Side - Side

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Side is a well-known vacation spot on the Turkish Riviera between cities Antalya and Alanya in the Turkey.


Side is actually an ancient city on the Turkish south coast which is about 70 km from Antalya away. In the meantime, however, the entire beach region west and east of the ancient site is generally referred to as Side.

The lettering Side with the city symbol "Pomegranate"

According to legend, Side means pomegranate and goes back to a fertility goddess who solidified here into a pomegranate tree and which then spread all over Turkey. At least the city's ancient coins bore a pomegranate as a mint. According to records from the 4th century AD, the city was founded in 1405 BC. Founded in BC, which is difficult to prove. However, moved in the 7th century BC. Aeolian settlers from Kyme to Side and found a Hittite town here, in whose life the newcomers seem to have integrated smoothly. The old Hittite religion and the regional language were still practiced for centuries. This also changed under Persian rule from 546 BC. Chr. Not. When Alexander the Great in 333 BC BC approached the city, it surrendered without a fight. After that, Greek culture increasingly prevailed here as well. The Sidetic language died out, and Hittite gods were replaced by Greek gods.

With the expansion of the port facility, Side quickly became an important trading center, but soon it also became an important slave market and meeting place for pirates. Antiochus III. was defeated by the Rhodians fighting for Rome in 190 BC. BC, and about 100 years later Mithridates stationed Amasya his fleet here. After Mithridates was defeated, the Roman consul Servilius Isouricus cleaned Side in 78 BC. By the pirates and integrated the city into the Roman Empire. During the Pax Romana (a time of inner peace in the Roman Empire), Side developed into an important trading town, and numerous representative buildings were built in the city.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, the city began to fall. The silting up of the port and the Arab invasions affected the city. Side was made a bishopric, but a fire in the 9th century finally destroyed the city. In the 11th century a few more pirates settled in the ruins, but the place was soon completely deserted. What was left was finally destroyed by an earthquake in the 12th century. It was not until 1895 that people settled here again. Turkish emigrants from Crete founded the small village of Selimiye here. In 1947 the excavations began under Turkish archaeological direction. The first tourists discovered the beaches in the 1970s. The insider tip quickly became mass tourism.

Overview of the Side holiday region

Today, a 10 km long strip of beach is marketed as Side, in the center of which is the village of Selimiye and the ruins of Side. From west to east there are the following places, which merge into one another:

  • Çolaklı - The Side holiday region begins with the district Gündoğdu from Çolaklı on the Mediterranean. 4 km further east is the resort of Çolaklı directly on the Mediterranean Sea. In the resort of Çolaklı there is a beach promenade between the hotels and the gently sloping fine sandy beach. The actual place Çolaklı is about 3 km inland on the federal road D400.
  • Evrenseki - The resort joins the Çolaklı resort seamlessly. Here, too, there is a fine sandy beach and a beach promenade. The actual place of origin is also a few kilometers inland.
  • Kumkoy - The hotel complexes in Kumköy are also seamlessly connected. Here is not only the holiday resort, but also the original place directly on the Mediterranean. The beach is the finest sand and falls into the sea in a family-friendly way. A beach promenade leads from Kumköy to Side.
  • Side (Selimiye) - Here, too, the hotel complexes in Kumköy merge seamlessly with those in Side. But the monotonous infrastructure of large hotels and tourist bazaars ends on the peninsula. The peninsula is densely built up with shops, restaurants, small guest houses and hotels. In between are the ruins of the ancient city of Side. The beach sections are short and cannot keep up with the quality of e.g. Kumköy.
  • Sorgun - Sorgun is actually an extensive pine forest area and also serves as a recreational area with hiking trails and barbecue areas. Some hotel complexes have been integrated into this area. The beach here is a sand-pebble beach and there is no infrastructure (shopping or restaurants) outside the hotel complex.
  • Titreyeng oil - Strictly speaking, this is a lake that emerged from the widening of an ancient arm of the Manavgat River. Numerous hotel complexes have been built around this lake near the mouth of the Manavgat, which describes the eastern border of the Side holiday region.

The place is still there Manavgat to count on. The capital of the district of the same name in the province of Antalya is not only attributable to the Side region because the majority of the employees working in tourism in the Side region live here. Due to its proximity to the Side coastline, the place is a top excursion and shopping destination. It also offers the necessary additional infrastructure such as children's hospital, banks, etc.

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is in Antalya (75 km to the west). From here it continues on the road. Another alternative is in Gazipasa (100 km to the east). However, this is less frequented.

