Romanian phrasebook - Rozmówki rumuńskie

Romanian flag

Romanian language belongs to the Romance languages ​​and is mainly used in Romania and Moldovaand also in some regions Ukraine, Hungarian, Serbia, and Bulgaria. Knowledge of the basics of this language and the most important phrases is useful in tourism in Romania, especially in rural areas.

Romanian is somewhat similar to Italian and other Romance languages ​​such as French, Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan. For this reason, people who speak these languages ​​have easier learning of Romanian phrases. Interestingly, in Romanian as much as 14% of the vocabulary is borrowed from the Slavic languages.

Polite phrases

Good morning
Bună ziua (bune evil)
Good morning)
Bună dimineața (bune diminiaca)
Good evening
Bună seara (bune sjara)
Salute (salute)
How are you?
Ce mai faci? (Jun May facz ’?)
How are you?
Ce mai faceți? (Jun May faczec?)
Well thank you
Mulțumesc, bine. (mulcumesk, bine)
Good night
Noapte bună (caught bune)
La revedere (la rewedere)
See you
Pe curând (pe curious)
thank you very much
Mulțumesc frumos (mulcumesk frumos)
Please (in reply to thank you)
Mulţumesc şi eu (mulcumesk shi was eating, literally: thank you and me) or Cu plăcere (towards the cupboard, literally: with pleasure)
Please (request)
Vă rog (we rog)
Excuse me
Îmi pare rău (ymi pare reł)


Do you speak English?
Vorbiţi englezeşte? (worbic'englezeszte?)
Does anyone speak English here?
Vorbeşte cineva aici englezeşte? (worbeszte czinewa aicz ’englezeszte?)
I don't speak Romanian
Nu vorbesc românește. (nu worbesk romyneszte)
I do not understand
Nu înțeleg. (nu ynceleg)

Asking for directions

Please tell me how to get to ...?
Spuneți-mi, vă rog cum să ajung la ... (spunec ’mi, we rog kum tillung la)
Where is the nearest ...?
Unde este cel mai aproape ...? (unde jeste czel May aprłape ...?)
I am looking for this adress...?
Caut această adresa ...? (what is the address ...?)
Please go straight.
Mergeţi drept înainte. (merdzec ’drept ynainte)
Please turn right.
Întoarceţi la dreapta. (yntłarczec ’la drjapta)
Please turn left.
Întoarceţi la stânga. (yntłarczec ’la stynga)
Behind the pedestrian lights
După semaforul. (dupe semaphore)
Behind the intersection
După intersecție. (dupe intersections)


unu (unu)
doi (milking), două (bottom) (depending on the form of the noun)
trei (trej)
patru (pat)
cut (chinch)
şase (time)
şapte (szapte)
opt (opt)
nouă (bitch)
Zece (the line)

In the shop

Daţi-mi, vă rog ... (give me the corner)
How much is...?
Cât costă ...? (what is the cost of ...?)
Please write me the price ...
Scrieṭi-mi prețul, vă rog. (skrijec ’mi precul we rog)

Other phrases

You are tired?
Eşti obosit? (jeszti obosit?)
I'm tired today
Eu sunt obosit azi. (eat sunt obosit azi)
I want to go home
Vreau să merg acasă. (se merg akase)
I can not wait for the weekend
Nu pot să aștept weekendul. (nu pot se asztept łikendul)

This website uses content from the website: Romanian phrasebook published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0