Romanian - Romeno


Spread of the Romanian language
Flag of the Romania

The Romanian is a Romance language spoken predominantly in Romania is Moldova, and also in some areas of Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria is Ukraine.

Romanian is the official language in Romania, Moldova, Mount Athos (in Greece) and in the Region of Vojvodina (in Serbia). It is also recognized as a minority language in Bulgaria, Ukraine is Hungary.

It is very useful to know Romanian if you are traveling to Romania, especially in rural areas, even if everyone thinks that today anyone who can speak English, your experience in this country will be much more beautiful and rich if you know the language.

Flag of the Moldova

Romanian is not a very difficult language for us Italians to learn, as it derives from Latin just like our Italian and is similar to all other Romance languages ​​such as French and Spanish.

In Romanian, as in Italian, there are different forms depending on whether the conversation is formal or informal. The informal pronoun is you (you) and the formal one is dumneavoastra. In addition, there is also a particular expression to refer formally to other people without speaking to them directly. When it comes to she (intended as a girl) is used dumneaei; when it comes to hedumnealui; while to talk about their it is used dumnealor. Note that the formal form should be used with the verb al plural belonging to the right person.

Romanian should not be confused with Roma and Roman, which are respectively the language spoken by the Gypsies and the dialect of the city of Rome.

The name Romania and its derivatives come from the Latin 'Romanus', and are etymologically linked to Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire.

In the past, Romania had a sizeable minority of Germans, although today the number of Germans has decreased. However, German is still studied in Romania as a foreign language, and, due to German cultural influence, is used as the second (or third) official language in much of Transylvania.

The neologisms present in Romanian come from Italian, German, French and recently from English. Slang originates from French, German and the language of the gypsies.

Romanian uses the Latin alphabet, and the Latin root can help tourists understand some signs, such as Alimentara (Alimentari), Farmacie (Pharmacy), and Poliţie (Police). Some signs, however, are 'false friends' - for example Librărie means stationery and not bookstore; and therefore, if you have a decent phrase book you can avoid these confusions

Hungarian is used in eastern Transylvania and in some cities such as Miercurea-Ciuc, Targu-Mures, Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, Satu-Mare; if you know it you have an advantage. Hungarian is used as a second language in counties such as Covasna and Harghita.

Romanian is generally seen as a grammatically complex language. it's easy for us to pronounce; The English, on the other hand, are in difficulty with this phonetic system. Romanian is rich in vowels, and has a number of diphthongs and even triptyongs, which gives it a melodious and musical sound.

A foreigner who wants to learn to speak Romanian must expect mixed reactions from the local people. Many Romanians would certainly appreciate the fact that you make an effort to get closer to their language, while others may make fun of you for not being able to pronounce the words correctly.

The Romanian alphabet is the same as the Italian one for almost all letters apart from five accented letters which are: ă, ş, ţ, â, î.

This Romance language contrasts in comparison to all other Slavic languages ​​spoken in neighboring countries. In fact, Romanian linguists are proud to say that the Romanian language is a Romance language in a sea of ​​Slavs.

Pronunciation guide

The sound of this language, as already mentioned, resembles Italian with Slavic influences, so remember to pronounce each letter clearly.


  • to: like 'a' in "father"
  • is: as 'e' in "apple". When the word begins with 'e', ​​and is a form of the verb "a fi" (to be) or a pronoun, it is read as 'ie' in "ten"
  • the: like 'i' in "fins" when in the middle and at the beginning of a word. When it is at the end it is barely pronounced as for the city Bucureşti, which is said Bu-cu-resht with a the very mild. Never say Bu-cu-reshti. The few words that end with a the dry are written with two the.
  • or: like 'o' in "chlorine", rounded and rather short.
  • u: like 'u' in "envelope".
  • y: like 'i' in "drawing".
  • to:
  • to:
  • to: like 'u' in "cup" (English). This sound is half pronounced, not a real one u dry like the previous one.
  • â, î: the to and the the they sound the same. The letter the is used at the beginning and end of words while the letter to in the other case. It has a particular sound that resembles a or faded to one to.
  • or:


  • b: like 'b' in "beautiful".
  • c: like 'ci' when followed by 'i' ("circus") and 'ce' when followed by 'e' ("circle") otherwise it is pronounced as 'ch' in 'church'.
  • d: like 'd' in "right".
  • f: like 'f' in "federation".
  • g: like 'gi' when followed by 'i' ("gymnastics") and 'ge' when followed by 'e' ("jelly") otherwise it is pronounced as 'gh' ("ring").
  • h: like 'h' in "help" is never pronounced silently.
  • j: like the French 'j' in "Bonjour".
  • k: how 'c' lasts in "home".
  • L: like 'l' in "lake".
  • m: as 'm' in "marble".
  • n: like 'n' in "snow".
  • p: like 'p' in "fold".
  • q: like 'c' lasts in "house" (this letter is very rarely used).
  • r: like 'r' in "frog".
  • s: as 's' in "salt".
  • ş: like 'sh' in "choice".
  • ţ: like deaf 'z' on "vacation".
  • t: more similar to the English 't' ("it", "bat") than to the Italian 't'.
  • v: like 'v' in "want".
  • w: like 'v' in "want".
  • x: like 'ks' in "xylophone", sometimes it becomes 'gs' like "uxoricida".
  • z: like deaf 'z' on "vacation".

Other notes on pronunciation

Common diphthongs

  • oi: like "oy" in "boy" (English).
  • it's at: looks like an "e" mixed with an "a". It can be compared with the pronunciation of words in the east coast of the United States, such as "cat".

Common diagrams

  • ch: as 'c' in collar.
  • gh: like 'gh' in ferrule.


Basic words
  • Yup : From (pron .: From)
  • No : Nu (pron .: Nu)
  • Help : Ajutor (pron .: Ajutor)
  • Attention : Atenţie (pron .: Atenzie)
  • You are welcome : Cu plăcere (pron.:Cu plucere)
  • Thank you : Mulţumesc (pron.:Mulzumesc)
  • Do not mention it :   ( )
  • No problem :   ( )
  • Unfortunately :   ( )
  • Here :   ( )
  • There / there :   ( )
  • When? :   ( )
  • Thing? :   ( )
  • Where is it? :   ( )
  • Why? :   ( )
  • Welcome : Bun venit ()
  • Open : Deschis ()
  • Closed : închis ()
  • Entry : Intrare ()
  • Exit : Ieşire ()
  • To push : impose ()
  • Pull : Tragere ()
  • Toilet : Toaleta ()
  • Free :   ( )
  • Busy :   ( )
  • Men : Bărbaţi ()
  • Women : Femei ()
  • Forbidden : Interzis ()
  • Smoking prohibited : Fumatul este interzis ()
  • Hello : Bună (pron .: Buu)
  • Good morning : Bună ziua (pron .: Buu ziua)
  • Good evening : Bună seara (pron .: Buu searu)
  • Good night : Noapte bună (pron .: Noapte bunu)
  • How are you? : Can you ever do it? (pron.:Ce ever do you?)
  • Fine thanks : Bine mulţumesc (pron .: Bine mulzumesc)
  • And you? : Şi dumneavoastră / tu? ()
  • What's your name? (formal) : Cum vă numiţi? (pron.:Cum vu numez)
  • What's your name? (informal) : Cum te numeşti? ()
  • My name is _____ : Numele meu este _____ (pron.:Numele meu yeste _____)
  • Nice to meet you : Plăcere să vă cunosc ()
  • Where do you live? : Unde locuiţi / locuieşti? ()
  • I live in _____ : Locuiesc în _____ ()
  • Where do you come from? : De unde eşti? ()
  • How old are you / are you? : Câţi ani aveţi / ai? ()
  • Excuse me (permission) : Pardon (pron.:Pardon)
  • Excuse me! (asking for forgiveness) : Mă scuzaţi ()
  • As he said? :   ( )
  • I'm sorry : Îmi pare rău (pron.:Um seems ruo)
  • See you later : The revedere (pron.:La revedere)
  • See you soon :   ( )
  • We feel! : Pe curând! (pron .: Pe curond!)
  • I don't speak your language well :   ( )
  • I speak _____ : Vorbesc _____ ()
  • Is there anyone speaking _____? : Cineva vorbeşte în _____? ()
    • ...Italian : ... italiană ()
    • ...English : ... engleză (pron.:...englezu)
    • ...Spanish :   ( )
    • ...French : ... franceza ()
    • ...German :   ( )
  • Can you speak slower? : Puteţi să vorbiţi mai încet? ()
  • Could you repeat that? : Puteţi să repetaţi? ()
  • What does it mean? : Ce înseamnă? ()
  • I do not know : Nu ştiu ()
  • I do not understand : Nu înţeleg (pron .: Nu onzeleg)
  • How do you say _____? :   ( )
  • Can you spell it for me? :   ( )
  • Where is the toilette? : Unde este toaleta? ()