By train

Side has no train connection. The next train station with good connections is in Konya to find. From there you have to travel about 230 km on the road. There is a connection by bus via Antalya.

In the street

  • By car - Side is almost directly on the D400 between Antalya and Alanya. To get to the archaeological site, drive towards the coast at the level of Manavgat. But if you should go to a hotel, you should pay attention to where the hotel is, as the area that is still sold under the name Side extends over a length of approx. 10 km on the coast. Here it may be better to leave the D400 sooner or later and thus avoid driving through the center. In large parts of the center, it is only allowed to drive between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
  • By bus - Side bus station is on the Nymphaeum. From here there is a shuttle service through Side. The 1 Bus station in Side However, it is almost exclusively served by Dolmuş lines (shared taxi), which go to destinations between Antalya and Alanya. It is very busy here between 7.45 a.m. and 1.00 a.m. If you prefer to take a regional bus or go further than to or from Antalya or Alanya, you have to change trains in Manavgat, Antalya or Alanya. The is particularly recommended here 2 Bus station in Manavgat, as this can be found directly on the city limits between Side and Manavgat on the D400.

By boat

The harbor in Side is small and mainly occupied by excursion boats. The next good marinas are in Antalya and Alanya to find


Map of Side

Local public transport

Dolmus minibus

There is a system of minibuses, the so-called minibuses, in the vicinity in and between the towns of Manavgat and Side Dolmuş(Shared taxi). The destination is always displayed on the bus. The dolmuş (see arrival) either stop at fixed stops or can be stopped with a hand signal. The transport fee of one to two euros is paid directly to the driver. The dolmuş usually run in rapid succession every 5 to 15 minutes.[1] In the Side region, most of the permanent stops are also marked in German as a stop. The timetable is mostly posted in German and English. In addition, many drivers speak a few words of German and the trip can be paid in euros as an alternative to the Turkish lira. Essentially four routes are served every 2 to 15 minutes:

  • Titreyengöl - Sorgun - Side
  • Titreyengöl - Sorgun - Manavgat
  • Kumkoy - Side
  • Kumkoy - Manavgat

This is supplemented by hotel-related routes.

Driving a taxi in Side is much more expensive than in the rest of Turkey and is only recommended in special cases. If you want to go to Manavgat from a large hotel and vice versa, you can combine this with the free shuttle transfer between the hotels and the outlet center at the aqueduct on the main road. This means that you drive half the distance for free.

Camels wait for tourists in Side
Waterfront in Side

If you want to go from Kumköy to Side (city center), you can also use the beautiful promenade on foot. This runs between the hotels and the beach. An extension is planned, but is likely to meet resistance from the hotel operators in Kumköy.

The archaeological site can be visited on foot. This can be very exhausting in the not yet exposed part due to the dunes and bushes in the midday heat. Guided tours through this section on camels are therefore offered at the library.

Tourist Attractions

The sights outside the hotels are mainly to be found in Side and Manavgat

Sights in Side

The ruins of the ancient city of Side are particularly worth mentioning here. The Dolmuş train station is a good starting point for exploring the ruins. Right next to the city gate and the Nymphaeum there is access to the two ancient streets. The ruin areas consist of two completely different areas. One contains the well-known attractions such as the theater or the Temple of Apollo and is divided around the street of columns. Most of the ruins have largely been exposed and are still being restored. Some ruins are also found between the restaurants, souvenir shops, and hotels. The second area is in the area around Kolonnadenstrasse and is largely still under dunes and grass. The individual ruins can only be reached via small paths and good footwear is absolutely essential. So far, many ruins could not be assigned a special meaning.

Nymphaeum in Side
  • 1 Nymphaeum - One of the largest and most magnificent fountains of antiquity used to stand here, fed by the aqueduct. Of the 52 m wide, 20 m high and 4 m deep monumental structure there are still 12 meters. Of course, this building was completely clad in marble and decorated with numerous columns, ornaments and statues. A visual image on site illustrates this. There is also an impression of the size of the well basin, which used to hold 500 cubic meters of water. Further excavations are currently taking place here.
City gate in Side
  • 2 City gate The remains of the city gate can be found (often overlooked) directly at the Nymphaeum. This was part of the city wall, which can no longer be seen either. Two large square towers once stood here. The gate square can still be seen, however, as it is largely exposed. So you can see the paving and the small shops flanking the square. Two colonnaded streets led from the city gate towards the sea. In addition to the colonnaded street there was a second one that led across the field of ruins to the State Agora.

