Twarda nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Twarda

Created May 24, 1976 "Twarda" floristic forest nature reserve, has an area of ​​23.48 ha and is situated in the commune Tomaszów Mazowiecki in you will say Tomaszów, in voivodeship of Lodz, in Poland in the Opoczyńskie Hills mesoregion.
Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 26′15 ″ N 20 ° 01′00 ″ E
The aim of protection is to preserve a fragment of multi-species stands with a significant share of fir on its northern border of the range in the Pilica Forest. The reserve is located in Sulejowski Landscape Park included in the Complex of Nadpiliczne Landscape ParksThe flora of the reserve consists of: lime-hornbeam-oak forest (subcontinental hornbeam forest) and a mixed pine-oak forest with fir. The oldest firs are about 180 years old. Unfortunately, these trees have deformed crowns, are damaged by winds and dry up. However, they are still sowing intensively, the seedlings are numerous and there are many saplings.
The flora of the reserve contains species of thermophilic habitats.
Among those covered by protection, there are, among others: club moss (babimór), juniper club moss, goldenhead lily, the hepatica, the European hoof hugging fragrant and sweet frost.
Among other species, the following deserve attention: staphylococcus blackberry, small devil, melissa and shaggy bugle.

Geographical Coordinates