximately 2 km, below Mont-Terri. Join a motorable road. Turn right after 600 m. Just before a house, turn right in the same way. Continue on this trail going up towards Outremont. At the intersection, turn right towards the summit. After the latter, go back down and take a more practicable path to the right. 1 km after, turn left and take the road through the forest. Cross the Col de la Croix and go down to Saint-Ursanne.

To go

By car: From Biel, Basel or Delémont, A16, exit Porrentruy-Est, then follow the signs for "Gare". From France (Montbéliard, Belfort), take the motorway A16Swiss.svg to Bure, then direction Courtedoux.
By train: From Biel, Basel or Delémont, take the Intercités (ICN or RE) to Delémont, then take the R or RE train to Porrentruy. From France, Take the regional train at Delle or Boncourt towards Porrentruy.

To see

The Outremont site offers a panorama of the Belfort gap and the Clos-du-Doubs. Saint-Ursanne is a small medieval village where many curiosities awaken the eye.


To buy

Various shops are present in Porrentruy, Courgenay or Saint-Ursanne.


Have a drink / Go out



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