Along the column street to the port

  • 3 The Colonnaded street connected the port with the city gate of the Hellenistic city wall and led over the agora. Originally it was 20 meters wide and completely covered with marble. The course is identical to today's access road from Selimiye, only instead of marble you can find tar today. Many pillars can still be found today, some of which have been erected again. At the roadside you can see numerous walls of small shops. The remains of the nobles' houses are more extensive. These are on the left in the direction of the sea. The so-called peristyle villas had open courtyards around which the various rooms were grouped.
  • 4 Side Museum in the Agora-Therme. The thermal bath itself dates from the 5th century AD and was converted into a burial house in the later phase of the city. After the excavation work began in 1947, the building was restored from 1960 to 1961 and then turned into a museum to display the objects found in Side. According to the building structure, the permanent exhibition is divided into the garden, frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium and sudatorium. Here is what you can see:
  • garden. In the garden there are individual finds such as numerous fragments with ornaments or some sarcophagi.
  • Frigidarium (room I). Here you can find, among other things, tablets from the Hittite period and a Roman sundial. The oldest piece in the exhibition, a basalt kettle from the Hittite period, can also be found here.
  • Sudatorium (Hall II). Small finds (e.g. jewelry) are exhibited in the relatively small room.
  • Caldarium (room III). In addition to some small finds, the former warm bathing room shows the highlight of the museum with the group of statues of the three graces.
  • Tepidarium (room IV). In addition to the best sarcophagi, there are also numerous statues that were found by the State Agora. Among other things, images of Hermes, Hygieia, Athena, Nike or Apollon can be found.
Side Museum. Tel.: 90(0)242 753 10 06, Fax: 90(0)242 753 27 49. Open: Daily except Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Price: 8 TL.
Commercial agora in Side
  • 5 Agora, Meeting place in the antique Side. People strolled, traded and philosophized here, although slaves were also auctioned during pirate times. The undeveloped square was surrounded on each side with exactly 100 columns and numerous shops and halls. Urgency was also taken care of. A public toilet for 24 people can be made out in the northwest of the square.
Theater in Side
  • 6 The theatre from the 2nd century AD has 48 rows of seats and a capacity of 15,000 spectators. The theater was not built on a slope, but on a flat surface. The auditorium therefore has a huge substructure. To build this, the sea wall was plundered, which had already become superfluous in times of peace. The stage wall was decorated with Corinthian columns and a frieze with reliefs. In addition to the usual gladiator fights and theater performances, ship competitions could also take place here in a large water basin. The entrance fee can only be paid in Turkish Lira or by credit card, euros are not accepted.
  • 7 Theater basilica - This basilica was once the second largest in Side with its basic dimensions of 32 x 22 m. Today you can still see parts of the arched vault on which the basilica was built. Only the apse remains of the building itself. The three-aisled basilica was built in the 5th century.
  • 8 Dionysus Temple - This temple is almost drowning between the theater and the street of columns. Based on the reliefs and ornaments found, the building date is estimated to be the 3rd century BC. Structural restorations during the Roman period prove that it was still used during this period. Only with the advent of Christianity did the temple lose its importance and would probably continue to be used as a business space.
The arched gate
  • 9 On the Arched gate a bronze quadriga used to be seen. This can no longer be seen. Nevertheless, the arch is still completely preserved and is therefore more of a nuisance for many road users, as everyone has to go through here. If you take a closer look, you will find a small antique fountain on the left hand side, which once showed a statue of Emperor Vespasian and is therefore also called the Vespasian Monument.
  • 10 Hafenbad - The bath is located near the harbor, which is easy to see from the name. It dates from the 2nd century AD. and is therefore the oldest bath in Side. Today the ruins can be found in a side street and can only be viewed from the outside. The three large main rooms (apoditerium = undressing room, frigidarium = cold room and caldarium = hot room) and various side rooms can still be seen clearly and some of the walls are still well preserved.
  • 11 Athena and Apollo temples. Two temples used to stand here: a large one dedicated to Athena and a smaller one dedicated to Apollo. The Temple of Athena was particularly important, as it could give asylum for a fee. Erected in the 2nd century AD, these were destroyed in an earthquake. Some of the pillars of the small temple of Apollo have been erected again and are becoming a photo motif for every tourist. In Byzantine times, a church was built on the same site, but it no longer stands (apart from a piece of wall). In the ancient world there was a 450 m long port in front of the temple, which had to be constantly re-dredged to save it from silting up. Since this was discontinued at some point due to a lack of residents, nothing can be seen of the harbor.
The south basilica
  • 12 The complex of South basilica was over 40 meters long and almost 40 meters wide. The temples of Athena and Apollo were integrated into this complex. From here one could enter the three-aisled main building through a vestibule. The ships were supported in the interior by 24 columns. The apse of the basilica was triangular on the outside and round on the inside. Marble rows of seats were integrated in the apse.
  • 13 Great bathroom - The large bathroom is located in the south of the peninsula. The complex from the 3rd century AD had a footprint of 40 meters by 55 meters, making it the largest bathroom in Side. The five main rooms (apoditerium = dressing room, frigidarium = cold room, tepidarium = warm room, sudatorium = sweat room and caldarium = hot room) can also be recognized as some side rooms and water basins. A small shopping area with shops was also integrated into the system. In the museum garden you can see the frieze with nerids and tritons that once adorned the monumental gate to the apoditerium.

