Green River - Rio Verde

green River is an agricultural town in the southwest of the state of Goiás, Brazil.


To arrive

By airplane

  • General Leite de Castro Airport - Highway BR-060, Lot 224. Regular flights to Campinas and Guarulhos. Located at an altitude of about 751m, it has an asphalted runway, has lighting and a passenger terminal.

By bus

  • Rio Verde Bus Station - Avenida Presidente Vargas, Jardim Presidente. It has bus lines to all Brazilian capitals and to the main cities of Goiás and Brazil.

By car

  • From Goiânia, take BR-060 and continue for 231 km. From Brasília, the route passes through Goiânia and measures 434 km.


By car

A good option is car rental, as Rio Verde does not have many taxis available to tourists. But taxi rides are generally very cheap.

By bus

Getting around Rio Verde using public transport is not a good idea. The fleet is old and part of it was part of the fleet of Goiania, which was sold to Rio Verde.

By bike

It is not advisable to use the bicycle as a means of transport, there are no cycle paths in the city.




  • Shopping Rio Verde - Avenida Presidente Vargas, nº 1740, Jardim Goiás. It has good movie theaters, fast-food chains and department stores.

With the

drink and go out



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