Great Barrier Reef - Rạn san hô Great Barrier

Part of Great Barrier Reef from Helicopter.jpg
Coral Outcrop Flynn Reef.jpg

Great Barrier Reef (Dai Bao Tieu) is the largest coral reef system in the world, consisting of about 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands, extending about 2,600 km, covering an area of ​​approximately 344,400 km


The reef is located in the Coral Sea area, away from the coast Queensland to the northeast of Australia. A large portion of the reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from space and is sometimes said to be the largest single body in the world. In fact, it is made up of millions of tiny organisms, which are coral polyps. The Great Barrier Reef was also recognized as a World Natural Heritage Site in 1981. CNN named it one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The Queensland Faith considers it a symbol of the state of Queensland. It is an area of ​​biological diversity, including many endangered and endangered species. 30 species of whales and dolphins have been recorded on the Great Barrier Reef, including the Dwarf Minke, Indo-Pacific Humpback, and Humpback whales. A large population of dugongs also lives here. Six species of sea turtles have come to the reef to breed: Green, Leatherback, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Flatback, and Olive Ridley.

Over 200 species of birds (including 40 species of waterfowl) live in the skies above the Great Barrier Reef, including the white-bellied sea eagle and the pink tern.

5000 species of molluscs have also been recorded, including giant clams, various Nudibranch species and cone-shell snails. 17 species of sea snakes. Over 1500 species of fish, including Clownfish, Red Bass, Red-Throat Emperor, and many species of Snapper and coral trout. 400 species of coral including hard corals and soft corals. There are 15 species of seagrass near the reef that attract sea turtles and sea turtles. 500 species of ocean or marine algae. Irukandji jellyfish also inhabit this reef.


Coral reef day trips from most of the length of the Queensland coast. In general, the further north you start, the shorter the trip to the reefs, similar to the way from the coast near Cape Tribulation.




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