Pacific Region (Colombia) - Región Pacífica (Colombia)

This article is about the Pacific region of Colombia.


others very heavy


Nuqui Y Solano Bay, in the Collided, are the main tourist destinations in the Colombian Pacific. In the peaceful region you will find lush jungle landscapes in contrast to the sea, a variety of cultures, diving, humpback whales, surfing, jungle walks, hot springs and handicrafts made by indigenous people. Streams of crystal clear water every 50 or 100 meters make this region of tropical rainforest one of the most attractive places for those who enjoy unspoiled nature and ancient traditions.


With a surface area of ​​1,141,748 km2 (2,070,408 km2 including the marine and submarine waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea), Colombia is located in the extreme north-west of South America. It presents a privileged geographical position that allows it to have coasts on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans; It also has land borders with Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Venezuela. Its location in the torrid zone allows it to enjoy a variety of ecosystems and climates. 67% of the territory is flat, especially the Orinoquía and Amazon regions, and the remaining 33% mountainous. Thus, the country does not present the four seasons, but it is the variations in altitude and the trade and local winds that cause the temperature to decrease or increase as one rises or falls from or towards sea level The Andes Mountains, which originates in Chile, upon entering the territory of Colombia it is divided into three branches, the western, the central and the eastern, which cross the country from south to north. Curiously, the highest points in the country are located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Pico Cristóbal Colón and Simón Bolívar at 5,775 m above sea level, a mountainous system separated from the three mountain ranges derived from the Andes.


  • Abozao - This word comes from "Boza", loop, short rope or chain, used in navigation to hold objects. So to embrace is to tie with Boza, a symbol that does not seem to be far from the meaning of the Dance. It is perhaps the most popular rhythm in the Central Zone of Chocó, where it has diversified acquiring different nuances. The rhythm, of binary time signature, is warm and vibrant, very similar to Currulao in the measure of the blows, although in it the resonance of the drums is not so deep. The melody, in turn, has a very rich traditional cut in its sound arrangements that the musicians intentionally reiterate to stimulate the party. The Abozao is a touch to dance, but the celebrants usually encourage them with shouts and exclamations in the form of melodic fabric that are put at the service of the rhythmic marking.
  • Currulao - This rhythm has its greatest area of ​​influence in the Center and South of the Pacific Coast. The Currulao made its entrance to Cartagena de Indias in the seventeenth century, where it was referred to as "Slave Dance", a definition that lasted for a long time. The dancers carry handkerchiefs and beat them to set the rhythm. This dance is executed with very loose movements.
  • La Jota - The "Jota" being a very popular dance in the provinces of Aragon and Valencia, there was very little left of it as it became a creole rhythm with a Negroid flavor. From the lively and festive rhythm of the "Jota Aragonesa", he went to a rhythm related to the touch of the Currulao. In it, the melody loses almost all the sound relief and the "Canto" itself, becoming a sequence to be danced with full control of the drums.
  • Contredanse - Coming from Ancient Scotland where it received the name "Country-Dance", or Village Rustic Dance. From there she went to England where she was enriched by courtly influences and acquired a complete and spectacular choreography, resembling at times the classic "Cuadrilla". The musical theme, born from Valseado very lilting, completely disappeared when it arrived in our lands. In Chocó and the West of Antioquia a syncopated melody was printed, more in tune with the tastes of the mulatto and the black, being played exclusively for dancing
  • Instruments - Calling Drum (male), Happy Drum (female), Drum, Gouache, Clarinet, Cymbals, Snare Drum

To get


To eat

Gastronomy elaborated tradition of Spanish cuisine becomes mestizo with the richness of indigenous cuisine and takes, over the course of four centuries, as ingredients the fruits of the oceans and its fertile land to offer a rich and varied gastronomy where the way of being and way of doing of Colombians.

In the South-West and Pacific, the sancocho valluno, the chop and the fritanga, the blancmange, the rice pudding,the seafood casserole the wrapped up and the chocoana porridge.

Drink and go out



On the Colombian Pacific Coast, numerous cultural traditions of African origin still subsist among black communities that permeate the way of being and daily life in places like Tumaco. Among these, their costume plays an important role within their indigenous folklore, although in general these regions are quite poor and therefore their costumes.

But when it comes to remembering its tradition, it presents the woman with a very colorful wardrobe, made of soft fabrics (white, yellow, pink silk, etc.), adorned with figures of thread that give it a flowery appearance and in golden threads. The skirts come down to the ankles and their bright colors highlight her black skin. This for the occasions when a jot, a juga or a polka is danced.

The same happens in the men's wardrobe, made up of white silk shirts with long sleeves and white denim pants; sneakers or espadrilles of the same color, made with cabuya, fique or thick fabric. Likewise, the wardrobe of Valle, Cauca and Nariño, is characterized by being quite informal, with clothes for temperate and warm climates in general. The woman wears pastel-colored linen or silk blouses or shirts, with a predominance of miniskirts. In the city of Cali and neighboring towns whose average temperature is 26 degrees, women do not usually wear half veils.

The men's wardrobe is also informal. Wear the short-sleeved shirt a lot in soft fabrics and linen pants. In Nariño the climate is cold in general, since this area is mostly located in the mountainous area of ​​the Central Cordillera. Therefore, the use of wool clothing and sometimes ruanas is very common among its inhabitants.
