Srirangapatnam - Srirangapatnam

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Srirangapatnam is a city in the south of Karnataka.


Besides "Srirangapatnam" there are numerous versions of the city's name such as Shrirangapattana, Srirangapattana and Srirangapatna. Times of its greatest importance were around the 9th century when the magnificent Ranganathaswamy Temple was built and from 1610 to 1799 when it was the capital of the state of Mysore. Many testimonies to this great time shape the cityscape and can be visited on foot or with a rickshaw tour. Nature lovers will get their money's worth in the Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary to the west.

Srirangapatnam is closely related to the work and fate of its two most famous residents, Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sultan connected.

getting there

Srirangapatnam is barely 15 km north of the large city of Mysore and is well connected from Mysore.

By plane

The best way to do this is via the major international airport from Srirangapatnam Bengaluru (Bangalore) attached.

By train

Srirangapatnam Railway Station is just west of Ranganathaswamy Temple.

By bus

The connection to the Mysore bus station is excellent and the connection to and from Bengaluru is also good, as Srirangapatnam is on the highway between the two major cities. The Srirangapatnam bus station is to the east of the old town 12 ° 25 ′ 16 ″ N.76 ° 41 ′ 29 ″ E.

In the street

By boat

The river Kavery, which divides into 2 arms at Srirangapatnam, which flow together again a little further, is not navigable here.


As is customary in India, individual urban local transport is served by motor rickshaws. But there are also city buses.

Tourist Attractions

Jama Masjid in Srirangapatnam
  • The City fortifications with city gates, double walls, further defenses and Col. Bailey's Dungeon, a prison for British prisoners of war in the northwest, are well preserved.
  • Jama Masjid. Near the east gate is the Jama Masjid. The mosque, with its thick and tall minarets with pigeon holes, almost reminiscent of church towers, is quite original and clearly different from most other mosques in India.
  • The very beautiful one Ranganathaswamy Vishnu Temple (late 9th century) is to the west of the fortress 12 ° 25 '30 "N.76 ° 40 ′ 48 ″ E.
  • From City Palace Tipu Sultans to the north within the fortification is not much left.
  • On the north wall of the city, east of the Water Gate, is a small memorial at the place where the dead body of Tipu Sultan was found after the British conquest of the fortress.
  • Daria Daulat Bagh. The Summer Palace is about a kilometer east of the bus station in a garden. The palace is built entirely of carved and painted wood and seems strongly of the style of the palaces Rajasthan to be inspired. Photography is prohibited inside.
  • Gumbaz. The mausoleum of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan is about 3 km east of the bus station 12 ° 24 '42 "N.76 ° 42 ′ 50 ″ E. It is similar in style to the mosque within the city walls.






There are accommodations in Srirangapatnam, but because of the proximity to Mysore you can also stay there and take the bus or train to Srirangapatnam and visit the sights as part of a day trip and - if you need a longer time - just go to another Day comes back.


Practical advice


Brave black-headed ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus) shares a small island in the Kaveri River with a crocodile. Taken at the Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary.
  • Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary. The Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary 12 ° 25 '30 "N.76 ° 39 ′ 25 ″ E is about 5 km west of the bus station. Bus 307 goes there. From the ascent point you have to walk about 1 km along fields and a canal. Here, too, you can keep your eyes open for birds, because warty bites like to look for food there. Admission to the Bird Sanctuary is around € 4 (as of the end of 2014). The same thing cost a quarter of an hour ride in a twelve-seater rowboat per person. The sanctuary is not a wilderness but a park. Only the opposite bank of the cavery and the islands are natural, apart from the sandbag fastenings. The park-side bank is paved and thus protects against the danger of crocodiles, which is visible several times. There are several colonies of Pelicans, Ibises and Cormorants.


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