Smolyan - Smoljan

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Smolyan (Смолян) is the capital of the eponymous Oblast in Bulgaria.


The municipality of Smolyan is located in the central part of southern Bulgaria, in the heart of the Rhodope Mountains. The community center - the city of Smolyan, is approx. 250 km from the capital Sofia and 100 km from the second largest city in the country - Plovdiv, which has a charter airport. Only 15 km north of Smolyan is the famous Bulgarian ski resort - Pamporovo. Beginners can choose easier slopes near the village of Momtchilovtsi, where they can also enjoy a snowboard park in winter.

The Smolyan municipality offers a wide range of opportunities for active recreation and tourism. You can discover the secrets of the mountains by visiting one of the many caves in the upper Arda river basin or the nearby village of Stojkite. A visit to the Uhlovista cave is a must. If you are a nature lover, you can choose among the hiking trails of the hiking and caving tourism zone, the upper Arda river area, the Smolyan lakes, the Hajdushki Polyani area, the villages of Stojkite and Gela.

If you're looking for the extreme adventure, try your hand at rock climbing, wild caving, and mountain biking. The visits to the caves not developed for mass tourism are announced in the tourist information centers in Smolyan, Shiroka Luka, Mogilitsa and Momtchilovtsi. Equipment and qualified guides are provided by these centers

In the Rhodope Mountains you are close to the stars. In the largest planetarium in the country - that of Smolyan - various astronomical presentations are offered throughout the year in several languages ​​(including German). Guests of the municipality can also visit the national observatory near Rozhen, 30 km from Smolyan.

You can get acquainted with the traditions and history of the Central Rhodope Mountains in Smolyan's Historical Museum. You can only feel the spirit of the Rhodope Mountains if you visit one of the old Rhodopian towns, such as the Cheshitska Mahala in the Raikovo district of Smolyan, Shiroka Luka or Mogilitsa. The contemporary architecture in the center of Smolyan impresses with the harmony between tradition, landscape and modernity.

The cultural offer also includes the national folklore competition "Rozhen sings", the international youth festival "Ohrpeus Celebrations", the "bagpipe competitions" in Shiroka Luka and Gela, Todorov day in Momchilovtsi, the bean festival in Smilyan and other traditional rural celebrations of the local communities.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

From Sofia

  • Buses depart from Sofia Central Bus Station at the following times: 8:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm
  • Buses for the return to Sofia: 6:30, 10:00, 12:30, 15:30

From Plovdiv

  • Buses depart from the Rhodope bus station in Plovdiv every hour from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Return buses run every hour from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except at 1:00 p.m.

additional Information

Further information (timetables, etc.):

  • Smolyan Bus Station Telephone: 0301/6 45 85
  • Ustovo bus station phone: 0301/6 45 85

In the street

By boat


Tourist Attractions

  • "Rock" Neviastata "(Turluka)- located west of Smolyan, told for your legend:

- Smolyan girl, one of the rebel Karadja leader girl, was requested for the woman by the local Turkish ruler. She agreed, but requested to look for the last time in his hometown before the wedding. She climbed the tallest rocks and sang. She heard a rebel. Grabbed the girl and fled. People called this rock "Neviastata" .- Most of the personal girls from the village to be saved from oppressors, they wanted to be turned to stone. Their request was heard. Since then she became a symbol of sacrifice.Girls from the village "Ezerovo" saved by conversion, threw themselves from the wall.- Maria and Stefana were daughters of Murdjio from the village Levochevo. Through their village Turks obliged to convert them to Smolyan. Passing high rocks Maria is removed and thrown on the scale. Since then the rock has been named "Neviastata". Her sister (Stefana) took Islam and the name Sabrie. Rock, considered by the locals as a symbol of the city, is home to an ancient Thracian sanctuary. The discovery was made known by archaeologist Nikola Damjanov in 2008. According to the doctrine, entire scale can be regarded as an important sanctuary, as cold pits of different shapes and sizes were discovered everywhere in it. Scientists believe that open pit at the highest point on the scale was used for fires, pouring liquid and it happened guesswork. The discovery goes back to the late Neolithic. Other Discoveries - Ceramic fragments from the Late Bronze Age found at the base of the cliff. Archaeologists believe that the sanctuary during the XV-XVI years. v. Was used. However, according to him, more studies are needed in the realm of the scale.