Along the Kolonnadenstrasse

Colonade Street in Side
  • 14 The Kolonnadenstrasse leads into the field of ruins and is largely exposed. The pillars can still be clearly seen on the left and right, some of which have been erected again. A special feature of the road is that it is lower than the rest of the terrain. Since there is a water channel at the edge at the same level as the rest of the site, this has been supplemented with a small water drainage channel to prevent water from spilling out of the channel onto the street.
Byzantine Hospital in Side
  • 15 Byzantine Hospital (Side) - The exact purpose of the 6th century building is unclear, but the evidence suggests a hospital. Due to its construction, the two-story building is still very well preserved and accessible.
Bishop's Palace in Side
  • 16 Episcopal Palace - One of the largest building complexes in Side is for the most part still in ruins under dunes and grass. From the almost 10,000 m² complex with residence, basilica and private chapel for the bishop, only a few arches, walls and marble columns peek out. The complex was built in the 6th century on old Roman foundations and was the seat of the Bishop of Side. If you want to see well restored buildings you should save yourself the trip, but the palace is a must for the explorer.
  • 17 State Agora - In contrast to the commercial agora, not much can be seen of the state agora. The 89-meter-long and 69-meter-wide square was once adorned with numerous statues. A few of them have been preserved and can be found in the museum. The place itself is easy to see. In the middle there is still the miserable remains of a wall from a small building, the meaning of which is unclear. At the edge of the agora, a round trip on a camel through the dune landscape is offered from time to time. The agora is bounded by the city wall and the library.
Library in Side
  • 18 Library - The middle part of the three-part building complex is still preserved up to a height of 8 meters. Some columns and ornaments can still be seen. But here, too, the sculptures are completely absent.
  • 19 The Field of ruins is overwhelmingly large and difficult to overlook. Various temples and much more can be discovered here. There are many pillars (remains) and parts of the old stone buildings on the floor. Much is already overgrown again. The finds still show wonderful stone carvings (heads, ornaments, etc.).

There are still numerous remains outside the city walls. The remains of the Aqueduct20 and the Necropolis21

Sightseeing in Manavgat

River trip in Manavgat
  • 22 Manavgat river - The river is the heart of the city and of course one of the sights in Manavgat. Numerous wooden motor boats go up and down the river and offer sunbathing in the estuary into the Mediterranean Sea and two waterfalls as an attraction. The focus is on relaxation. Numerous restaurants around the Antalya Cd. Bridges on the riverside complete the offer. The rule here is that south of the bridge the tourists tend to eat and north of the bridge the locals tend to eat.
  • 23 Big waterfall - Although the large waterfall only has a drop height of 2 meters, it does so across the entire width of the river. This is signposted with Büyük Selale and requires 2 TL entry. There are also restaurants with viewing terraces on the chargeable site.
  • 24 Little waterfall - The small waterfall actually doesn't deserve the name waterfall, as it belongs more to the category of rapids. This is signposted as Kücük Selale. And is developed as a small local recreation area. Fresh trout from the river is served in the restaurant.
  • 25 aqueduct - Remnants of the ancient water supply system can also be found in the hinterland. There is still a very impressive part of the supply for the ancient town of Side.
  • 26 Seleukia - Whether this place is really Seleukia or perhaps the ancient Lyrbe is highly controversial, even among experts. The origin of the city is traced back to the 3rd century BC. Dated. Since the remains of a basilica were found here, the place must have been inhabited until the middle of the first millennium. Due to the inaccessible location, many buildings are still relatively well preserved. You can see the very well-preserved trading center (agora) and the remains of a church. In the south there is a city wall with a height of 9 meters that is still fully preserved.
  • 27 Reservoirs of the Manavgat River (Oymapınar Barajı & Manavagat Barajı) - The Manavgat River is dammed into two lakes in the north of Manavgat by two dams. The next is the Manavagat Barajı the smaller and the Oymapınar Barajı the larger. Both are increasingly being discovered by tourism. The clientele consists almost exclusively of day tourists from the coastal region around Side between Çolaklı and TitreyenGöl. Accordingly, the hotel offer is rather modest. Hikes, lake tours and visits to breathtaking, striking points such as the green canyon are offered.
  • 28 Zoo - This animal park can be found about 10 km northeast of Manavgat. It was created near the reservoir in 2005/2006 by a German couple. In the meantime the owners have changed. The animals stayed. You can see parrots, crocodiles, goats, guinea pigs, lizards, etc. [1]
  • 29 Manavgat Külliye Mosque - The largest mosque in the region has prepared itself for interested tourists. Headscarves are provided to female tourists when they visit. If you don't like that, you can of course bring your own headscarf. Furthermore, long trousers and at least a T-shirt should be worn. It goes without saying that praying people are not filmed or photographed. Before entering, of course, the shoes are taken off.


