Spała nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Spała

Spała nature reserve - floristic and forest nature reserve in Poland, in voivodeship of Lodz, in you will say Tomaszów, in Inowłódz commune, in the village She was asleep (on both banks of the river Pilica), in the Spała forestry, in the Piotrkowska Plain mesoregion.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 32′10 ″ N 20 ° 08′00 ″ E

It covers an area of ​​55.89 ha and was established by the Order of the Minister of Forestry and Wood Industry of September 30, 1958.

Created for scientific and didactic reasons in order to preserve the fragment of a mixed forest of a natural nature located on the Pilica river, with the participation of fir trees, occurring near the border of the range. This forest is an example of natural plant communities that occurred in the former Pilica Forest. A multi-storey stand of trees grows here pedunculate oak, pine trees, sycamore, hornbeam, firs and spruceThe oldest oaks are approx. 250 years old, 30 m high and the circumference of the trunks approx. 5 m. The reserve is located on both banks of the Pilica River. The peculiarity of the reserve is the fir stand at the border of its range and rare plant species such as: impatiens cress, swamp old man and Polish turkey (Żubrówka), used to flavor drinks (the best known example is vodka called Żubrówka).

Geographical Coordinates