Kruszywiec nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Kruszewiec

Kruszywiec nature reserve - floristic and forest nature reserve in Poland in voivodeship of Lodz in you will say Tomaszów, in Lubochnia commune, near the village Kruszywiec in forestry She was asleep.

It covers an area of ​​81.54 ha. It was established by the order of the Minister of Forestry and Wood Industry of April 19, 1979.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 35′30 ″ N 20 ° 00′00 ″ E

The protection objective is to preserve a fragment of a multi-species deciduous forest in the oak-hornbeam type with participation fir trees growing here on the northern border of its range and oaks and hornbeamsThe age of older firs is estimated at 100 to 120 years, oaks and hornbeams from 100 to 200 years. The reserve is rich in flora of deciduous and mixed fir forests, typical for central Poland. Protected species grow here abundantly, including: juniper club moss and clovey, daffodil daffodil, common ivy. There are a dozen or so species on the trunks of old firs and oaks lichens.

Geographical Coordinates