Sillustani - Sillustani

The tallest chullpa in Sillustani, about 12m high
Sillustani - Location

Sillustani is an archaeological site as well as an ancient cemetery located inPeruvian plateau.

To know

In the archaeological site of Sillustani, located about 33 km from Puno, you can see a series of impressive tombs, belonging to the Kolla culture (1200-1450), which developed in the northern part of the lake, in a place known as Hatuncolla. The tombs, you call chullpas, are buildings in the shape of inverted cone trunks, which are also found in smaller numbers in various other locations on the plateau.

Hundreds of years ago, the ancient people ofplateau who lived on the eastern shore of the lake Titicaca, built a series of burial towers to bury his and other important people in his region. The Sillustani towers are perhaps the most beautiful cylindrical buildings and the most perfect of ancient Peru, as the quality of their workmanship is not found anywhere else in the South America. A Sillustani tour will give you a better insight into the life of pre-Inca civilizations.

The name Sillustani comes from the words sillus (fingernail) e llustani (slide). Perhaps referring to the union of the blocks (chullpas) external that does not allow the passage of even a nail.

Geographical notes

Exploring the area it is possible to admire the great beauty of Umayo Lake (or Umayo lagoon) which is located at the foot of Sillustani.

How to get

Chullpa from the Inca era
Chullpa from the Tiwanaku era

By car

By car it is possible to travel the 33 km that separate Sillustani from Puno in about 45 minutes.

Some taxis can commute between the site and the highway. You can also arrange a return trip by being waiting at the exit of the site.

You could also arrange with a taxi to Puno (90 Sol with an hour of waiting, 100 Sol with 2 hours of waiting). Taking a taxi will give you the advantage of coming in the morning and seeing wild guinea pigs.

By bus

Public transport is not regular, unless you want to walk the last 14.5 km from the highway Juliaca.

Dozens of agencies in Puno offer half-day trips, departing around 2pm and returning around sunset. With prices of 25/30 Soles (entrance ticket included). 40 minutes. Most travel agencies offer the trip in the afternoon.

Permits / Rates

Admission is paid and costs 10 Soles (September 2015).

How to get around

Once you arrive at the site you can easily move on foot.

What see

  • Ruins.
  • Local fauna. wild guinea pigs, alpacas, birds.

What to do


Handicraft items

There are some stalls selling handicrafts similar to what you find at Puno.

Where to eat

On the road to Sillustani, there are typical houses where you can experience local foods, such as: cheeses, potatoes, etc.

On the site there is however a restaurant and a cafe / bar.

Where stay

Within the area it should be possible to camp.


How to keep in touch


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  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sillustani
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