Jeleń nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Jeleń

Jeleń nature reserve was established in 1976 and has an area of ​​47.19 ha. It's located in Poland, in voivodeship of Lodz, in you will say Tomaszów in the commune Tomaszów Mazowiecki.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 29′20 ″ N 20 ° 06′00 ″ E

The forests in the reserve were part of the Pilica Forest. In the 19th century, they were the hunting grounds of the Russian tsars. After Poland regained independence in 1918, they became the property of the state and until 1939 were the hunting grounds of the presidents of the Republic of Poland. oakswhose height reaches 30 m and the circumference of the trunks is from 3 to 4 m. warty birches, hornbeams and black alder and common fir and spruces. There are peat bogs in several clearings, including rushes stiff sedge and alveolar sedge. We will also meet low-sickness. Sometimes there are wet meadows with rich vegetation. We should pay special attention to the following rare plants: daffodil daffodil, pink pancake and fern-seeded common.

Geographical Coordinates