Senné - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Senné — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Postal code
48 ° 41 ′ 6 ″ N 22 ° 3 ′ 32 ″ E
Official site

Senna is a village of Bottom Zemplín in Eastern Slovakia.


The village is located in a marshy area. A large part of the marshes have been cleaned up to become cultivated land. A small part of these wetlands have however been preserved next to ponds designed for fish farming.

To go

By car

By bus

The company Arriva operates regular bus lines throughout the region of Bottom Zemplín. The villages of Senné and Iňačovce are accessible from the bus station in Michalovce.

  • Michalovce-Senné-Vojany line Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Michalovce-Iňačovce line

Blatné Remety and Blatná Polianka can be reached by bus from Sober.

  • Sobrance-Blatné Remety-Svätuš line Logo indicating a link to the website


To see

Natural heritage

Between the villages of Senné, Iňačovce, Blatné Remety and Blatná Polianka lies the main important area for bird conservation in Slovakia.

Only the northernmost pond of the complex is a nature reserve, the strictest level of conservation in Slovakia but all the ponds and their surroundings constitute a special protection zone (Chránené vtáčie územie).

The ponds outside the nature reserve are still operated by a private company for fish farming and access is prohibited.

  • 1 Senné ponds national nature reserve (Národná prírodná rezervácia Senianske rybníky) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The reserve makes 213 ha on the 1 440 Ha of the pond complex.

Cultural Heritage

  • 2 Manor of Senné  – The mansion is undergoing renovation. It is the starting point of a marked trail.


There are marked trails around the ponds Educational tag with explanatory panels on the main bird species that can be found. On its trails, 3 observation towers have been built.

  • 1 Observation tower
  • 2 Observation tower
  • 3 Observation tower

To buy


There are no catering establishments in the villages bordering the ponds. There is a picnic area near Iňačovce.

  • 1 Picnic area

Have a drink / Go out


There is no accommodation in Senné and in the other villages around the ponds. The tourist accommodation offer is the most important in the region. Michalovce or at the recreation area on the shores of Lake Zemplínska šírava.



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Complete list of other articles from the region: Bottom Zemplín