Beaches in Side
Beach in Kumkoy
  • Swimming. That is clearly the top priority here. The reason for this are the two long stretches of beach to the west and east of the archaeological site. There is a pure sandy beach to the west. To the east there are also some pebbles in the sandy beach, but the eastern section has not yet been built up as the western section. From May to September you can safely expect bathing weather plus good water temperature here. In August you can only endure it in the water when the thermometer rises well above 40 ° C.
  • Sunbathing. Probably the second most important activity that is used by sun-hungry Central Europeans all year round.
Parasailing in Side
  • water sports. Tourists and beaches, of course, there is room for more. Therefore, you never have the slightest difficulty in quickly finding a provider for jet skis, pedal boats, parasailing or similar water fun. Those who stay in the big hotels can of course fall back on an offer in the hotel. However, these are usually more expensive than the offers of small agency offices in the side streets or directly from the provider on the beach.
  • Relax. Many hotels have now concentrated on wellness or families and offer numerous leisure activities for relaxation.
  • hike. The short walk along the beach promenade is of course a must. If you are looking for nature a little more, you will surely find suitable opportunities in Sorgun. Extensive hikes with high demands can be found in the hinterland, especially around the reservoirs there are routes of various degrees of difficulty as day tours.
  • Climb. There is a climbing park at Oymapınar Baraj :.
    • 1  Adventure Park, Oymapinar Dam, 07600 Manavgat Oymapinar, Turkey. Tel.: 90 242 772 2222.

According to its own information, it meets German safety standards and is tested by the German TÜV.

  • Explore. The archaeological site in the center and Seleukia in the hinterland invite you to explore. If that's not enough, you should take a trip to Aspendos, Perge or Termessos Companies.


Behind the hotels on the beach there are often shopping streets, which are mostly modern and attractively designed.

There are also some covered shopping centers within walking distance. The repetitive offer from clothing stores, jewelry dealers, opticians, tea and spice dealers and dealers in suitcases and bags is the same everywhere. As a rule, the euro and the Turkish lira are equally accepted as currencies. The branded articles offered are mostly plagiarism from Turkish production, but they are often of good quality. If you are looking for a change in the offer, you should take a look at the side streets or go shopping in Manavgat. Here is a brief overview:

Kumkoy Center
  • Çolaklı. Those who are looking for the repetitive will also find it here. The largest collection of shops can be found in the bazaar. But it's worth browsing. Some shops are quite out of line here with regard to goods and prices. Therefore, the bazaar is also recommended as a shopping destination from Side or Kumköy.
  • Evrenseki. There used to be a bazaar like in here. It was completely demolished and replaced by a modern shopping street. The high rents, however, can only afford business with the monotonous. So the place has lost a lot of charm.
  • Kumkoy. Here you will find pharmacies, opticians, hairdressers and of course T-shirt, bag or shoe shops with all kinds of plagiarism in regular repetition. Even in the Kumköy Center1 there is no change to be found here.
Overcrowded pedestrian zone in Side
  • Side (Selimiye). The largest tourist offer can be found here. However, in the main streets of the center you can only find the same thing over and over again. If you are looking for a change, you should try the side streets. By the way, Side is also a popular regional day trip destination for the Turkish population. Therefore, the place is often completely overcrowded on weekends.
  • Sorgun. There are no shopping opportunities outside of the hotels.
  • TitreyenGöl. The shopping possibilities are limited to the bare essentials.
The Antalya Cd. in Manavgat
  • Manavgat. Undoubtedly, this is where the most varied and varied shopping opportunities are to be found. The bazaar is a frequent tourist destination2 in Manavgat. Thursday is particularly attractive here when the vegetable market is taking place at the same time. The Antalya Cd 3 invites you to shop. The locals also shop here. In addition to some banks, there are also some clothing stores. There is an outlet center directly on the D4004 . This itself is not so recommendable. But many large hotels offer free transfers to and from the outlet center.


