Summer Esperanto Study - Somera Esperanto-Studado

SES emblem

Summer Esperanto Study (SES) is a one-week meeting aimed at learning Esperanto. It mostly occurs in Slovakia with occasional exceptions. The organizer is the Esperantist of the year 2013 - Petro Baláž from E @ I.


In its program there are traditionally Esperanto lessons at all levels in the morning (and sometimes an additional course, eg on Esperanto literature), in the afternoon various lectures, trainings and crafts by participants and in the evening a cultural program mostly with concerts. During an afternoon program there are several opportunities to continue learning and practicing Esperanto through speaking circles and other learning programs. Individual days are themed - national, sports, field trips and the like. In the middle of the week there is a full day excursion to get to know the local sights and socialize better - then there is no teaching.

United meetings

SES sometimes hosted another meeting. In 2014 the World Esperanto Vegetarian Association (TEVA) held its 1st congress in collaboration with SES in the same place. In 2018 at SES hosted Summer Esperanto Programming (SEP), as the 1st Esperanto code marathon.

SES 2021

SES 2020

  • time: 18th to 26th July 2020
  • virtual event
  • joint meeting: Summer Esperanto Programming (SEP)
  • Template: Event Service

SES 2018

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