Shipwrecked - Rozbitek

Castaway - a small village in the village of Poland, located in Greater Poland Voivodeship, in you will say Międzychodzki, in Kwilcz commune, by the national road 24.


In the years 1975-1998, the town administratively belonged to the then Poznań Province.

Geographic coordinates: 52 ° 34'N, 16 ° 04'E

Palace in Rozbitku
Palace in Rozbitku

Historical monuments

  • Palace and farm complex
    • The palace was built in the years 1856-1858 for the then owner of the village, Georg von Reiche.

The name of the architect is unknown, it could have been Frederick August Stüler or an architect from his circle. A two-story building, on the plan of an elongated rectangle, on a high brick plinth. Covered with a high gable roof. A frieze with a stylized battlement at the end of the façade. High side façades. Flanked by two four-storey towers with very high, pointed helmets and pinnacles at the corners. In the west, front façade there is an apparent neo-gothic avant-corps with a stepped gable, in its ground floor a portico with a first-floor terrace, and a portal made of profiled brick in it, closed with a Tudor arch. In the northern elevation with a stepped gable there is a second entrance to the building, closed with a Tudor arch, in a decorative frame, leading to the side hall with the main staircase. On the eastern side, there was a spacious terrace with a double flight of stairs, accessed by windows and doors of the ballroom closed with a Tudor arch. Details of architectural decoration: friezes, cornices, door frames made of carefully modeled brick. Inside, there is a vestibule and a staircase to the north. parts and a great living room from the garden and dining area. The ground floor served as representative functions, on the first floor there were living and guest rooms, and the attic was the servants' apartment.

The palace is situated in a vast (13.3 ha) park, considered to be the largest park plane in Greater Poland.

Currently, the palace is being renovated, ultimately it is to be the seat of the Rozbitek Institute Jan A. P. Kaczmarek.

Rozbitek Institute

The Rozbitek Institute was founded in 2004 by Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, among others with American inspiration Sundance Institute. Conceived as a working meeting place for film, music and theater artists, it will promote the idea of ​​maintaining freedom of expression in the conditions imposed by the modern commercialized art market.

The Institute is a non-profit organization. He inaugurated his activities in the summer of 2005.

The Rozbitek Institute owes its name to a picturesque town in the Kwilcz commune, located 60 km west of Poznań. There is a palace and park complex with an area of ​​33 ha, currently under renovation.

The program activities of the Institute, including workshops modeled on the Sundance method, as well as classes in the field of opera and musicals, will be carried out both in the palace complex and in Poznań. Rozbitek aims to become a forum for educational activities by organizing seminars, workshops and conferences conducted by outstanding practitioners of world cinema, composition and performing arts. It is also supposed to be a place of artistic production, a space for creating and presenting films, concerts, performances and multimedia productions.

Geographical Coordinates