Side is of course provided with numerous restaurants. It is often not necessary to move far both around the archaeological site and along the 10 km long coastal strip. But here too, Side is one of the most expensive places in Turkey. For those who don't want to search, here are a few examples.


  • 1  Cihan Pide Restoran, 07600 Side / Antalya Province Turkey.
  • 2  Jasmine Bar, Erhan Demir Blv, 07550 Antalya, Turkey.
  • 3  Ali Baba Restaurant, Gazi Ali Yilgin Sk.
    - Right on the beach, offers local food


  • 4  Bill Cosby Restaurant & Bar, Evran Mah, Sahil Cad, Karalar Is Hani, PK 93, Evrenski, Side, Manavgat. Tel.: 90 5362893301, Email: .
    - Is a little off the beaten track across from the Crown Palace. Turkish and Mexican cuisine.
  • 5  Neumanns Park Restaurant, Kanthe Resort Evrenseki.
    - One of the last independent restaurants on the promenade in Evrenseki


The juicer in Bistro 2000 in Kumköy
  • 6  Gulping woodpecker - To be found directly in the Kumköy Center. You won't find a cozy atmosphere here. Aber dank kühlem Bier, deftigen Speisen und großen Fernseher mit Fußballübertragung sehr beliebt. Ob die Männer hierhin kommen und die Frauen zum shoppen schicken oder die Frauen beim Einkaufen ihre Männer hier parken müsste erst durch eine Feldstudie ermittelt werden. Das Konzept geht auf. Besonders beliebt sind die Pfännchen.
  • 7  Süße Ecke - Beliebt bei deutschsprachigen Kunden, die hier neben ihren Lieblingssüßspeisen auch den deutschen Pfannkuchen oder die Currywurst aus Schweinefleisch bestellen können. Direkt am Eingang zur Promenade nach Side zu finden.
  • 8  Bistro 2000, 35. Sk,07600 Ilica Kumköy, Türkei. Tel.: 90 532 265 9967.Bistro 2000 auf Facebook.
    facebook url used - Über Tag lockt die Saftpresse mit frischen Säften. Abends gibt es Cocktails und Musik. Türkische und internationale Küche


Paşaköy Restaurant in Side
  • 9  Moonlight Restoran, Barbaros Cd. 49 07330 Side/Antalya. Tel.: 90 242 753 1400.
    - Schöne Terrasse mit Meeresblick. Sehr gute Fischgerichte
  • 10  Paşaköy Restaurant, Liman Cad. No:98, 07600 Side/Antalya, Türkei. Tel.: 90 242 753 3622.
    - Wunderschöner Grüner Garten im Hinterhof mitten im Zentrum. Hier kann man ausser gut essen auch einfach mal abschalten.
  • 11  Ocakbasi Restaurant, Zambak Sok. No:46 Side/Antalya, Türkiye. Tel.: 90 242 753 1810.
    - In einer Seitenstraße nahe der archäologischen Anlage. Spezialisiert auf alles was frisch aus dem Ofen kommt.
  • 12  Conny's Restaurant, Adnan Menderes Bulvari 511 sokak no 4 Side/Antalya. Tel.: 90 242 7531392, Email: .Conny's Restaurant auf Facebook.
    facebook url used Internationale Küche mit eigener Kinderkarte. Liegt etwa 1 km hinter der archäologischen Stätte in der nähe des Stadions.
  • 13  Umut Pide & Kebap Salonu, Kum Koyu Yolu Uzeri, Side, Manavgat 7330, Türkei. Tel.: 90242 753 17 83.
    - 24 Stunden am Tag gibt es hier Pide und Kebap. Beliebt beim deutschen Publikum. Liegt in Richtung Kumköy gegenüber dem Side Prenses Hotel.
  • 14  Hakuna Matata, Yalı Mahallesi 1060, Side, Manavgat, Türkei. Tel.: 90 530 495 2485. Gutes Frühstück und Grillgerichte. Freundliche Bedienung.


