Route des fromages fins du Québec - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Route des fromages fins du Québec — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Quebec fine cheese route
PKW aus Zusatzzeichen 1048-10.svg

Official site

The Quebec fine cheese route is a tourist route that runs through 16 of the 22 tourist regions in Quebec. Several producers, processors and specialized merchants are grouped there to showcase their products under the brand: “Fromages from here, a local product”. It is promoted by an agrotourism guide.



The Route des fromages fins du Québec was initiated in 2000 by the Council of the dairy industry of Quebec and the Association laitière de la chèvre du Québec, following the request made by Quebec cheese makers who wanted to promote their products. in an original way. The Quebec dairy industry council is responsible for and promoter of the tourist route.


In 2013, on this route, the tourist regions had the following number of attractions:

Attractions of the road


  • Cow in Maillotte
  • Goat farm Dion
  • Cheese in the village


  • Outaouais cheese trap
  • Fromagerie Les Folies Bergères
  • Floralpe farm


  • Fromagerie Petit Train du Nord
  • Maple cheeses
  • Blessed Flock
  • Agropur, coop. agro-food
  • Cheeses from the Orchard
  • Fromagerie Marie Kadé
  • Fromagerie Mirabel
  • Cheese makers of the Round Table

Metropolitan area

  • Saputo
  • Fromagerie du Vieux St-François


  • Country cheese dairy
  • Fromagerie La Suisse Normande
  • Fromagerie du Champ à la Meule
  • Goat farm Barrousse
  • He was a shepherdess ...


  • Caron farm
  • Fromagerie Domaine Féodal
  • Fromagerie F.X. Pichet


  • Grondines cheese dairy
  • Fromagerie Alexis de Portneuf

Ile d'Orleans

  • Cheeses from Isle of Orleans


  • Charlevoix dairy
  • Maurice Dufour refining house
  • Fromagerie St-Fidèle


  • Fromagerie La Petite Heidi
  • Fromagerie Boivin
  • Bergerie du Fjord
  • Blackburn cheese factory
  • Lehmann cheese dairy
  • Fromagerie L’Autre Versant
  • Fromagerie St-Laurent
  • Fromagerie Les Petits Bleuets
  • Fromagerie Médard
  • Fromagerie Perron
  • Fromagerie Au pays des bleuets
  • Fromagerie Ferme des Chutes
  • The Normandinoise


  • Yogecostere farm
  • Diodati farm
  • Morin Farm
  • Chaput cheeses
  • Blue Ribbon Cheese Factory
  • Fromagerie Fritz Kaiser
  • Fromagerie Au gré des champs
  • Cheese maker Etcetera
  • Ferme Mes Petits Caprices
  • Damafro
  • Saputo
  • Agropur
  • Polyethnic cheese dairy
  • Riviera cheeses

Eastern Townships

  • Caprices du Pré
  • Cantons cheese dairy
  • Top quality cheese dairy
  • St-Benoît-du-Lac Abbey
  • Fromagerie de la Colline
  • Coaticook dairy
  • Fromagerie La Germaine
  • Heritage butter
  • Fromagerie La Station
  • Domaine de Courval
  • New France cheese dairy
  • Morning cheese factory
  • Caitya from Caprice Caprin
  • La Chaudière cheeses
  • Goat farm Fruit of a passion
  • Fromagerie P’tit Plaisir
  • Fromagerie Proulx
  • La Houlette farm


  • Fromagerie des Vallons
  • Coop Agrilait, St-Guillaume cheese
  • Lemaire cheese dairy
  • Fromagerie Pampille and Barbichette
  • Fromagerie L’Ancêtre
  • Fromagerie du Presbytère
  • Fromagerie 1860 DuVillage
  • Moutonniere
  • Victoria cheese dairy
  • Parmalat
  • Mathurin goat farm
  • Madame Chèvre cheese factory
  • Eco-Delights


  • Fromagerie de la Bourgade
  • Fromagerie La Pépite d´Or
  • Fromagerie Gilbert
  • Linor Farm
  • Jac the Chevrier
  • Bergeron cheese factory
  • Field Flowers Coop
  • Blackcurrant and Lemon Balm
  • Buckland goat farm
  • Fromagerie of the Terroir of Bellechasse
  • Ile-aux-Grues cheese factory
  • Port-Joli cheese factory

Bas-Saint-Laurent - Gaspésie - Magdalen Islands

  • Fromagerie Le Mouton Blanc
  • Fromagerie Le Détour
  • Fromagerie des Basques
  • Coastal cheese dairy
  • Fromagerie Les Méchins
  • Fromagerie du Pied-de-Vent

To go


To see


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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The article on this route is a sketch and needs more content. The article is structured according to the recommendations of the Style Manual but lacks information. He needs your help. Go ahead and improve it!
Complete list of other articles in the region: Quebec