Ecuador - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Équateur — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

For other places of the same name, see Ecuador (disambiguation).
Ara macao -Melbourne Zoo -6.jpg
Flag of Ecuador.svg
Capital city
Form of State
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Internet suffix
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1 ° 54 ′ 0 ″ S 78 ° 18 ′ 0 ″ W
Government site
Touristic site

TheEcuador is a country ofSouth America straddling the line of the equator, bordering the Colombia to the northeast, from Peru to the southeast and bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west.



From the perspective of physical geography and, to some extent, culture, Ecuador is made up of four distinct regions:

Chimborazo volcano

The Andes Cordillera (Sierra in Spanish), is the historical backbone of the country. Relatively narrow in Ecuador (a hundred kilometers from east to west), it crosses the country from north to south. The main towns in the Sierra are, from north to south, Ibarra, Quito, Latacunga, Ambato, Riobamba, Cuenca and Loja. These towns are located at an altitude between 2000 and 3000 meters, but surrounded by peaks reaching or exceeding the 6 000 m, as is the case with Chimborazo (6 230 m, near Riobamba).

  • The pacific coast (Costa in Spanish), historically less developed than the Sierra but which is catching up quickly and already includes more than half of the country's population. The main city is Guayaquil, but other important cities are also there such as Machala, Esmeraldas or Manta. The Costa is characterized by a variety of climatic zones, giving landscapes of type tree savannah as in the province of Manabí or tropical rainforest in the province of Esmeraldas.
  • TheAmazonia (locally called Oriented), in the east of the country. The main city in this region is Coca (officially Puerto Francisco de Orellana, named after the conquistador who first explored the Amazon from Quito). This region is characterized by lush vegetation and is crossed by several important rivers including the Napo and Pastaza.
  • The Galapagos, located off the coast of Ecuador, are an archipelago of many small islands harboring remarkable ecosystems.




Ecuador has a population of around 15 million people. Due to its colonial past, this population is extremely diverse and mixed both ethnically and culturally. Métis populations (of mixed origin between European and native settlers) forming the majority of the population. The indigenous populations are also very important, especially in the rural areas of the Andes and the Amazon. These populations considered as "indigenous peoples" in international law, as "indigenous nationalities" according to the Constitution of Ecuador have often maintained their own language and culture, such as Kichwa in the Andes and parts of the Amazon or again the Shuar, in the Amazon. These two languages ​​also have the status of co-official language according to the Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008.

Holidays and public holidays


Ecuador Map
Coastal plains
Galapagos Islands
Isolated archipelago renowned for its unique fauna and Darwin's research on the theory of evolution. In order to visit the Galapagos, do not wait until the last minute, because you will probably not get a better price. The occupation of the boats is very high. It is more economical to travel between islands by staying in hotels and taking part in day trips. In addition, the economic impact is then more distributed, instead of being concentrated on the large owners of boats, often of foreign origin.


  • 1 Quito  – Capital of Ecuador, you will fly over it at very low altitude if you fly. Indeed, the airport is right in the middle of the city. Since June 2005, you can admire the city in a different way thanks to the cable car that has opened. It takes you to the heights of the city and gives you an absolutely unique view of this huge metropolis.
  • 2 Guayaquil  – The largest city in the country as well as the most populous (approx. 3 million inhabitants), located on the coast, only 25 min flight from the capital and h from the sea, Guayaquil is a very cosmopolitan and tourist city, also known for its lively nightlife thanks to its permanent tropical climate (25-30 degrees).
  • 3 Riobamba  – It is the starting point of the only train in the country. A city with a typical appearance. The museum of religious art, which is in a convent, is far from being a success, unless you have a sense of humor that goes to the 4th degree ...
  • 4 Cuenca  – Third city in the country and certainly the most beautiful.
  • 5 Otavalo  – This city is home to one of the largest (if not the largest) indigenous markets in the South American continent. Although stalls are present 7 days a week, it is the Saturday market that brings together the most people. On this market are traded both goods for local use such as the typical clothes of the natives and goods mainly intended for sale to Ecuadorian or foreign tourists. The market is centered on the so-called "Place des Ponchos" square, but on Saturdays it spills over into all the neighboring streets, the city turning into a real open-air market. One can find there in particular fabrics, bags, sweaters in wool of sheep or alpaca, Andean musical instruments (attention, the instruments known as "Afinados" - tuned - are the only ones which make it possible to really play music, otherwise they are only for decoration. One quena "Afinada" will be worth approximately 15 dollars against 5 dollars for a non-tuned flute intended only for sale to tourists). This market should not be confused with the "24 de Mayo" market, focused on food products, or the cattle market ("mercado de animales"), which is held by the Panamerican road, at the exit of the city ​​in the direction of Quito, on Saturday morning before dawn. These last two markets are turned very primarily towards the local population more than towards tourism but allow to discover the local products.
  • 6 Banos  – The city of thermal springs and gateway to the Amazon.
Flickr - ggallice - Treefrog (2) .jpg
  • 7 Esmeraldas
  • 8 Loja  – City of the Amazon (and yes it already starts there) from where most of the organized tours for the green jungle start.

