Thessaloniki - Salónica

Thessaloniki or Thessaloniki[1] (in Greek Θεσσαλονίκη, Thessaloníki[2] or Σαλονίκη, Saloníki) is a city greek, capital of the region of Central macedonia and it is an important port in the north of the Aegean Sea.


Thessaloniki is considered as the second city of Greece in population and commercial and financial importance. The city has interesting museums and churches with splendid mosaics, many of which are regarded as masterpieces of the early Christian and Byzantine eras.

In addition to its important artistic heritage, Thessaloniki reserves for its potential visitors various opportunities for recreation, nightlife in the center, airport, beaches and among other fascinating tourist attractions of interest.


Thessaloniki has a Mediterranean climate trending continental. Snow occurs sporadically during winter, but heavy snowfalls are exceptional.

Maximum temperature (° C)91013182328313026211410
Minimum temperature (° C)125712161818151162
Precipitation (mm)403843354330222027455850
Temperature record (° C)202225313639423936322726

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  1. According to him Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts, both forms are valid in Spanish. Current usage tends to prefer Thessaloniki to designate the city of ancient Greece and Thessaloniki for the modern city. - Motto «Thessaloniki» on the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts.
  2. The sound of grapheme th represents the phoneme [θ], that is, the same as the z in standard peninsular Spanish.
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