  • I've lost my purse : Am pierdut poşeta ()
  • I've lost my wallet : Am pierdut portofelul (pron.:Am pierdut portofelul)
  • I was robbed : Am fost jefuit (pron .: Am fost jefuit)
  • The car was parked in the street ... :   ( )
  • I haven't done anything wrong : Nu am făcut nimic de greşit ()
  • It was a misunderstanding : Aceasta este o neînțelegere ()
  • Where are you taking me? : Unde mă duceţi? ()
  • Am I under arrest? : Sunt arestat? ()
  • I am an Italian citizen : Sunt un cetăţian italian / Sunt o cetăţiană italiană ()
  • I want to speak to a lawyer : Vreau să vorbesc cu avocatul meu ()
  • Can I pay the fine now? : Pot să plătesc doar amenda acum? ()

On the telephone

  • Ready : Alo? ()
  • A moment :   ( )
  • I dialed the wrong number :   ( )
  • Stay online :   ( )
  • Sorry if I disturb, but :   ( )
  • I'll call back :   ( )


  • leave me alone : Lăsaţimă în pace ()
  • Do not touch me! : Nu mă atinge (pron .: Nu mu atinge)
  • I'll call the police : O să chem poliţia ()
  • Where is the police station? : Unde este staţia poliţie? ()
  • Police! : Poliţia! (pron .: Police)
  • Stop! Thief! : Stay! Hoţule! (pron.: Stay! Hozule!)
  • I need your (formal) help : Am nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastra (pron.:Am nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastra)
  • I need your help (informal) : Am nevoie de ajutorul tău (pron .: Am nevoie de ajutorul tuu)
  • I'm lost : M-am rătăcit (pron .: Miam rutucit)


  • It's an emergency : Este or emergenţă ()
  • I feel bad : Mă simt rău ()
  • I am hurt : Sunt rănit ()
  • Call an ambulance : Chemaţi, vă rog, salvarea ()
  • It hurts here : Mă doare aici ()
  • I have fever : Am febră ()
  • Should I stay in bed? :   ( )
  • I need a doctor : Am nevoie de doctor (pron.:Am nevoie de doctor)
  • May I use the phone? : Pot să utilizezeleful tău? ()
  • I am allergic to antibiotics : Sunt alergic la antibiotice ()


At the airport

  • Could I have a ticket to _____? :   ( )
  • When does the plane leave for _____? :   ( )
  • Where does it stop? :   ( )
  • Stops at _____ :   ( )
  • Where does the bus to / from the airport leave from? :   ( )
  • How much time do I have for check-in? :   ( )
  • Can I take this bag as hand luggage? :   ( )
  • Does this bag weigh too much? :   ( )
  • What is the maximum weight allowed? :   ( )
  • Go to exit number _____ :   ( )