Other destinations

The lagoon of Quilotoa, the Cotopaxi volcanoes, Chimborazo (the summit being the point on the earth's surface furthest from the center of the earth), Tungurahua, the historic center of Quito, Cuenca (classified in 1999 as a historic center of World Cultural Heritage by Unesco ), the Malecon de Guayaquil, Puerto Lopez and the humpback whales, the Cuyabeno reserve in the heart of the Amazon, ...

You must also go through Ingapirca located at 85 km of Cuenca and dating back more than 500 years and rising 3,200 m above sea level. This archaeological site of Ingapirca is a remarkable place that represents the history of the indigenous populations.

To go


  •      Ecuador
  •      National ID card
  •      Exemption from Visa
  •      Visa required

By plane

The two major airports of the country (Quito - Guayaquil) can accommodate you.

On a boat

By bus

To come from Colombia, go to Ipiales. From there take a colectivo for the border (10 min - 650 pessos). The border crossing is done on foot. Once in Ecuador the taxi-co for Tulcan is at 0.75 dollars or 1500 pessos. From Tulcan many buses to Quito via Otovalo. (data from 9/21/2007)

By car

National insurance is compulsory, called SOAT, which is generally obtained at the border post (sometimes a little further ...). It is necessary to provide copies of the international license as well as a copy of the vehicle's registration card.

  • To Peru
    • by the border Huaquillas-Aguas Verde
It should be noted that the immigration posts are located at the entrance of cities and not at the border. When arriving by long-distance bus in Huaquillas, you have to get off at the immigration post a few kilometers before arriving in Huaquillas. The buses keep luggage that is in the hold. We do the papers then we take a taxi ($) to the company office. With a little luck we arrive at the same time as the bus. Luggage is kept at the agency (this is the case for Panamericana International).
In town there is something to eat and a market. You can walk to the border or take a taxi. The two border towns are stuck. We cross the bridge and we are in Agua Verdes in Peru. There you have to take a mototaxi ($) until immigration. It is not doable on foot. You can ask the mototaxi to wait to go to the departure of the taxi-co or with a little luck a taxi-co will be in the area.
To make Agua Verdes - Tumbes (15 min), there are some unscrupulous taxis that negotiate a price and stop to ask for an exorbitant sum along the way. That is why we have found it better to take a taxi-co (collectivo). We travel with everyone for about 1 dollar.


By plane

Airlines (Tame, Icaro, AeroGal) connect the largest cities of Ecuador to Quito. The frequency of flights is generally one per hour for each city.

Guayaquil Airport

By train

The only train in the country promises you an unforgettable ride from Riobamba. It leads you to the Nariz del diablo, where the rails are wedged between the cliff and the ravine.

Any self-respecting tourist must climb onto the roof of the wagons to fully enjoy the trip. It is advisable to arrive very early (at least h before) if we want to benefit from the best seats. Otherwise you risk being relegated to the cabins.

By bus

Buses are very frequent and connect most of the cities of the country. The most important cities have a "land terminal" which allows you to easily choose your company and destination. It is ideal for enjoying the landscapes without suffering any inconvenience.The hourly average is rather low, which is easily understood given the state of the roads.The prices are very advantageous (approximately $ per hour of journey) and are negotiated in advance.

There are two kinds of buses: intercity buses and international.

For short journeys you can take the intercity. It is not necessary to go through the agency. At the bus station, find the boarding platform that goes in the desired direction and take the first bus. These buses often stop to pick up people on the way. They often leave almost empty and fill up as they go, the last passengers traveling standing up. They can be stopped just about anywhere on the way up or down.

The buses international are long distance buses. They stop at specific points. For example: to take Quito-Huaquillas we had to first take the Lacatunga-Ambato route where the bus leaves in front of the agency in front of the bus station.

During their run, they are visited by street vendors who offer you their products (usually food).

