Sierra Morena - Sierra Morena

Sierra de Aracena which is part of Sierra Morena.

Sierra Morena is a system of stepped hills in southern Spain, which separates the Central Plateau from the Betic Depression. These hills are separated by faults, sometimes a single fault, other times a system of staggered faults. Some of these can be visited, such as the natural monument Jayona Mine, where the largest in Europe of its characteristics is located.

Sierra Morena is 400 km long that mark the abrupt contact between the materials paleozoic of the Plateau and sediments tertiary Y quaternary of the Betic Depression and in its easternmost part, contact occurs with the materials secondary and tertiary of the Betic Systems. Sierra Morena separates Spain Hercynian (of which it is part) of Spain Alpine.

Natural Protected Areas

Much of the area of ​​the Sierra Morena area is subject to legal protection through the declaration of Protected Natural Areas (3 natural sites and 6 natural parks). From west to east they are as follows:[1]



  1. Association for the Integral Development of the Sierra Morena Territory. «Sierra Morena - Geographic Scope of the Sierra Morena Tourist Plan». Retrieved January 6, 2011.
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