San Pedro (Buenos Aires) - San Pedro (Buenos Aires)

Shield of San Pedro

Saint peter is a town of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Located on the banks of the Paraná River, this city has numerous tourist infrastructure and, due to its proximity to large urban centers such as Buenos Aires or rosary beads, is chosen by a large number of tourists for mini getaways or short trips.

The city is connected by the highway Buenos Aires - rosary beads.

The Pier of the Fishermen's Club, seen from a viewpoint in San Pedro. In the distance, you can see the Paraná River.

Tourist sites

  • Old facades of buildings in the urban area.
  • Plaza Constitución where the Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Socorro is located, from 1872, Italian style, interior with images of the century XVIII.
  • Commercial and pedestrian center.
  • Italian and Spanish Companies.
  • Municipal Palace, with its Regional Historical Museum.
  • Paleontological Museum.
  • Fernando García Curten Museum.
  • Osvaldo "Pato" Morresi Museum
  • Coastal walk and viewpoints in the canyon
  • Way of the Cross
  • Ramos Generales Dutra Warehouse: created in 1865, it was declared by the Municipality as a 'Place of Local Historical Interest', it still retains its 'Colonial' appearance and style.
  • Place and Historical Museum where the Battle of the Vuelta de Obligado.
  • The balcony of the Parana River, the San Pedro lagoon, Pje. Vuelta de Obligado and the Delta islands
  • Bvar. Waterfront
  • Public Walk
  • Fishing clubs
  • Plantations of orange trees, rose bushes and peaches, among them "The countryside of Mónica and César".
  • Field establishments
  • Yacht clubs
  • Spas
  • Fishing excursions through the Paraná and the islands
  • Paleontological Museum
  • Irigoyen Museum Ship
  • El Sueño del Tano Art Park and museum

Typical products

Fruit production stands out, especially oranges and peaches, as well as products derived from them (jams, sweets and other preparations). On the other hand, the production of ensaimada (Mallorcan product, this community has a great representation in San Pedro), to the point that the city has been declared "National Capital of the Argentine ensaimada".

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