  • Pointed Sokolitsa- Near Smolyan:

- A young woman with a toddler at the foot of the upper be protected for the Turks protect. But she found. She links her baby and she got up and throwing. Your soul flies like a falcon and your child cries (still echoes in the higher "Sokolica") .- During the Ottoman invasion, young woman and her baby were cut down under a rock. The woman refused to shed her husband and his companions, protectors of the Bulgarians.

  • Smolyan Waterfall (Salihagovata Urwa)-Located in Sredok, in the city of Smolyan.

National commemoration of these waterfalls is related to the administration of justice governor of Smolyan Salih Aga.

  • Smolyan lakes and Hubcha source- Located northwest of Smolyan. Shepherds from Levochevo graze their cattle in the area of ​​the lake. One day black ram went out of varnish, attached to the herd, and then back again in the lake. The flock followed him. The shepherd, stopping him, threw at him his crook, which fell into the lake. One day his fiancée, who was visiting the "Hubcha" spring, brought his crook, who found her there. Since then it has become known through that one of the Smolyan lakes springs from Hubcha.
  • The fortress "Kaleto"- Sokolitsa had split a ridge from the saddle. Eastern was completed with five acute massive rocks. The highest of them is called stone, because its upper part is leveled flat. There it rises Byzantine fortress, is called by the locals "Kalyota".

During the years of the Turkish invasion in the ruins of the castle, men, women and elderly hid in "equal stone". Besieged defenders were condemned to thirst and hunger. The existing fortress was taken over.

  • Area "Chernoka"- Stronghold south of the fortress "Kaleto". In this area Smolyanchani hide during the years of the plague.
  • Girl stone in residential district Raykovo

Milica, a girl from Raikovo, who was locked in Smolyan Konak, managed to escape after Konak's company was attacked by Mircho Führer. To save from the pursuing Turks she climbed on a rock above Raikovo. The girl disappeared, but since then a stone has appeared like a female figure.

  • Pepalski Bridge; Pepalska neighborhood; Braloto in residential district Raykovo

When the Slavs settled in these countries, conforming to their lifestyle, they began to reduce the pine forests. Only a majestic fir tree was knocked hard. It came from a strange beautiful woman. In her hands she held a male child who was singing a lullaby. The woman went away, but then spring bubbled. There was a stone bridge called Pepalski that was named from her song recorded. The area across the bridge is called Pepalska. According to this legend and the name of the village that was given here was also taken from their song Raikovo by Raiko (the name of your child).

  • Bloody Wall in Ustovo district. Tradition says that this wall is colored by the blood of the young girls and brides from Ustovo, thrown from them to hold faith and honor.
  • The girl's rock- It is about 1 km from Shiroka Laka village near the road to Varbovo. Legend connects her with the beautiful Rhodope girl - Kanya. During the mass conversion to Islam to save honor and faith, they climbed the high cliff and prayed to God to turn it to stone. Before the astonished eyes of the oppressors, she would be like stone. Since then, her name remained - Kanya Yakoverska.
  • Delistoilowa rock - Near Perelik tip

The people of the Shirokolushki villages associate the name of the rock with the death of Komitata Deli Stoil. He grabbed rich and poor. Lost their human face before the sheen of gold. Extinguish houses that people drag under inhuman torture. But eventually he fell into the hands of tormented and robbed villagers, who threw him from the rock that has since borne his name.