Bus and Train

  • How much does the ticket cost for _____? : Care este preţul la un bilet _____? ()
  • A ticket to ..., please : Un bilet până la _____, vă rog (pron .: Un bilèt pənə la _____, və ròg)
  • I would like to change / cancel this ticket :   ( )
  • Where is this train / bus headed? : Unde merge trenul / autobuzul ăsta? (pron.:Ùnde mèrge trènul / àutobùluz əsta?)
  • Where does the train to _____ leave from? :   ( )
  • Which platform / stop? :   ( )
  • Does this train stop at _____? : Trenul ăsta opreşte la _____? (pron.:Trènul əsta òpreshte la _____?)
  • When does the train leave for _____? : Când pleacă tren spre ____? ()
  • When does the bus arrive in _____? : Când ajunge autobuzul ăsta la _____? (pron.:Kənd ajunge àutobùzul əsta la _____?)
  • Can you tell me when to get off? :   ( )
  • Sorry, I booked this place :   ( )
  • Is this seat free? : Este liber locul acesta? ()


  • Taxi : Taxi ()
  • Take me to _____, please : Ma duceti în _____, vă rog ()
  • How much does it cost up to _____? : Cât costă pîna în _____? ()
  • Take me there, please : Mă duceţi acolo, vă rog ()
  • Taximeter : Taximetru ()
  • Turn on the meter, please! : Vă rog, porniţi taximetrul! ()
  • Stop here, please! : Opriţivă aici, vă rog! ()
  • Wait here a moment, please! : Aşteptaţi aici un pic, vă rog! ()

To drive

  • I would like to rent a car : Vreau să închiriez o maşină ()
  • One way street : Sens unic ()
  • No parking : Parcare interzisă ()
  • Speed ​​limit : Viteza limită legală ()
  • Gas station : Benzinărie ()
  • Petrol : Benzină ()
  • Diesel : Diesel ( )
  • Traffic light : Semafor ()
  • Street : Stradă / drum / aleă ()
  • Square : Piaţă ()
  • Pavements : Trotuar ()
  • Driver : şofer ()
  • Pedestrian : Pedon ()
  • Pedestrian crossing :   ( )
  • Overtaking : Depăşire ()
  • Fine : Amendă ()
  • Deviation : You must ()
  • Toll : Taxă ()
  • Border crossing : Graniţă ()
  • Border : Frontieră ()
  • Customs : Vamă ()
  • Declare : Dichiaraţie ()
  • Identity card : Buletin ()
  • Driving license : Permis de conductere ()

Orient yourself

  • How do i get to _____? : Cum ajung la _____? ()
  • How far away ... :   ( )
    • ...The train station? : ...the race? ()
    • ... the bus station? : ... la staţia de autobuse? ()
    • ...the airport? : ... at the airport? ()
    • ...the center? : ... în centru? ()
    • ... the hostel? : ... în hostel? ()
    • ... the hotel _____? : ... în hotelul _____? ()
    • ... the Italian consulate? : ... the consulatul italian? ()
    • ... the hospital? : ... în spitalul? ()
  • Where there are many ... : Unde sunt mulţi ... ()
    • ... hotel? : ... hotel? ()
    • ... restaurants? : ... restaurant? ()
    • ...Cafe? : ... bar / cârciumă? ()
    • ...places to visit? : ... locuri de vizitat? ()
  • Can you point me on the map? : Puteţi indicates pe hartă? ()

s * Turn left : Viraj la stânga ()

  • Turn right : Viraj la dreapta ()
  • Straight ahead : în faţă ()
  • To _____ : Către _____ ()
  • Passing through _____ : Trecând pe _____ ()
  • Front _____ : înfaţă _____ ()
  • Pay attention to _____ : Faceţi atenţie la _____ ()
  • Crossroad :   ( )
  • North :   ( )
  • South :   ( )
  • East :   ( )
  • West :   ( )
  • Upward :   ( )
  • Over there :   ( )


