Locks (Friesland) - Sloten (Friesland)

Locks is one of 11 cities in Friesland.


Travel around

To look at

Admission €1,- Children up to 12 years free. -- A flour mill from 1755 that is still in its original state. The mill runs every Saturday. There is a possibility to visit the mill, but there is also flour sale of different types of flour and packages. Info:

  • Museum stedhûs Sleat[2], Heerenwal 48, Phone: 31(0)514 531541, fax 31 (0)514 531898. [email protected] -- The old town hall now houses a museum with changing exhibitions. Visit the old council chamber here and watch a wonderful film about old Sloten.

To do

To buy


Going out

stay overnight

all around

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