Das Sultan Sofrasi in Manavagat
  • 15  Sultan Sofrasi, Kordon Cad. 4017 Sokak No.7 Manavgat. Tel.: 90 (0) 242 746 24 44.
    - Direkt am Fluss liegt dieses Restaurant und bietet guten Fisch in wunderschöner Atmosphäre ohne große Touristenaufläufe.
  • 16  Sultaneli Baklavacisi, Antalya Cad. No.64 Manavgat. Tel.: 90 (0) 242 742 13 98.
    - Schönes Cafe mit kleinem Garten im Hinterhof um dem Shoppingstress der Antalya Cad. zu entfliehen. Kostenloser Internetzugang gehört zum Angebot.
  • 17  Gölbaşı restaurant, Oymapınar Barajı, Değirmenli Köyü, Manavgat/Antalya. Tel.: 90 242 769 40 02.Gölbaşı restaurant auf Facebook.
    facebook url used


Der frühere Inbegriff des Nachtlebens in Side, das Oxyd ist leider geschlossen worden. Für die meisten Touristen ist das nicht ganz so dramatisch da sich natürlich das Nachtleben auch erst einmal durch die großen Hotels definiert, die für ihre Gäste meist Bar und Disko anbieten. Und da dieses kostenlos ist, genießt oder erträgt man hier die Animateure. Doch für die Gäste kleinerer Hotels, Gäste der Großen, die mal was anderes sehen wollen und Einheimische gibt es durchaus ein Angebot:

  • 1  Lighthouse Side, Liman Cad. No:1, Side, 07330 Side, Antalya, Turkey. Tel.: 90 242 256 9987.Lighthouse Side auf Facebook.Geöffnet: Von 18:00 Uhr bis 05:30 Uhr geöffnet.
    facebook url used
  • 2  Tempel Disco, Sahil Cd. 07600 Side. Preis: Freier Eintritt.
  • 3  Jungle Bar, Liman Cd.
    - Ein Name ein Program. Eingerichtet im Jungel-Look gibt es kühle Getränke
  • 4  Eser Bar, 279 Sk. 07330 Side. Tel.: 90 535 327 7713.
  • 5  Club Alya, Toro Einkaufszentrum, Çolaklı. Tel.: (0)242 763 7832, Fax: (0)242 763 7333, Email: .
  • 6  Blackout, Süleyman Demirel Blv, Side, Türkei.


All-Inklusive Hotels in Side
Iz Flower Hotel

Mittlerweile hat sich auch hier der All-Inklusive-Massentourismus durchgesetzt. Ein großer Teil der über 80.000 Betten wird über diese Anlagen abgedeckt. Fast 100 Hotels dieser Art stehen zu Verfügung. Wem das nicht liegt, für den hat die Region im Wesentlichen in Side und Manavgat durchaus noch Alternativen in Form von kleinen Hotels zu bieten. Derzeit stehen hier alle Hotels aufgrund ausbleibender Touristen sehr stark unter finanziellen Druck. Nicht wenige Hotels haben schon ihre Pforten geschlossen. Viele sind von der Insolvenz bedroht. Daher ist bei der direkten Buchung derzeit ein wenig Übersicht gefragt, oder bucht besser über einen großen Reiseveranstalter.









Die große Anzahl an Touristen will versorgt sein. Daher gibt es in Side und Manavgat einige Krankenhäuser:

Side Anadolu Hastanesi/Krankenhaus
  • 5  Manavgat Devlet Hastanesi, Şelale Yolu Üzeri Manavgat /ANTALYA. Tel.: 90 242 746 11 17- 44 80, Fax: 90 242 746 81 41, Email: .
    - Öffentliches Krankenhaus in Manavgat. Verfügt über zwei Außenstellen für Physiotherapie (Side Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Center/Selimiye Mah. Turgut Özal Cad. No:22 Side) und Psychologie (Sorgun Community Mental Health Center/Sorgun Mah. Kemer Cad. No: 21 Manavgat).
  • 6  Anil Özel Saglik Hizmetleri Turizm Ve Ticaret Ltd.STL, M. Sinan Mh.H.Fehmi Boztepe Cd. No 157 Manavgat. Tel.: 90 242 - 743 40 40, Fax: 90 242 - 746 6100, Email: .
    - Private Klinik und Ambulanz. Diese arbeitet mit mehreren Hotels in Side zusammen. Dafür stehen auch Übersetzer und Transportservice zu Verfügung. Letzterer wird aber gerne mit fast €60 in Rechnung gestellt. Daher sollten die Kosten vorher besprochen werden.

Practical advice

Bushaltestelle in Kumköy

In Side ist meist Deutsch und/oder Englisch als Sprache völlig ausreichend. In der Küstenregion sind viele Dinge (z.B.Bushaltestellen) gleich in Deutsch und/oder Englisch beschriftet. Anders sieht es im Hinterland aus. Hier sind grundlegende türkische Sprachkenntnisse teilweise notwendig.