  • You have a free room? :   ( )
  • What is the price of a single / double room? :   ( )
  • The room has ... :   ( )
    • ...the sheets? :   ( )
    • ...the bathroom? :   ( )
    • ...the shower? :   ( )
    • ...the phone? :   ( )
    • ...TV? :   ( )
    • Can I see the room? :   ( )
    • You have a room... :   ( )
    • ...smaller? :   ( )
    • ... calmer? :   ( )
    • ...bigger? :   ( )
    • ...cleaner? :   ( )
    • ...cheaper? :   ( )
    • ... with a view of (sea)  :   ( )
  • OK, I'll take it :   ( )
  • I will stay for _____ night (s) :   ( )
  • Can you recommend another hotel? :   ( )
  • Do you have a safe? :   ( )
  • Do you have key lockers? :   ( )
  • Is breakfast / lunch / dinner included? :   ( )
  • What time is breakfast / lunch / dinner? : La ce now if poate lua micul dejun / dejun / cină? ()
  • Please clean my room :   ( )
  • Can you wake me up at _____? :   ( )
  • I'd like to check out :   ( )
  • Common dormitory :   ( )
  • Shared bathroom :   ( )
  • Hot / boiling water :   ( )

To eat

  • Trattoria : Tavern ( )
  • Restaurant : restaurant ()
  • Snack bar : Snack bar ()
  • Breakfast : Mic de jun ()
  • Snack : Taste ()
  • Starter : Antreu ()
  • Lunch : Prânz / Dejun ()
  • Dinner : China ( )
  • Snack : Snack ()
  • Meal : To miss ( )
  • Soup : Supă ()
  • Main meal :   ( )
  • Sweet : Dulce ()
  • Appetizer : Aperitiv ()
  • Digestive : Digestiv ()
  • Hot : hot ()
  • Cold : frig ()
  • Sweet (adjective) : dulce ()
  • Salty :   ( )
  • Bitter :   ( )
  • Sour :   ( )
  • Spicy :   ( )
  • Raw :   ( )
  • Smoked :   ( )
  • Fried :   ( )

The bar

  • Do you serve alcoholic beverages? : Serviţi băuturi alcoolice? ()
  • Do you serve at the table? : Serviţi la masă? ()
  • One / two beers, please : O bere / două beri, vă rog ()
  • A glass of red / white wine, please : Un pahar de vin roşiu / alb, vă rog ()
  • A large beer, please : Or drink sea, vă rog ()
  • A bottle, please : A flacon, vă rog ()
  • water : Apă ()
  • Tonic water : Apă sodă ()
  • Orange juice : Suc de portocale ()
  • Coca Cola :   ( )
  • soda :   ( )
  • One more, please : Încă unul, vă rog ()
  • When do you close? : Când închide? ()

