Rosatal cycle path - Rosatal-Radwanderweg

The Rosatal cycle path leads from Wernshausen in the Werra valley Weilar in the Feldatal.

Route profile

Profile of the Pink Cycle Path
The Rosatal-Radweg-Logo: The signs are mostly destroyed
  • Length:18 km
  • Signposting: Uniform logo "Rosatal cycle path with stylized cyclist, often damaged.
  • Slopes:moderate ascent between Wernshausen and Rossdorf, steep ascent and subsequent downward gradient between Rossdorf and Urnshausen
  • Path condition: Forest / field paths, asphalt farm roads / back roads
  • Traffic load: low
  • Suitable bike:Gearshift suitable for mountains is recommended
  • Family suitability:partially suitable
  • Inline suitability: rather unsuitable


The Rosatal is probably named after the place Rosa.


getting there

Public transportation

By bicycle

In the street

Route description with sights

Am Rosabach in Georgenthal (Rosatal cycle path)

Location 1 - Location 2: km

Location 4 - Location 6: km

Detour to xy: km

Location 7 - Location 10: km

Other places to stay


References to literature and maps

Web links

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