Die Touristen-Information liegt etwas abseits und hat täglich außer samstags/sonntags geöffnet. 7

Tourist Information Centers, Selimiye Mah. Side Cad. No:3, Side/Antalya, Türkiye. Tel.: 90 242 753 1265.
  • Rettung 112
  • Polizei-Notruf 155
  • Jandarma 156
  • Feuerwehr 110
  • Deutsches Konsulat in Antalya 3141101-3141102
  • Notfallnummer Konsulat Antalya: 0532-2833634
  • Honorarkonsul Österreich in Antalya: 3451800
  • Schweizer Botschaft Ankara 0312-4675555-6
  • Flughafen 3303600
  • Bus-Terminal Antalya 3311250
  • ADAC Notruf Istanbul (deutschsprachig) 0212-2887190
Post in Kumköy

Öffentliche Briefkästen sucht man vergebens. Die Post muss am Postamt abgegeben werden. Da dies meistens zu mühselig sein dürfte können die Angebote der Postkartenverkäufer in Anspruch genommen werden, dies kostenlos zu übernehmen. Ob und in welchem Zeitraum die Post das Postamt erreicht ist dabei Glückssache.Das Postamt Side8 befindet sich an der Straße Liman Caddesi in der Altstadt und das Postamt Kumköy9 befindet sich an der Sahil Caddesi in der zweiten Reihe.

Die Internetversorgung über WLAN ist in den meisten Hotels gegeben, die erforderlichen Zugangsdaten werden im Hotel ausgegeben. Mit etwas Glück ist es außerhalb der Hotels jedoch möglich, hier und da ein freies WLAN zu finden.

Da die Türkei nicht zur EU gehört sind Handygespräche erheblich teurer als innerhalb der EU.

Mehrere Meter große Satellitenschüsseln ermöglichen in den meisten Hotels den Empfang einiger deutscher Fernsehprogramme, deren Auswahl wird aber nicht immer jedermann gerecht.


Wer sich in den All Inklusive Hotels langweilt, dem werden schon eine Vielzahl von Tages- aber auch Zweitagesausflügen in das Hinterland angeboten.Diese Ausflüge können entweder im Hotel oder in den Einkaufsstraßen gebucht werden, im Hotel wird das gleiche Angebot meist jedoch erheblich teurer sein. Die Abholung erfolgt in aller Regel in Hotelnähe. Mögliche Touren im Raum Side sind z.B.:

  • The Manavgat Flussfahrt:
Diese bietet an Markttagen einen Besuch des Marktes in Stadt Manavgat, den Besuch am großen Wasserfall des Flusses Manavgat sowie eine Ausflugsfahrt auf diesem an. Dabei geht die Reise mit einem Holzboot vom Ort Manavgat bis zum Mittelmeer. An der Flussmündung bietet ein längerer Aufenthalt Gelegenheit zum Sonnenbaden.
  • The Cabrio Bus Safari:
Diese steht unter dem Motto „Ausflug in das Taurus-Gebirge im offenen Reisebus“. Zunächst werden die Ruinen eines ehemaligen Aquädukts besichtigt. Weiter geht es zu einer alten römischen Siedlung. Nach dem Besuch einer ärmlich-bäuerlichen Behausung, findet eine Bootsfahrt auf dem unteren Stausee des Manavgat-Flusses statt, wo auch das Essen eingenommen wird. Anschließend kann optional der Tierpark besichtigt werden. Nach einem Besuch am großen Manavgat-Wasserfall endet der Ausflug mit der Besichtigung der Külliye-Moschee.
Für eine Rundreise oder Tagesausflug bieten sich außerhalb der Region Side folgende nächste Reiseziele:
Theater in Aspendos
Aspendos - Antike Ruinenstätte, die besonders für das noch völlig intakte Theater bekannt ist. Hier finden auch immer noch Konzerte und Events statt.
Hadrianstor in Antalya
Antalya - Die Metropole der Region. Gut zum Einkaufen und Besichtigung der Altstadt mit vielen alten osmanischen Häusern.
Hafen von Alanya
Alanya - Bekannt ist der Ort vor Allem für die Höhlen und Strände in und um Alanya.

Und wem das noch nicht reicht, dem stehen mit Perge or Termessos weitere Ausflugsziele zu Verfügung.


  1. Side Manavgat Urlauberinfos: Auto/Verkehr. Abgerufen am 31. August 2016.

Web links


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