Saint Pierre and Miquelon - San Pedro y Miquelón


Saint Pierre and Miquelon (in French: Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) is a territory French located on the eastern shores of North America, just south of the island Canadian of Newfoundland. It is made up of two islands: San Pedro to the southeast and Miquelon, created by the union of three islands through sand dunes. Administratively, it is a overseas community, with a certain degree of local autonomy.


Saint Peter and Miquelon is a group of islands near Newfoundland, Canada and the first site of French settlement during the 17th century and a French remnant in North America. Saint Peter was a French settlement at the beginning of the 17th century, then abandoned under the Treaty of Utrecht, and it returned to France in 1763 at the end of the Seven Years' War. The islands became a place of refuge for the Acadian deportees from Nova Scotia. Saint-Pierre figured frequently in American relations between the British and the French. It benefited greatly from the United States' ban, which did not apply in this area, as they were part of France. It was depopulated and repopulated frequently, and now it remains the last vestige of Imperial France in North America.

Like its northern neighbor Newfoundland, it is a key fishing hub near the Grand Banks, some of the richest fishing grounds in the world. However, as in Newfoundland, declining cod stocks have seriously affected the fishery. As a result, tourism is becoming increasingly important to the economy. As a tourist destination, Saint Pierre and Miquelon is ideal for those interested in historical and cultural discovery, ecotourism and the French language. Beyond its history, Saint Pierre and Miquelon is a wonderful destination due to its mild and refreshing climate, its beautiful landscapes, the quality of the air and the warmth of its inhabitants.

As part of France, the area has a lot in common with Europe, but also with its Canadian and American neighbors.

Tourist information

  • Tourist Office (Comité Régional du Tourisme), Place du Général de Gaulle, ☏ 508 410200, fax: 508 413355.


  • Saint Peter: smaller but more densely populated island. The only significantly populated city (the capital) and the central area of ​​activity.
  • Miquelon: island with the largest Basque-French population.


The French spoken in Saint Pierre and Miquelon is very similar to that spoken in Normandy, Brittany, and Paris. The islanders are very proud of their linguistic heritage.

Due to its proximity to English-speaking Canada, Saint-Pierre has become a popular destination for English-speaking students who want to immerse themselves in the French language and culture. The islands have a specialized language teaching center called FrancoForum, owned and operated by the local government in Saint-Pierre. The institute, made up of professional French instructors, offers a variety of courses for students and teachers who want to improve their fluency.

The FrancoForum is best known for hosting Le Program Frecker, a 3-month French immersion program offered to students at Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada. The program, which began in 1975, was originally located in a small building in the center of the city. In 2000, an agreement was reached with the Territorial Council in Saint-Pierre to relocate the program to the newly built FrancoForum.


Given the compact size of San Pedro, it is generally easy to get around on foot. Those intimidated by the city's notorious sloping streets may find that a rented scooter may be a friendlier option. There are also a number of taxi services that offer guided tours of Saint-Pierre. Avid renters, please note that there are only a handful of rental cars on the island.

The nearby islands of île aux Marins, Langlade and Miquelon are accessible by ferry. Île aux Marins and Langlade are inhabited only during the summer months and lack services such as taxis, hospitals or internet service. The city of Miquelon is considerably smaller than Saint-Pierre and therefore has fewer hotels, shops and restaurants.

To buy


Exchange rates for euros

As of October 21, 2019:

  • US $ 1 ≈ € 0.9
  • UK £ 1 ≈ € 1.16
  • Australian $ 1 ≈ € 0.61
  • Canadian $ 1 ≈ € 0.68

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available at

Like the rest of France, the official currency is the euro ("", currency code ISO: EUR). It is divided into 100 cents. In Saint-Pierre, it is also common for merchants to accept Canadian and US dollars. Chip and PIN credit cards are accepted everywhere except bakeries.

You will find that almost everything is expensive, with the notable exceptions of wine and cigarettes.

Eat and drink

To eat

French cuisine is standard in Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Seafood lovers should visit the Seafood Festival held every year in mid-August in the small town of Miquelon. However, there are only 500 tickets available and they can only be purchased 3-4 days in advance in Miquelon.

Saint-Pierre et Miquelon has a wide variety of restaurants, lounges and cafes where you can enjoy good company while eating delicious meals. Its restaurants serve dishes such as Asian cuisine, French cuisine, pancakes, fish and much more.

To drink

There is something for everyone at the Saint-Pierre and Miquelon restaurants. Not only do they serve good food, but most restaurants have great views of the water. Its cafes and lounges serve different types of French pastries and offer a variety of tea and coffee.

external links

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