Western Region (North Macedonia) - Regione occidentale (Macedonia del Nord)

Western Region (North Macedonia)
St John's Monastery on Lake Ohrid

Western region is the region of North Macedonia on the border withAlbania.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Bitola - Large agricultural center near which are the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis.
  • 2 Debar - On the lake of the same name, Debar was a spa at the time of the Yugoslav republic.
  • Galičnik - Picturesque mountain village within the Mavrovo park.
  • Gostivar - Located at the end of the E65, the main road from Gostivar itself leads to Skopje.
  • 3 Kruševo - Historic town at 1350 m. above sea level, Kruševo is famous for an attempted rebellion against the Ottoman rule which led it to proclaim itself an independent republic in 1903.
  • 4 Ohrid (Ohrid) - Located on the shores of the lake of the same name, Ohrid is the country's largest tourist destination.
  • 5 Prilep - Center of tobacco production and processing, Prilep is a provincial town with limited tourist interest.
  • 6 Struga - A holiday resort on the northern shore of Lake Ohrid, Struga has good hotels.
  • 7 Tetovo

Other destinations

  • 1 Prespa lake - Much less crowded than the nearby Lake Ohrid, Prespa still has a large beach. To go from one lake to another, take a particularly scenic mountain road.
  • 2 Mavrovo National Park (Мавровско Езеро, Mavrovsko ezero) - It occupies a very large area up to the borders with theAlbania where Šar planina is located, a mountain range dominated by the peak of Mount Korab (2,764 m). The base for excursions inside the park is the town of Mavrovo, on the shores of the artificial lake of the same name. It is located in the Mavrovo region, in the Mavrovo and Rostuša municipality of North Macedonia, less than 100 km from Skopje. Abundant with trout, Lake Mavrovo is used for recreational activities such as swimming, boating and fishing during the summer. Another point of interest is the semi-submerged church in the lake. Spreading over an area of ​​approximately 300 square miles (780 km2), Mavrovo National Park features deep canyons, snow-capped peaks and blue lakes combine with dense forests that abound in wildlife. Mavrovo is one of the most important tourist areas in the country along with Ohrid, Prespa, Dojran, Popova Sapka (Shar Planina), Pelister, and Kruševo. It was founded in 1949 by a law passed by the National Assembly of Macedonia. Subsequently, the legislation was significantly modified, applying a much stricter protection system. Under the new law, the park is divided into three zones: strict nature reserves, managed reserves and a tourist area.
  • 3 Pelister National Park - Waterfalls, forests and beautiful alpine landscapes characterize this park which occupies the Pelisteri mountain massif on top of which there is also a small ski resort.

How to get

How to get around

What see

View of Ohrid


Assuming you get out of Skopje heading west we will meet, in order, the following places:

What to do

At the table


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