At the restaurant

  • A table for one / two people, please : O masă pentru o persoană / două persoane, vă rog ()
  • Can you bring me the menu? : Poţi să aduci meniul? ()
  • Can we order, please? :   ( )
  • Do you have any house specialties? : Aveţi or specialitate de casă? ()
  • Is there a local specialty? : Aveţi o specialitate locală? ()
  • Is there a menu of the day? :   ( )
  • I am a vegetarian / vegan : Sunt vegetarian ()
  • I don't eat pork : Nu mânânc carne provenită din pigs ()
  • I only eat kosher food : Mânânc doar mâncare kosher ()
  • I just want something light :   ( )
  • I would like to _____ : Vreau _____ ()
    • Meat : Meat ()
      • Well done :   ( )
      • To the blood :   ( )
    • Rabbit :   ( )
    • Chicken : Pui ()
    • Turkey :   ( )
    • Bovine : Bovin ()
    • Pig :   ( )
    • Ham : şuncă ()
    • Sausage : Cârnat ()
    • Fish : Peşte ()
    • Tuna :   ( )
    • Cheese : Brânză ()
    • Eggs : Ouă ()
    • Salad : Salată ()
    • Vegetable : Legume ()
    • Fruit : Fructe ()
    • Bread : Pâine ()
    • Toast : Toast ()
    • Croissant : Croissant / corn ()
    • Krapfen : Krapfen ()
    • Pasta : Pasta ()
    • Rice : Orez ()
    • Beans : Fasole ()
    • Asparagus : Sparangel ()
    • Beet :   ( )
    • Carrot :   ( )
    • Cauliflower : Conopidă ()
    • Watermelon : Green pepene ()
    • Fennel :   ( )
    • Mushrooms : Ciuperci ()
    • Pineapple :   ( )
    • Orange :   ( )
    • Apricot : Caise ()
    • Cherry : Cireşe ()
    • Berries :   ( )
    • Kiwi :   ( )
    • Mango :   ( )
    • Apple : Măr ()
    • Aubergine :   ( )
    • Melon : Pepene galben ()
    • Potato :   ( )
    • Chips :   ( )
    • Pear : Pară ()
    • Fishing : Piersică ()
    • Peas : Mazăre ()
    • Tomato : Roşie ()
    • Plum : Prună ()
    • Cake : Tort, Prăjitură ()
    • Sandwich :   ( )
    • Grapes : Struguri ()
  • Can I have a glass / cup / bottle of _____? : Pot să am un pahar / ceașcă / flacon de _____? ()
    • Coffee : Cafea ()
    • You : Ceai ()
    • Juice : Suc ()
    • Sparkling water : Apă carbogazoasă ()
    • Beer : Drinking ( )
  • Red / white wine : Vin roşiu / alb ()
  • Can I have some _____? : Pot să am um pic din _____? ()
    • Spices :   ( )
    • Oil : Ulei ()
    • Mustard : Muştar ()
    • Vinegar : Oțet ()
    • Garlic : Usturoi ()
    • Lemon : Lămâie ()
    • salt : Sare ()
    • pepper : Piper ()
    • Butter : Unt ()
  • Waiter! : Chelner! ()
  • I finished : Am gătat ()
  • It was great : A fost excelentă / foarte bună ()
  • The Bill please : Nota de plată, vă rog (pron .: Note de platu, vu rogh)
  • We pay each for himself (Roman style) :   ( )
  • Keep the change :   ( )


  • Credit card : Credit cards ()
  • Money : Bani ()
  • Check : Cec ()
  • Travel checks : Cecuri de călătorie ()
  • Currency : Evală ()
  • To change :   ( )
  • Do you accept this currency? :   ( )
  • Do you accept credit cards? :   ( )
  • Can you change my money? : Puteţi să schimbaţi banii? ()
  • Where can I exchange the money? : Unde pot să schimb banii? ()
  • What is the exchange rate? : Dear este cursul de schimb? ()
  • Where is the bank / ATM / exchange office? : Unde este bank / ATM / schimbul evaluar? ()


Useful words
  • To buy :   ( )
  • Do the shopping :   ( )
  • Shopping :   ( )
  • Shop :   ( )
  • Library : Librărie ()
  • Fishmonger : Pescărie ()
  • Shoe shop :   ( )
  • Pharmacy : Pharmacy ( )
  • Bakery : Brutărie ()
  • Butcher's shop : Măcelărie ()
  • Post Office :   ( )
  • Travel agency :   ( )
  • Price :   ( )
  • Expensive : Scump ()
  • Cheap : Economic ()
  • Receipt :   ( )
  • When do the shops open? :   ( )
  • Do you have this in my size? : Aveţi unda din acesta the measure mea? ()
  • Does he have it in other colors? :   ( )
  • Which color do you prefer? :   ( )
    • Black : Negru ()
    • White : Alb ()
    • Grey : Gri ()
    • Red : Roşu ()
    • Blue : Albastru ()
    • Yellow : Galben ()
    • Green : Green ()
    • Orange : Portocaliu ()
    • Violet : Violet / mov ()
    • Brown : Maro ()
  • How much? : Cât costă? ()
  • Too expensive : Tare scump ()
  • I can not afford it : Nu pot să or permit ()
  • I don't want this : Nu vreau acasta ()
  • Can I try it on (dress)? : Pot să provez haina? ()
  • You want to cheat me : Vreţ să mă înşelaţi ()
  • I'm not interested : Nu sunt interesat ()
  • Do you also send abroad? :   ( )
  • OK, I'll take this : OK, o iau pe acesta ()
  • Where do I pay? :   ( )
  • Can I have a bag? : Pot să am o pungă? ()

