Andean states - Stati andini

Andean states
Cono de Arita, Salta. (Argentina) .jpg

Andean states or Andean countries includes those countries of the continent South American located on the mountain massif of the Andes, the second highest mountain range in the world.

To know

Geographical notes

The morphology is very harsh mainly because it is formed by numerous volcanic mountain massifs, the coasts are rocky and compact in the south while in the north they are low and lagoon, so much so that in Venezuela they form the wide Maracaibo Lagoon, the largest inland lake in the South America. The climate is hot and humid around the equator, but gets colder and drier as you go north and south. The rains are scarce, especially in Chile, where the vast Atacama desert is located, where the wet currents cannot reach, due to the rocky wall that is located between the sea and it. The hydrography is not very high since the roughness of the soil means that most of the rivers do not reach the sea but stop before, creating lake mirrors including Lake Titicaca, in Bolivia, which is the highest navigable lake to the world, being at 3,812 masl


Before the arrival of the Spaniards, these areas were inhabited by the Chibcha, in the northern Andes, and by the Incas, in the southern Andes. some of which are very large, others smaller, but all with something in common that unites them: the Andes mountain range.


Map divided by regions

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Andean states
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