Sierra (Ecuador) - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Sierra (Équateur) — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

1 ° 45 ′ 36 ″ S 78 ° 49 ′ 48 ″ W

The sierra designates in Ecuador the Andean part of the country




  • 1 Quito  – Capital of Ecuador, you will fly over it at very low altitude if you fly. Indeed, the airport is right in the middle of the city. Since June 2005, you can admire the city in a different way thanks to the cable car that has opened. It takes you to the heights of the city and gives you an absolutely unique view of this huge city.
  • 2 Otavalo  – This city is home to one of the largest (if not the largest) indigenous markets in the South American continent. Although stalls are present 7 days a week, it is the Saturday market that brings together the most people. This market trades both goods for local use such as the typical clothing of the natives and goods mainly intended for sale to Ecuadorian or foreign tourists. The market is centered on the so-called "Place des Ponchos" square, but on Saturdays it spills over into all the neighboring streets, the city turning into a real open-air market. One can find there in particular fabrics, bags, sweaters in wool of sheep or alpaca, Andean musical instruments (attention, the instruments known as "Afinados" - tuned - are the only ones which make it possible to really play music, otherwise they are only for decoration. One quena "Afinada" will be worth approximately 15 dollars vs 5 dollars for a non-tuned flute intended only for sale to tourists). This market should not be confused with the "24 de Mayo" market, focused on food products, or the cattle market ("mercado de animales"), which is held by the Panamerican road, at the exit of the city ​​in the direction of Quito, on Saturday morning before dawn. These last two markets are turned very primarily towards the local population more than towards tourism but allow to discover the local products.
  • 3 Riobamba  – It is the starting point of the only train in the country. A city with a typical appearance. The museum of religious art, which is in a convent, is far from being a success, unless you have a sense of humor that goes to the 4th degree ...
  • 4 Banos  – The city of thermal springs and gateway to the Amazon.
  • 5 Cuenca  – Third city in the country and certainly the most beautiful.
  • 1 Loja  – City from which most of the organized tours for the green jungle start.

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