  • I need... : Am nevoie de ... ()
    • ...toothpaste : ... pastă de dinţi ()
    • ...toothbrush : ... periuţă de dinţi ()
    • ... tampons : ... tampoane ()
    • ...soap : ... săpun ()
    • ...shampoo : ... şampon ()
    • ...painkiller : ... painkiller ()
    • ...medicine for colds : ... medicină pentru răceală ()
    • ...blade : ... lamă de ras ()
    • ...umbrella : ... umbrelă ()
    • ... sun cream / milk : ... cremă / lapte solar ()
    • ...postcard : ... carte poştală ()
    • ...stamp : ... ştampilă ()
    • ... batteries : ... baterii ()
    • ... books / magazines / newspaper in Italian : ... cărţi / magazines / ziare în italiană ()
    • ...Italian dictionary : ... dicţionar italian ()
    • ...pen : ... stilou, ... pix ()


1unu21douazeci şi unu
2doi22douăzeci şi doi
6You know if60şaizeci
10zece100or sută
11unsprezece101o sută unu
14paisprezece1.000or mine
15cincisprezece1.001or my unu
16şaisprezece1.002O mie două
17şaptesprezece2.000două mii
18optsprezece10.000zece mii
19nouăsprezece20.000douăzeci de mii
20douazeci1.000.000a million
Useful words
  • zero :   ( )
  • number :   ( )
  • half : Jumate ()
  • double :   ( )
  • less than :   ( )
  • more than :   ( )
  • same :   ( )
  • comma :   ( )
  • point :   ( )
  • more : Plus ()
  • for :   ( )
  • less : Minus ()
  • divided :   ( )


Time and date

  • What time is it? : Cât and cesaul? ()
  • It is precisely one o'clock : Este ora unu. ()
  • Quarter to _____ :   ( )
  • What time do we meet? :   ( )
  • At two o'clock : La ora doi. ()
  • When will we see you? :   ( )
  • See you on Monday :   ( )
  • When are you leaving? :   ( )
  • I'm leaving / leaving tomorrow morning :   ( )


  • _____ minute / minutes (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ hour / hours (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ day (s) (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ week (s) (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ month / months (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ year / years (ago) :   ( )
  • three times a day :   ( )
  • in an hour / in an hour :   ( )
  • often :   ( )
  • never :   ( )
  • always :   ( )
  • rarely :   ( )

Common expressions

  • Now : Acum ()
  • Later : Mai târziu ()
  • Before :   ( )
  • Day : Zi ()
  • Afternoon : După-amiază ()
  • Evening : Seară ()
  • Night : Noapte ()
  • Midnight : Douăsprezece noaptea ()
  • Today : Azi ()
  • Tomorrow : Mâine ()
  • Tonight :   ( )
  • Yesterday : Yesterday ()
  • Yesterday night :   ( )
  • The day before yesterday : Alaltăieri ()
  • Day after tomorrow : Poimâine ()
  • This week :   ( )
  • Last week :   ( )
  • Next week :   ( )
  • Minute / I. :   ( )
  • hour (s) :   ( )
  • day (s) :   ( )
  • week (s) :   ( )
  • month (s) :   ( )
  • year / s :   ( )


The days of the week

Months and Seasons


Grammatical appendix

Basic forms
he / she / itel / ea
theyei / ele
Flexed forms
lo / la-gli / le-ne-siel / ea
them / neei / ele

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Romanian
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Romanian
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Romanian
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