Rudozem - Rudozem

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Rudosem is a city in Smolyan Oblast in Southwest Bulgaria.


The town of Rudozem is located in the Rila-Rhodope Mountains and extends over the southeastern parts of the Western Rhodope Mountains along the valleys of the Arda, Chepinska and Elhovska rivers. The urban area is a total of 191.3 square kilometers. It borders the cities of Smolyan, Madan and Zlatograd in Bulgaria, as well as the Greek border to the south.

The mean height above sea level is 765 meters. The mountain range around Rudozem consists of flat peaks and steep valleys. The annual average temperature is 9.4 ° C, the average temperature in summer (in July) is 19.4 ° C, the average temperature in winter (in January) is 1.6 ° C.

The city of Rudozem consists of 23 settlements - one city, 13 villages and 9 loose settlements. The villages are distributed over the area of ​​the city according to the landscape.

The town of Rudozem is located 23 km south-east from the capital of the region, Smolyan, 35 km from the Pamporovo ski area, 292 km from Sofia and 122 km from Plovdiv. The population is 11336 people.

Most of the residents live in the villages. Only 4600 people live in the city of Rudozem.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

By boat


Tourist Attractions










Practical advice



Web links

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