  • The Radina Cave- Near the village of Gela. They are called the names of the local bride - Rada. It was a time when the Turks collected blood tax on these lands. The place was to collect for all boys between 6 and 8 years of age. The boy from Rada also falls into this group. Get advice on how to save your child. One advised her, cripple, paralyzed because these children do not take them on the janissaries. Heart does not give Rada to cripple your child. Rest of the hope that his son could save. In the morning went to the square together with the abbot. In the Turk who looks guys, the abbot recognized the brother of Rada - Stoyan. Flashed hope that they will be cleaned when he reminded him that he is Bulgarian, and the boy who wants to take is his nephew, his sister's only child. Turk did not listen to the words of the report and divorced him. The son of Rada was taken over, but given back to sick and crippled children. Pada angry through grief for her only child. Trapped in a cave near the village where she died. Since then this cave has been called "Radina Cave".
  • The Lednicata Cave- Located at the foot of Shirokolushki Snezhnik. Her name is associated with girl Maruda, who was kidnapped by Yurouks. She managed to kill one of his kidnappers and escape from the rest hidden in the cave. Nobody has heard from the girl since then.
  • "Location" Cradle "- Below in the shape of a truncated cone, south of the village of Shiroka Luka, between the river "Vacha" and its tributaries "Lukovica". It was forest, inhabited only by wild animals. But once a day shepherds come here with their flocks to see a fairy tied up in the thicket of a child's cradle. From here the place was called the cradle.
  • The Kralyov stone -Directly in the way to Raikovo - Chokmanovo village. According to legend, Kralyo leaders will throw serious wounded from there. He was forced to leave the field and sit down in the heart of the Rhodope Mountains. He became the protector of the Rhodope Bulgarians. After heavy fighting the rebels were killed, their leaders, not falling into the hands of the Turks, decided to throw the ridge. Faces facing the muzzles and disappeared into the abyss. Nobody knew Kralyo's leader jumped. Torn stones buried him as if to protect him. Tradition has it that when the moon is full he stood back on the stone, tall and stately, looking in his home. This peak was named "The Kralyov Stone" by the Rhodopeans.
  • The tip of Vrapovo - West of the village of Petkovo. Legend has it that a spike of spring water that mixes in three different wells in one and then disappeared into the ground. The area around the spring is called "Cherkvata". This place was inhabited and had a church. Up to the church there was a Roman fortress and the stones for its construction are made by hand.
  • The area of ​​"Inoglovo"- Located 13 km. northwest of the village of Slaveyno. The area is related to the distant past and especially with heroism and tragedy years -XIV. Century filled. The name of the area, according to some, is of Turkish origin. By tradition, the residents of the village of Slaveyno remember that all the suburbs were a gift from Mustafa from the Sultan in gratitude for his great military contributions to the state. The stories and legends from the place names and monuments of many material shows that Inoglovo would be great settlement. Rather, it consisted of four different centers related to the umbrella organizations of public importance. Such umbrella organizations were: "monasteries", several churches and chapels. The old village in Inoglovo existed until 1373 when it fell victim to the cruel Turkish invasion. Leading Turkish violence stood -Enihan Baba. Conquerors encountered stubborn resistance from local Bulgarians. National legend has it that one of the greatest battles occurred between localities "Karakolas" and "Tschil Tepe". End of "Inoglovo" must look after this battle. Toponymy adjacent areas, such as: "Tschil Tepe"; "Enichan Baba" with historical figures from XIV century. The name of the "Tschil Tepe" is associated with the name of the local leader Momchil (Tschilo - chil), and that the "Enichan Baba" comes from the leader of the Turkish-teen dead in this Battle.

The area "Kudata" is associated with the names of the last inhabitants of the village after the burning - Kudyo. After the battle with him, a wounded fighter is hiding out, known as "Kucoto" remaining. They settled in the area above the village of Slaveyno, later called Kutsoskoto.

  • Sourcing Periniga- Near the village of Momchilovtsi.

Legend connects the name of the source with the death of two lovers- Nigga and Tuntscho, who throw into the abyss to save his love. In the scene of her death, two feathers that were mentioned in her name fell.