Examples of routes

  • Tulcan-Otavalo: frequent departures. 3 dollars. Duration approximately h 30. (21/9/2007)
  • Otavalo-Quito: frequent departures. 2.5 dollars. Duration approximately h 30. Departures every 15 min until 18 h including Sunday from the bus station. You can also take a bus along the Transamerica but in this case it is not sure to find a seat. (9/24/2007)
  • Quito-Lacatunga: frequent departures at the bottom of the bus station. 1,5 $. h (28/9/2007)
  • Lacatunga-Quilotoa: a few departures per day. $. h 30. One Tuesday we took a bus to 16 h at the bus station. Otherwise more frequent departures to Zumbahua then charter a van ($ to 2). (9/28/2007)
  • Quilotoa-Lacatunga: a bus to 12 h 30. $. h 30. Some days (example Wednesday) a bus around 5-h. Otherwise a van to Zumbahua and more frequent buses. (9/28/2007)
  • Lacatunga-Ambato. Frequent departures. $. h (28/9/2007)
  • Ambato-Huaquilas: with Panamericana International, departure at 20 h 30 in front of the agency opposite the bus station. Arrival announced at h. $. We took the tickets h before leaving. There were at least 6 places left. The bus does not stop on the way for dinner. (9/28/2007)

By taxi

Taxis in towns are plentiful and relatively inexpensive.

Some of them are without taximeter. In these cases, be sure to negotiate the price of the trip before to go up there.

By car

Car rental is possible, the roads have been much improved (traveled in December 2013) are in good condition of road surface and signage. There are very few tolls. Fuel is very low cost (December 2013).


Knowledge of Spanish is essential. The native language of most of the country is Kichwa or Quichua (not to be confused with Quechua of Peru which comes from the same root). There are also many indigenous languages ​​of the Amazon (Amazon Quichua, Shuar, Shiwiar, Huaorani, etc ...). English and French are little spoken outside the big cities except in Cotacachi where there is a large community of migrants from North America and Europe, who come to retire for economic reasons.


Bills of US $ 100, US $ 50, US $ 20, US $ 10, US $ 5, US $ 2 and US $ 1

The currency of Ecuador is the US dollar ($, USD).

In Cuenca: Panamas (hats that are from Ecuador) all qualities all prices, blankets (chompas) made by the Otavalos Indians (market near the cathedral)

Panama hut

in Montecristi, the thinnest "Panama" hats,

at Otavalo, all kinds of crafts, in particular high-quality textiles, bags woven in the loom, felt hats, hammocks, but also musical instruments and paintings.

at Cotacachi, a city where the tradition of working with leather has come a long way, you can find very beautiful objects in repoussé leather, but also very good quality leather jackets at affordable prices, suitcases, shoes. In particular, the "Pichavi" store offers very good quality shoes produced by the college of leather trades.


Food based on corn (humitas, choclo tortillas) and starchy foods. Rice is a local custom, it readily replaces the bread that can be found in bakeries (panaderia). The main dishes are based on chickens, soups and fish (marisco) if you are on the costa.

Supermarkets stores are located in the cities (Quito-Cuenca), there is everything at affordable prices.

Have a drink / Go out

In Quito, the neighborhood The Mariscal is the one that moves the most. In Guayaquil, the district "Las peñas"; the "Malecon Simon Bolivar", the whole Rocafuerte Street with the Zona Rosa and also the "Urdesa" district. You will dance there to the sound of Salsa, Merengue and other tropical rhythms. Guaranteed atmosphere. In Cuenca, "Calle Larga" is the busiest street in the evening with its many bars. The small but very lively "La Mesa" salsotheque is open every Wednesday evening!

When you see places called "Night Clubs" with explicit images, they are places with prostitutes (legal here).


There are all kinds of accommodations in Ecuador, from the most luxurious to hostels with dormitories for backpackers.

It is very easy to find accommodation in Ecuador at affordable prices (between 8 to 15 $ per person depending on the comfort and the number of nights spent in the same place). Many hostels, hostels, hotels or "residencial" are very easy to find. Be careful, the "motels" are not tourist accommodation, but places to have intimacy between couples (and pay 2 to 4 hours).



Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
Police :101
Firefighter :102

Do not walk in the evening in colonial Quito (south of the city). Guayaquil also seems a dangerous city.

It is also risky to venture into towns close to the Colombian border. The incursion of the FARC is possible there and has already happened.

It is recommended to be vaccinated against yellow fever to travel to the Amazon and to take treatment against yellow fever. malaria during trips to the deep Amazon.

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


Do not drink tap water on the coast (unless you have purifying tablets), avoid eating raw vegetables in restaurants.

In restaurants, if you ask for water, they bring you a closed bottle (so no risk).

Tap water is drinkable in the Andes in general (Quito, Cuenca, Riobamba, Cotacachi, Otavalo, etc ...), in 2020, the water is a little more chlorinated than in Europe, you just have to leave it rest for 24 hours in the fridge to stop having the taste of chlorine.



You will find "cyber" for the internet for less than $ There are also many "cabinas" that allow you to phone all over the world.

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