  • Girl water- Near Momchilovtsi. The spring is named after the girl Rosica, who was kidnapped by the son of a Turkish Aga. She could kill him along the way. Good girls was sentenced to death. Where has expired, spring swarmed.
  • Ostrich farm- The farm is 6 km away from the direction of Smolyan (town) - Smilyan (village). In a picturesque place near the chapel "St. Spas", monastery "St. Athanasius" and mountain "Kralyov stone". Founded in 1999 by Dimitar Chatalbashev. The farm raised ostriches, hatching in an incubator for small ones, growing them within 3 months. As part of the project "Ostrich farming in Smolyan region - a sure path to success" on the farm, 10 unemployed young people between the ages of 18 and 29 were trained by Smolyan. For two months the youngsters were trained and went through all phases of farming ostriches, with actively participating in all activities of egg hatching, feeding and rearing ostriches. The club was founded by the young ostrich who also attracted other young people from the region. With funds from the project, the Smolyan eco path was built on the farm with ostriches. The path leads through attractive mountain areas, is appropriately marked and equipped with pavilions for a short vacation during the transition. Not far from the farm is the cave "Uhlovitsa", "Agusheviya Konak" in the village of Mogilitsa, Smilyan village with its interesting places, the source of the Arda river and other places of interest in the Rhodope Mountains.
  • New Church "St. Vissarion Smolenski"- It is in the "New Center" in Smolyan and an architectural link between neighborhoods in the city. All the new center is a chain of huge late administrative buildings that separate villages in the past merge into one town. Thin ribbons, the length of which is tens of kilometers. The place chosen for the church was once the city cemetery. Dedicated on July 2, 2006, it is the first temple in the city in 130 years. Second is the largest in Bulgaria, and occupies an area of ​​four hectares.


  • Climb in the Rhodope Mountains is a spiritual adventure in which a person can be transferred to another reality. Rocks in Smolyan Valley are associated with many myths and legends of Orpheus and Eurydice, Momchil Yunak, Bride and other local mystical legends. All of this, combined with an overwhelming panoramic view, the scent of geraniums and adrenaline that comes from above and brave steps on the scale, turn this adventure into an unforgettable one. The routes vary in difficulty for beginners and advanced.
  • Canyoning- What is it ?: You will be walking through cascades of waterfalls, hiking, abseiling, swimming and jumping in the water ... Do not worry - it is not impossible or difficult, safety is very good and at some point you will like im right sign to feel!
  • Alpine trolley-Not far from Smolyan, lovers of extreme sensations can get their adrenaline levels up with a drop of "Trolley". Trolley is alpine rope that connects the two slopes of the gorge: "Garga Dere" or "Orpheus Falls" ("Canyon Waterfalls"), or stretched over a watercourse or valley. Every adventurer who dared to fly on the rope will remember this adventure forever.
  • Rappel- Many places in the Rhodope Mountains leave unforgettable memories for Rappel! Rappel is a rope descent and abseil; You can control speed itself.
  • Via Ferrand- Via-Ferrand literally means "Iron Way". These types of roads are made for the first time in World War I, which later began to be used for recreational purposes and thus inexperienced climbers can climb the mountainous areas generally accessible only to experienced climbers. During this event you can climb the fantastic some of the most beautiful Via Ferrand in the Rhodope Mountains.
  • Caving- There are more than 2,000 caves in the country. For centuries the caves have attracted people from all over the world, religious, scientific, historical and speleological interests. Some of the most famous caves in the Rhodope Mountains:Devin Cave (Девинската пещера), Water cave "Golubovitca" (Гулобовица) , "Haramiyska" cave (Харамийска пещера), Yagodinskata Cave (Ягодинската пещера), "Dyavolskoto Garlo" cave (Дявалското гърло), The cave "Uhlovitsa" (Ухловица), Wonderful bridges (Чудните мостове).









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